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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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6 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:


There are fields and waves, and microscopic particles, like electrons and photons, are seen to oscillate between being a particle and a wave in the quantum 'two slit' experiments. However, the macroscopic world could be different. I suspect the waves and disturbances occur only within the macroscopic object.

Obv's........no one knows for sure, as all good scientists will say everything is only a theory.........but these 'particles' seem to be just localized disturbances in their own fields ......they may behave like discrete particles but they aren't tiny billard balls.......just localized disturbances that behave like tiny billard balls.......but as I say......all just theory.


It is hard to imagine, if you think about, that there could be particles.......they would have to be made of stuff......and what would that stuff made from........even more particles? (which seems to be the case for protons, neutrons etc, but of course they are made from quarks.....which are ......localised disturbances of their own fields.....)....Physics is a nightmare 

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noun: hubris

excessive pride or self-confidence.

"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"












feeling of superiority






(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.


I'd like to have some opinions about "hubris " ,just for fun.

Does the people in some countries,  or geographical area, have more or less "hubris " ?

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54 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

noun: hubris

excessive pride or self-confidence.

"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"












feeling of superiority






(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.


I'd like to have some opinions about "hubris " ,just for fun.

Does the people in some countries,  or geographical area, have more or less "hubris " ?

I remember being called several of these words by a poster on this thread, but after being put on notice by the mods, he doesn't post anymore. 

Can't say that I miss him. ????

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2 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

noun: hubris

excessive pride or self-confidence.

"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"












feeling of superiority






(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.


I'd like to have some opinions about "hubris " ,just for fun.

Does the people in some countries,  or geographical area, have more or less "hubris " ?

I find Thais to be fairly modest. Their religion is a way of life and that seems to help in terms of believing they are part of something bigger.  

As religions become less, the young may think there's no god to punish them or that karma is not the reality, and  hubris  can take hold and they may initially  forget what it is to care and be careful based on fear. The lack of teaching the positives of religion too may leave a gap in peoples feeling of community. It's up to the non religious to replace the fear of retribution and the good parts of religion with good reasons to be fair and helpful and nice. There's always death and potential illness to bring people back to earth.  

Better I think to learn good from bad through life experience, and known reality, than by faith based teaching based on fear and hope. 

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11 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Better I think to learn good from bad through life experience, and known reality, than by faith based teaching based on fear and hope. 

I'll go for a mix of both faith and acceptance of physical reality, but thanks for the well-reasoned post.

Actually I believe in karma, even if it's difficult to fully understand how it works, and faith and logic are both contributing to that belief. 



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On 6/20/2021 at 6:29 PM, VincentRJ said:

I think the implication is that our survival, well-being, prosperity and progressive understanding in science and technology, depends upon the precise definition of the terms we use, (except for entertainment of course.  ???? )


The problem with the 'God' issue, is that there is no precise definition, therefore there is no possibility of science ever proving or disproving its existence. If you define God as simply 'everything', then of course God exists, because everything that exists must exist, by definition.

Of course it would be nice if you could apply your desire for rigorous definitions to the things you are debating on this "God thread", and not just for the science related stuff.


While the word "God" can mean countless things for countless people, one must understand that it is just a collective term used to describe the highest state of consciousness. 

This state has been described in all cultures and all time periods, and has been reached through a number of different ways (sex, music, dancing, entheogenic substances, prayer, contemplation and meditation...). 

The way you approach the "God" issue just shows that your knowledge about this topic is lacking at best. And I'm not even talking about personal experience. I'm talking about basic knowledge of states of consciousness. 

There isn't just a conscious and an unconscious state that you can switch on and off, but up to 20 different states (depending on who classified them) that flow from one to another and often overlap each other. 


Ecstatic peak experiences are uncommon of course, but not as rare as one might think.

Also, not all moments of ecstasy are automatically accompanied by a sense of the divine, but all spiritual revelations include a certain degree of physical and emotional ecstasy. 

