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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There is no reason to reject the idea that we are descended from a race that came from another planet. God created them too.

I aggree with you, have no problem with the idea of an god or it, or what you prefer to call it. 


What I have problem with, is people who claim to know the truth and the only truth. 


I had my experiences, and maybe simular to others, but I evaluate my experiences different than others, and make another explanation why they happend, and how they happend. 

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30 minutes ago, Tagged said:

had my experiences, and maybe simular to others, but I evaluate my experiences different than others, and make another explanation why they happend, and how they happend. 

But, but are you closer to the truth if you focus on your experience, or if you make an hypothetic sum of all the experiences that are possibly available.

Personally, I tend to believe that we are living in some sorts of dark ages, that there has been a golden age, and that the golden age will come again, in cycles.


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47 minutes ago, Tagged said:

I aggree with you, have no problem with the idea of an god or it, or what you prefer to call it. 


What I have problem with, is people who claim to know the truth and the only truth. 


I had my experiences, and maybe simular to others, but I evaluate my experiences different than others, and make another explanation why they happend, and how they happend. 

I always said that direct experience is the (only) key for truly understanding the ultimate reality. Of course, this leaves the door wide open for a myriad of interpretations, but then you should look at the commonalities that unite those interpretations. While I agree that they don't offer definite proof one way or another (The God that can be explained, is not a true God), it should be taken into serious consideration. 

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32 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

But, but are you closer to the truth if you focus on your experience, or if you make an hypothetic sum of all the experiences that are possibly available.

Personally, I tend to believe that we are living in some sorts of dark ages, that there has been a golden age, and that the golden age will come again, in cycles.


How can you trust your experiences, when you know how easy you are to be manipulatet? 


I know many of the daily choiches I make, is not pure mine, but in a mix of everything that influence you from internet, tv, news, magazines, radio, surraundings, and people as family


Some choose to meditate in to a zero state, where you allow you to connect to your innerselves, but still, It is yourselves you will hear/see/feel, even in a zero state, there is small bubbles of thoughts popping in and out. Others will say they meet good, have contact with god, and I have to respect that, but I do not need to agree? 


when you hear teachers and preachers you have trust in, they can take you far out there, and convince you of a different reality you even thought existed, right? And those who think they are not open to it, should go and try how easy it is for those who master the teqhniques to lead you in to a path you never thought existed. I have been there as I said before, and also took my time to read myeself up on the theme after the experiences. Also how our own chemicals play a huge role in our lives, and how it flow free in our brain after stimulation, energizing you, or drain you. Some experiences can give you a negativ imbalance as well. Chemicals is easiest released  by food, sex, exercise, social gatherings, meditation and so on. For some it is better in groups, for others alone. We are all different. 


So for me it all comes down to myself and my innerselves, and there migth be a god or devil there guiding me or both (for sure two sides, or even three of me to make me balanced), who knows, but I choose to trust my experiences, what I have learned trough my life, and trust my nature. 


Or I could jump on the train, and start convincing people what I see, what I experience, how I experience it, and start naming god as my tool, or gods for that sake. 


I know i can manipulate myselves to be happy, and I can manipulate myselves to be depressed. And I can manipulate myself to care, or not care. Easy, everyone can do it, and in fact everyone should start manipulating themselves to be more open and happy. No trick at all, but it takes some time and  effort, a good plan, and a good system to get there. Some choose to name it Cognetive thinking and or mindfullness. But be careful, there is ratholes and people who only want to squise money out of you for systems they have worked out purely to control, manipulate and exploit lost souls. So many of those yoga centers we find world wide who claim they have the best intentions for you, but really not, and it is purely exploiting people who is lost on their way to find the truth. Quite a impressive industry, with volounteers, classes, gatherings, books, movies, social media, and more. They brake you down to become a slave for their interests. 


They say it takes 65 days to change habits, and first then you will start the long progress of healing or improve yourselves. Since it takes so long time, most give up before they even started, so pure motivation for doing something good for yourselves is always the best start. 


Another rant For the marks ???? 

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I'm just reading a book by William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) called "The Razor's Edge".

I found this passage yesterday and I think it's relevant to the discussion at hand. A nice synchronicity...
Larry is telling William about his experience he had while on a mountain top waiting for the sun to rise. He describes it as a very profound experience that made him feel one with everything there is.
William then asks him.

"What makes you think that it was anything more than a hypnotic condition induced by your state of mind combined with the solitude, the mystery of the dawn and the burnished steel of your lake?"
Larry answers:
"Only my overwhelming sense of its reality. After all it was an experience of the same order as mystics have had all over the world through all the centuries. Brahmins in India, Sufis in Persia, Catholics in Spain, Protestants in New England; and so far as they've been able to describe it in similar terms. It's impossible to deny the fact of its occurrence; the only difficulty is to explain it. If I was for a moment one with the Absolute or if it was an inrush from the subconscious of an affinity with the universal spirit which is latent in all of us, I wouldn't know."



