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Elon Musk to face defamation lawsuit for calling Thai cave rescuer “pedo guy”


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Musk is many things, as stated in a number of the posts here, but he's not stupid; completely the opposite in fact.


I have therefore long-pondered why Musk used an epithet like "pedo" to characterise Vern, when he could have chosen a heap of other derogatory terms as some kind of riposte.


Musk has never lived in Thailand and would not know the difference between Pattaya (what he calls Pattaya Beach), and Chiang Mai, which he also refers to, unless he is being fed bullets to shoot by a person or persons more familiar with the Thailand environment.


In trying to find an answer to this puzzling conundrum, it seems to me that the plaintiff may have something hidden in a murky past.  No one, other than the plaintiff, knows for sure.


That said, I believe Musk may well be on a hiding to nothing.

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So to be "interesting"you have to do "bad" things?
Do you always read without context?

I said i believe mr unsworth doesn't have much dirt to dig up as not everyone here has a sketchy lifestyle. In fact, most of us don't, and just living here doesn't mean there's dirt to dig up about you.

So i am not sure why people here thing that unsworth will regret standing up against that that maniac.

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29 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:
58 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

Since Musk is rich and Unsworth is not, Musk will spend him into the ground with motions of all kinds and, if he loses, appeals, possibly even countersuits.  Unsworth can't win against a pile of cash like Musk's.  Although Musk did defame him, the suit is ill-considered as his lawyer should have advised him.

What you say seems worthy of note but the issue about the lawyer advising him is open to argument. Yes perhaps he should have advised him differently but like all lawyers isn't it their foremost intention to make money for themselves so a long drawn out litigious case is beneficial to them ?

Edited 26 minutes ago by geoffbezoz


not to forget that sometimes lawyers take on certain cases for the public exposure value

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19 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

He might be not stupid, but he's arrogant. And arrogance even took the Beatles down.

Look at the war he started woth the SEC in America...

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paul leaving the band to promote his own music splintered the beatles

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Both are equally foolish. Unsworth being under tremendous pressure shouldn’t be an excuse for simply IGNORING a delusional rescue “solution”. And if not, Musk in a state of pre-burnout from his 80-hour weeks (which may explain his impulsive Trumpesque tweets) should have had the grandeur to simply IGNORE Unsworth’s vulgar provocation...


As a SOLUTION, how about a settlement involving:


- the rapid expansion of Superchargers all over Thailand for the Model 3 available for order here since early last month. EVs become the new cool and Musk lobbies the Thai government to put in place draconian measures against all idiots who pollute unnecessarily by modifying their vehicles;


- Musk provides the funding and possibly the technology for ALL THAI FARMERS to efficiently harvest their crop WITHOUT THE NEED FOR BURNING BEFORE THE NEXT BURNING SEASON;


- Musk also provides the funding and (drone?) technology to dissuade/apprehend arsonist mushroom pickers.


-  There are NO LOSERS as EVERYBODY WINS, the two men can show the world they’ve now graduated to gentlemen status and Unsworth goes down in history as a double hero. (Anybody here who knows him personally, please forward this suggestion to him.)

Edited by Dek Somboon
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5 hours ago, racket said:

I hope Musk wins and that Unsworth ends up paying Elon for the stupid comments he made. That would be really fun to see! 


I forgot the details of the spat between the two.      Didn't Mr. Unsworth say something about Mr. Musk's small submarine that hurt Musk's feelings and then Musk shot back with remarks that hurt Unsworth feelings.


Isn't that the gist of the matter?


I'd say move on with more important matters.



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2 hours ago, OJAS said:

Just as well for Musk, then, that this isn't a Thai criminal defamation lawsuit - which might have resulted in him being banged up in the Bangkok Hilton for an exceedingly long stretch!


In Thailand he could have bought himself out of trouble. In California he can't.

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One would expect Unsworth to win, but in our World the term "Capital Punishment" refers to - If you have Capital you won't be Punished! Should Unsworth get his justice reward I hope he helps the "Boys" families and the Boys financially, as it would not need to be all that much due to the cost of living in this Beautiful Country,

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6 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

By the time a ruling is finalised he will be living on Mars by then

I thought he was already......serious for a brilliant guy he should have not blown his fuse. It’s tried in California?


... maybe they can have him do about 1 year hard labor in a Thai prison....and pay up. Hope Unsworth gets a boat load of money and enjoy life to its fullest or is it Foolist for Musk...

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7 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Tesla and spacex shareholders will make enough pressure on him todo that prolly, yes. 


Good job mr unsworth, stick it to the rich boy club. 

And then? At the end he wouldn't care about any sentence. 

It's just to fill newspapers, That's all. 

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7 hours ago, racket said:

I hope Musk wins and that Unsworth ends up paying Elon for the stupid comments he made. That would be really fun to see! 


Are you expecting anybody to accept that you were voicing a serious opinion?


Musk is an egomaniac who seems to believe his wealth protects him from the law.


His settlement with the SEC supports that view.




So far his only achievements appear to involve getting investors to part with their cash - nothing else!

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38 minutes ago, manarak said:


Musk rightfully faces legal action for these comments, the only sad thing is that other loudmouthes can get away with insulting others. there should be a fine for all of them.

That's almost hilarious. You list your user type as "gagged free thinker", implying that you're some "free thinker" whose noble ideas are gagged/prohibited by some unknown but powerful, cultural force, yet you cry about people "getting away with insulting others". You go on to say that such people should be fined, just for insulting others.


It gets better though. Your .sig says, "JE SUIS CHARLIE ... SEND THE LEGION AGAINST ISIS", the Je suis Charlie (I am Charlie) referencing solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo journalists who were murdered for, wait for it; "insulting others". Oh the hypocrisy!

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Are you expecting anybody to accept that you were voicing a serious opinion?
Musk is an egomaniac who seems to believe his wealth protects him from the law.
His settlement with the SEC supports that view.
So far his only achievements appear to involve getting investors to part with their cash - nothing else!

Oh come on Elon is the most inspiring person on the planet. If anyone is going to get man on Mars it's him.

Now, his tweeting on the other hand is as far as I see his way of letting off steam and enjoying himself. But he does seem to get carried away by it all. I do think he is egged on a bit by his minions that like and retweet everything the guy says.

It suggests to me that maybe the guy although vastly wealthy has few real friends and lives a lonely life at the top. So maybe he's chosen the wrong way to socialise and should try and make some good friends in the Hollywood hills to let out his emotions.

If you want to see a glimpse of the real Elon Musk you should watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Elon. He seems desperately lonely to me.

Not to say calling an innocent man a pedo is justified. It's not, I just think there's more to this than meets the eye.
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