What one experiences during such intense moments is impossible to fully convey in words, because during such a state of consciousness, thinking (and therefore language) are bypassed. In fact, thought and language are obstacles for the attainment of the highest state. So are cultural and biological attachments ("I am a Christian", "I am this body").

What happens is that only after the direct experience has subsided, one can attempt to integrate the gained insights and frame them into words, symbols and abstract concepts. Only then the experience becomes "God"...for a lack of a better word.


So, it would be advisable to first gain some basic knowledge of the topic one is trying to debate, or risk to look foolish. The thread is not "There is no scientific evidence for the existence of God. Prove me wrong.", nor is it "Science VS Spirituality". 


To use the story about the university I wrote earlier, maybe try to enter the building and have a  look around instead of standing outside with your megaphone shouting "There is nothing inside this building!" ????

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For those curious and open minded  enough (I'm thinking @Fat is a type of crazy), I will add some excerpts from a book called "The Highest State of Consciousness" by John White. I recommend reading the book.




What is the highest state of consciousness? St. Paul called it “the peace that passeth understanding” and R. M. Bucke named it “cosmic consciousness.” In Zen Buddhism, the term for it is satori or kensho, while in yoga it is samadhi or moksha, and in Taoism, “the absolute Tao.” Thomas Merton used the phrase “transcendental unconscious” to describe it; Abraham Maslow coined the term “peak experience”; Sufis speak of fana. Gurdjieff labeled it “objective consciousness” while the Quakers call it “the Inner Light.” Jung referred to individuation, and Buber spoke of the I-Thou relationship. But whatever the name for this old and well-known phenomenon—enlightenment, illumination, liberation, mystical experience—all are concerned with a state of awareness radically different from our ordinary understanding, our normal waking consciousness, our everyday mind. Furthermore, all are agreed in calling it the highest state of consciousness: a self-transforming perception of one’s total union with the infinite. It is beyond time and space. It is an experience of the timelessness which is eternity, of unlimited unity with all creation. One’s socially conditioned sense of “me” is shattered and swept away by a new definition of the self, the I. In that redefinition of self, I equals all mankind, all life and the universe. The usual ego boundaries break down, as the ego passes beyond the limits of the body and suddenly becomes one with all that has being. The self becomes integrated with what Emerson called the Oversoul (and possibly what Arthur Clarke in Childhood’s End called the Overmind.) Self becomes selfless, ego is seen to be an illusion, and the ego game ends." (from "The Highest State of Consciousness" by John White

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"This mode of self-understanding (Peak experience, awakening) may come dramatically, as with St. Paul on the road to Damascus, or it may come with no apparent outward sign of the inner drama. But the resulting experience has been uniform around the world and throughout history. By their own testimony, the “illuminati”—people who have experienced the highest state of consciousness—have felt the deepest sense of peace with others and harmony with the world. They comprehend the universe, as Dante wrote at the end of The Divine Comedy, to be moving to the power of Love. They perceive a cosmic plan, a moral order, to the seeming chaos and accident of stellar gas and intergalactic dust. They see, with Hamlet, “a divinity that shapes our ends.” This is the “god” (or Buddha or Tao or Brahma) of countless religions and philosophies." (from "The Highest State of Consciousness" by John White)

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On 6/19/2021 at 5:26 PM, Fat is a type of crazy said:

You believe what you believe and say that the truth about god comes from personal experience. Not something that can be debated but it's fine.


In this post you say you know many people who have experienced their past lives while living now and in much detail. That should be provable - speaking different languages, verifiable facts about locations and people in the past or just giving a detailed description of the way of life. Forget the word science if it turns you off. Just get them to be tested by someone objective. One might suggest if they remember their past lives they should have many details rather than just 'I lived in Rome and wore a toga'. 

You say there was something in the house and it left. Your claim. Now let's see your evidence.


 If it's true it's true and you should have evidence.