"Isn't it at least possible that these experiences of oneness with Reality that so many diverse persons have had, point to a development in the human consciousness of a sixth sense which in the far, far future will be common to all men so that they may have as direct a perception of the Absolute as we have now of the objects of senses?"



I'm glad to know I'm not alone in thinking like this. ???? 

PS: The are also 2 film versions of this book for those who don't have time to read it. Haven't watched them, so can't say if they are any good. One is from 1984, starring Bill Murray as Larry. That could be interesting....

Edited by Sunmaster
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I can understand why this thread is so long. The question; 'Do you believe in God and why?' is relevant to the past history of humanity, and the future progress of humanity, especially when you consider the ramifications and influences of the nature of 'belief' in general, which all of us have to deal with.


For example, 'Do you believe in 'Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming' (CAGW)?'; 'Do you belief that natural, herbal remedies, and practices such as Acapuncture and Homeopathy, can be more effective than Pharmaceutical products?'; 'Do you believe that the best method of determining the truth is through 'repeated experimentation under controlled conditions' (the scientific method)?', and so on, and so on.


The question, 'Do you believe in God?' is easily answered with a 'yes' or 'no', or 'undecided'. The answer to the question, 'Why?' is extremely convoluted and complex and involves the entire history of human knowledge.


This entire thread is a mere blip in the trillions of thoughts and discussions throughout the history of mankind, which have attempted to address this, and related issues. ????

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On 9/17/2020 at 7:34 AM, mauGR1 said:

but that doesn't weaken my impression that there must be a source, an intelligent thought, or an everlasting consciousness, you name it.

Sure it may be.

Of course until  proven it remains a probability, among many others.

Each one having its own followers/disciples.

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13 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:



This entire thread is a mere blip in the trillions of thoughts and discussions throughout the history of mankind, which have attempted to address this, and related issues. ????

Is there anyone at all, who never had any thoughts about it at all? Never been in doubt?


I could imagine some liverpool fans, but even they must had some ideas or thoughts about it, before they got radicalized and went completely off track

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1 hour ago, Tagged said:

Is there anyone at all, who never had any thoughts about it at all? Never been in doubt?


I could imagine some liverpool fans, but even they must had some ideas or thoughts about it, before they got radicalized and went completely off track

Those of us who have been brought up in a skeptical environment might assume that there is no-one who has never been in doubt. However, I'm doubtful that there has never been anyone in doubt. ????


It's possible that the religious aversion to doubt is so strong in some cultures, that any doubt experienced by any child is completely suppressed in the subconscious, and they are never aware of having experienced any doubt.

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14 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

Those of us who have been brought up in a skeptical environment might assume that there is no-one who has never been in doubt. However, I'm doubtful that there has never been anyone in doubt. ????


It's possible that the religious aversion to doubt is so strong in some cultures, that any doubt experienced by any child is completely suppressed in the subconscious, and they are never aware of having experienced any doubt.

Clever ????

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19 hours ago, VincentRJ said:

It's possible that the religious aversion to doubt is so strong in some cultures, that any doubt experienced by any child is completely suppressed in the subconscious, and they are never aware of having experienced any doubt.

Well, I believe that everything is possible, but if it's true that doubt is a clear symptom of intelligence, to find someone who is so totally brainwashed to be free of doubts, would be not so easy.

Unless you're talking about clones..

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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

Well, I believe that everything is possible, but if it's true that doubt is a clear symptom of intelligence, to find someone who is so totally brainwashed to be free of doubts, would be not so easy.

Unless you're talking about clones..

It made me think of Socrates, and think I have to find some to read again from and about him. Good sign. Thank you 



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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

Well, I believe that everything is possible, but if it's true that doubt is a clear symptom of intelligence, to find someone who is so totally brainwashed to be free of doubts, would be not so easy.

Unless you're talking about clones..

Or perhaps members of ISIS. ????

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9 minutes ago, Tagged said:

It made me think of Socrates, and think I have to find some to read again from and about him. Good sign. Txhank you 



He's very underrated if you ask me.

Actually you gave me a good idea of how to kill some time on this rainy day.

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3 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Yes, I understand I'm speaking to the wall here.  But do keep your hopes up.

It's not "my/our" hope...just the facts of the progress. Whether it's ever accomplished matters not to me. Why does even the possibility trouble you so? 


Forget the wall...talk to the ????️

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