Truth doesn't mean some vague videos where a hippy said he was a dog or one of those dodgy ghost hunter shows. 

I am somewhat amused by your comments about people proving their knowledge of their past lives.....prove it to whom? You with your skepticism? People who have experienced these things have no reason to validate anything to anybody. They know what they experienced, and that is that. I could talk to you for an hour or more about phenomena I have experienced in various countries.....but what would be the point if your mind is closed.

As for the things in people’s houses......I know what happened etc, but why would I waste my time and energy trying to explain to you? I know what happened, and when I returned to their house they told me that the ghost/entity was gone. Their words, not mine. One guy who was actually owner of a landscape gardening business who we employed to handle a few gardens and mansions the church owned.....we were talking one day and he brought up about something in his house....even said his friends would come over for a football game and beers, and they said to him, “There is something here in your house, we can feel it.” He mentioned that he and his wife had talked about this themselves. So I asked him if he would like me to come over and see if I can get it to leave, and he said Yes. So I rolled over with another minister, I am also an ordained minister. We moved through the house praying and carrying lit candles, and told the ghost/entity it was okay to leave etc. A few weeks later the man was at our properties, and while talking I asked him about the entity. He said it was gone from the day we were there. I was happy to hear that. He offered me money, but I told him he could give some to the spiritual based church if he wished.

Now here’s one that will blow your mind. I was having lunch at the church building with some fellow ministers, and I recounted some of my experiences with entities.....this isn’t anything unusual to us, and one lady told me she was working to get an entity to leave and it physically bit her on the shoulder.....it scared her and she ran out of the house. Now this was a new one for me, I had no idea they could physically attack you.

I have lots more stories around these things, but I’m not here to entertain you. But just understand that what you see here is what is called “the ten percent level.” There are things going on all the time which most people have no awareness of at all. There are also people, men and women who can see and do things beyond the average person’s understanding here on the earth. Skepticism is fine.....but keep fifty percent of your mind open otherwise all these things will pass you by.


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33 minutes ago, Mansell said:

I am somewhat amused by your comments about people proving their knowledge of their past lives.....prove it to whom? You with your skepticism? People who have experienced these things have no reason to validate anything to anybody. They know what they experienced, and that is that. I could talk to you for an hour or more about phenomena I have experienced in various countries.....but what would be the point if your mind is closed.

As for the things in people’s houses......I know what happened etc, but why would I waste my time and energy trying to explain to you? I know what happened, and when I returned to their house they told me that the ghost/entity was gone. Their words, not mine. One guy who was actually owner of a landscape gardening business who we employed to handle a few gardens and mansions the church owned.....we were talking one day and he brought up about something in his house....even said his friends would come over for a football game and beers, and they said to him, “There is something here in your house, we can feel it.” He mentioned that he and his wife had talked about this themselves. So I asked him if he would like me to come over and see if I can get it to leave, and he said Yes. So I rolled over with another minister, I am also an ordained minister. We moved through the house praying and carrying lit candles, and told the ghost/entity it was okay to leave etc. A few weeks later the man was at our properties, and while talking I asked him about the entity. He said it was gone from the day we were there. I was happy to hear that. He offered me money, but I told him he could give some to the spiritual based church if he wished.

Now here’s one that will blow your mind. I was having lunch at the church building with some fellow ministers, and I recounted some of my experiences with entities.....this isn’t anything unusual to us, and one lady told me she was working to get an entity to leave and it physically bit her on the shoulder.....it scared her and she ran out of the house. Now this was a new one for me, I had no idea they could physically attack you.

I have lots more stories around these things, but I’m not here to entertain you. But just understand that what you see here is what is called “the ten percent level.” There are things going on all the time which most people have no awareness of at all. There are also people, men and women who can see and do things beyond the average person’s understanding here on the earth. Skepticism is fine.....but keep fifty percent of your mind open otherwise all these things will pass you by.


I liked the positivity of your posts..and of course you don't have to prove a thing. It is not to prove it to some guy on Thaivisa, but if provable, to change the world. So I can get a bit defensive about big claims and think .. don't talk about it .. prove it. If someone claims they are reincarnated  it seems particularly provable . If it's not provable you could ask yourself if you can be sure it is a thing. I guess life isn't that simple.

I feel sometimes my posts can come across a bit black and white and I don't mean for that to be the case. 

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20 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

If it's not provable you could ask yourself if you can be sure it is a thing. I guess life isn't that simple.

Having been through a few logic-defying experiences,  I have no problem believing everything @Mansell says.

Nobody's going to bring you the supernatural on a plate, so don't wait for any proof....you got a good advice, open your mind at least 50% and you are guaranteed,  soon or later, to reconsider and adjust your vision of reality.


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On 6/21/2021 at 11:49 AM, VincentRJ said:

This is what I wrote: "In other words, there are no two objects in the world that are truly and completely identical."


Is an electron an object? Is an electron matter, like an atom or molecule?


The following Wikipedia article states: "In classical physics and general chemistry, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume."


Searching the internet, I find it frequently mentioned that the Electron is a point-particle which has zero volume and no internal structure, although it does have a very tiny mass that is 1/1836 the mass of the proton. The mass is due to the electron's interaction with the Higgs field. Photons don't interact with the Higgs field, and therefore have no mass.


However, the Wiki article, in its summary, mentions there is no broad consensus on the definition of matter.

"The modern conception of matter has been refined many times in history, in light of the improvement in knowledge of just what the basic building blocks are, and in how they interact. The term "matter" is used throughout physics in a bewildering variety of contexts: for example, one refers to "condensed matter physics", "elementary matter", "partonic" matter, "dark" matter, "anti"-matter, "strange" matter, and "nuclear" matter. In discussions of matter and antimatter, normal matter has been referred to as common matter. It is fair to say that in physics, there is no broad consensus as to a general definition of matter, and the term "matter" usually is used in conjunction with a specifying modifier."




Wow! This is similar to the problem of no precise definition of God. ????

I agree that no two objects are exactly the same in terms of their energy levels etc.. given that a 1 kg object contains more molecules than there are stars in the observable universe, and every molecule has different rotational and vibration energies, then as you say, it would be impossible for two objects to be in the exact same state.


I was just pointing out that on the more fundamental level particles are identical in terms of their mass and charge. What strikes me is that although the proton and electron are very much different in terms of their masses, their charges are exactly equal but opposite, and this would indicate that the total charge of the universe is zero. Some physicists believe the total energy of the universe is also zero hence the zero energy universe, but I know a few people on this thread don't like the idea of a universe from nothing. ????   

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On 6/21/2021 at 11:54 AM, Surelynot said:

Just to throw a Spaniard in the works there is no matter per se.......only fields and waves/disturbances in those fields. 

I watched a talk by Roger Penrose the other day where he showed that mass and frequency (or wavelength) are essentially the same. When an electron and a positron (anti-electron) collide, the result of the collision is the annihilation of the electron and positron and the creation of two gamma rays. Energy is conserved in the process so energy in is equal to energy out. Before the two particles collide, the total energy is given by:


Where m is the mass and c is the speed of light.

After the collision the total energy is given by:


Where h is the Plank's constant and f is the frequency.

If you combine these two equations we have:


And since c and h are constants, then mass is equal to frequency, and since frequency is proportional to wavelength then all particles with mass have a wavelength which we call the de broglie wavelength.




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6 hours ago, Elad said:

I agree that no two objects are exactly the same in terms of their energy levels etc.. given that a 1 kg object contains more molecules than there are stars in the observable universe, and every molecule has different rotational and vibration energies, then as you say, it would be impossible for two objects to be in the exact same state.


I was just pointing out that on the more fundamental level particles are identical in terms of their mass and charge. What strikes me is that although the proton and electron are very much different in terms of their masses, their charges are exactly equal but opposite, and this would indicate that the total charge of the universe is zero. Some physicists believe the total energy of the universe is also zero hence the zero energy universe, but I know a few people on this thread don't like the idea of a universe from nothing. ????   

Are talking about Lawrence Krauss' "Universe from nothing "?


Seems like the only thing that amounts to zero is his theory. Not even his fellow atheists buddies support his claims.

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8 hours ago, Elad said:

Some physicists believe the total energy of the universe is also zero hence the zero energy universe, but I know a few people on this thread don't like the idea of a universe from nothing. ????   

We still have 50% probabilities that all of this is the work of an intelligent design,  and 50% probabilities it happened "by chance".

My bet, the intelligent design doesn't just know every law of physics, but can change them, and even create them.????

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On 6/21/2021 at 9:05 PM, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Fair point. Today's post is not to prove or disprove god. It is just an exercise in logic. Something to think about for 5 minutes  in between doing my job. And what else is there to post about. Most posts on this site are constant whining about the covid response by government. Someone says something the same as yesterday and the day before and gets 50 likes.


The post I referred to gave reasons why people might believe in god and I gave reasons as to why these reasons might not amount to much. The aim is not to prove god doesn't exist but just to set aside reasons that people think are evidence of his existence so the argument can move to a more interesting discussion. I concur that just saying god doesn't exist is as boring as someone saying I believe in god with no further detail or nuance.

My reply to that is The aim is not to prove god does exist but just to set aside reasons that people think are evidence of his non existence so the argument can move to a more interesting discussion.

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7 hours ago, Elad said:

I watched a talk by Roger Penrose the other day where he showed that mass and frequency (or wavelength) are essentially the same. When an electron and a positron (anti-electron) collide, the result of the collision is the annihilation of the electron and positron and the creation of two gamma rays. Energy is conserved in the process so energy in is equal to energy out. Before the two particles collide, the total energy is given by:


Where m is the mass and c is the speed of light.

After the collision the total energy is given by:


Where h is the Plank's constant and f is the frequency.

If you combine these two equations we have:


And since c and h are constants, then mass is equal to frequency, and since frequency is proportional to wavelength then all particles with mass have a wavelength which we call the de broglie wavelength.




I don't get what that has to with God, but if one is saying that everything is just made of molecules I think that is well understood. In essence everything we are and see is just electricity in motion.

I see no conflict between that and the existence of God.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

see no conflict between that and the existence of God.

Same here, no conflict at all.

Yet, I'm starting to think that there could be a conspiracy to create a conflict between "hard science " and free imagination ????


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On 6/22/2021 at 1:50 PM, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Better I think to learn good from bad through life experience, and known reality, than by faith based teaching based on fear and hope. 

That should be "religious teaching based on fear and hope".

In my experience of faith there is neither fear nor hope. There is nothing to fear and one knows rather than hopes.

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On 6/21/2021 at 11:25 PM, Surelynot said:

Obv's........no one knows for sure, as all good scientists will say everything is only a theory.........but these 'particles' seem to be just localized disturbances in their own fields ......they may behave like discrete particles but they aren't tiny billard balls.......just localized disturbances that behave like tiny billard balls.......but as I say......all just theory.


It is hard to imagine, if you think about, that there could be particles.......they would have to be made of stuff......and what would that stuff made from........even more particles? (which seems to be the case for protons, neutrons etc, but of course they are made from quarks.....which are ......localised disturbances of their own fields.....)....Physics is a nightmare 

Go down far enough into the building blocks of life and the question has to occur as to where the most basic part of "reality" comes from.

That's a problem for those without belief in God, but no problem at all for believers.

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On 6/22/2021 at 1:49 PM, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Do you think a new representation of god is coming. I wonder if he would be dissapointed with how things turned out. I am interested what resonates with you about what he says.

Just interested, but why do you think God has human emotions such as disappointment?


Among the uncountable stars and planets and life forms of the universe there must be countless disasters as entire planetary systems fall into black holes, stars run out of fuel etc etc. All part of intelligent design, IMO.


IMO it's a nonsense to ascribe human emotions to the creator of the universe.

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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just interested, but why do you think God has human emotions such as disappointment?


Among the uncountable stars and planets and life forms of the universe there must be countless disasters as entire planetary systems fall into black holes, stars run out of fuel etc etc. All part of intelligent design, IMO.


IMO it's a nonsense to ascribe human emotions to the creator of the universe.

I meant the person talking not god. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Go down far enough into the building blocks of life and the question has to occur as to where the most basic part of "reality" comes from.

That's a problem for those without belief in God, but no problem at all for believers.

Fields of gold......that is all there is.....555

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10 hours ago, Elad said:

I watched a talk by Roger Penrose the other day where he showed that mass and frequency (or wavelength) are essentially the same. When an electron and a positron (anti-electron) collide, the result of the collision is the annihilation of the electron and positron and the creation of two gamma rays. Energy is conserved in the process so energy in is equal to energy out. Before the two particles collide, the total energy is given by:


Where m is the mass and c is the speed of light.

After the collision the total energy is given by:


Where h is the Plank's constant and f is the frequency.

If you combine these two equations we have:


And since c and h are constants, then mass is equal to frequency, and since frequency is proportional to wavelength then all particles with mass have a wavelength which we call the de broglie wavelength.




Mass is just a bound up form of energy.....and energy is just a concept.....????


The de broglie (pronounced "de broy" to avoid embarrassment) wavelength is all but meaningless in everyday 'macro' life, but at the subatomic level it smears out the existence of a 'particle'.....more evidence that everything is just waves......???

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21 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Having been through a few logic-defying experiences,  I have no problem believing everything @Mansell says.

Nobody's going to bring you the supernatural on a plate, so don't wait for any proof....you got a good advice, open your mind at least 50% and you are guaranteed,  soon or later, to reconsider and adjust your vision of reality.


Thank you for your sane comments. If these things were easily provable there wouldn’t be any reasons for people to open their consciousness to new things. You and I both know what we know through our personal experiences. So there isn’t any debate....we just move forward in our lives experiencing amazing and sometimes scary things.....but we grow with each one. Safe journey, brother.

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I sent an  article from a New Zealand newspaper to a friend with whom I'd worked  for  a dozen years.     I know he's religious and the article was I thought void of politics and  or anything  controversial.


He sent back this reply to me:


"Hi XXXX, in this world, even though I turned my back to it and my Lord and Savior for nearly ten years, this is the only real truth, the only news and truth that matters in the end. My prayer is for you to receive the free gift of a merciful ,gracious and loving Savior! When one receives true forgiveness from sin, by realizing that “all” have sinned and asking forgiveness,expressing true  repentance and believing In Christ, can one have true Peace, and a Biblical understanding of what is happening today! 
I am seriously hoping and praying  that your heart and mind are ready to accept this free gift of “eternal life” of joy and happiness—the alternative is “eternal life “ of  never ending suffering !
Well  XXXX,  that’s my true feeling of this world’s news reporting! “
I find his attitude unfortunate and uncaring for others.
I wonder how some religions convince followers that their's is the one and only true religion?    That remains a mystery to me.
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12 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:
I find his attitude unfortunate and uncaring for others.
I wonder how some religions convince followers that their's is the one and only true religion?    That remains a mystery to me.

I wouldn't say that's an "unfortunate and uncaring" attitude, although perhaps there's some naivety in trying to convince others when we find something which we think is worth to let everyone know. 

When i became a vegetarian, I was pestering everyone around me for a year or so, before understanding that the people were getting annoyed .

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37 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:

I wonder how some religions convince followers that their's is the one and only true religion?    That remains a mystery to me

All organized religions use the same tactic to exert control on their followers.

That is what they are all about.

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