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Biden's rise in 2020 race catches Trump's eye, unnerves his allies


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1 minute ago, johnnybangkok said:

Democratic Stimulus Package - Blocked by Republicans

Tax on companies that ship jobs overseas - Blocked by Republicans

Political ads disclosure Bill - Blocked by Republicans

The Small Business jobs Act - Blocked by Republicans

The Dream Act - Blocked by Republicans

Repeal of Don't Ask, don't tell - Blocked by Republicans

Anti Rape Amendment - Blocked by Republicans

Benefits for Homeless Veterans - Blocked by Republicans

Health Care for 9/11 first responders - Blocked by Republicans

The Jobs Bill - Blocked by Republicans

Wall Street Reform - Blocked by Republicans

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act - Blocked by Republicans

Oil Spill Liability - Blocked by Republicans

Immigration Reform - Blocked by Republicans

Unemployment Extension Bill HR4213 - Blocked by Republicans

Fair Pay Act - Blocked by Republicans


The list goes on to over 500 blocks of legislation and of course the famous non-approval of a Supreme Court judge (Twice) but I think you get the idea. 

This is a good article about how it all came about   https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/republican-party-obstructionism-victory-trump-214498


That's all small ball. Where's the policy that was inclusive of every American? That other crap is just parcing up favors in an effort to get to 50.01%. It's a perversion of democracy. No, I'm not saying the other side doesn't it too but I have higher expectations of my own party. 

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37 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Tell me again how the Republicans thwarted Universal Healthcare when they were in the minority of both houses and didnt hold the presidency? If every Republican voted against it, it would have still passed, so how is it the Republicans fault we don't now have universal healthcare these past 10 years?

You are over simplifying an argument I made over several paras. But to the point that “If every Republican voted against it, it would have still passed” —I’m not privy to all the behind the scenes horse trading, but I can guess, with Dems traditional meekness, that important dem congresspeople would’ve been against taking such a partisan approach. As it turned out, despite the compromises, they got zero republican votes anyway.


Their meekness is evident even today. With Trump’s blatant upending of norms and the strong allegations of criminality from the Mueller report, they can barely even say the word impeachment. Meanwhile, (if I remember correctly; maybe it was just Fox news—it’s hard to disentangle Fox and GOP) GOP congresspeople were screaming “impeach hillary” even before the election results were in.

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You are over simplifying an argument I made over several paras. But to the point that “If every Republican voted against it, it would have still passed” —I’m not privy to all the behind the scenes horse trading, but I can guess, with Dems traditional meekness, that important dem congresspeople would’ve been against taking such a partisan approach. As it turned out, despite the compromises, they got zero republican votes anyway.
Their meekness is evident even today. With Trump’s blatant upending of norms and the strong allegations of criminality from the Mueller report, they can barely even say the word impeachment. Meanwhile, (if I remember correctly; maybe it was just Fox news—it’s hard to disentangle Fox and GOP) GOP congresspeople were screaming “impeach hillary” even before the election results were in.

I think it was “lock her up”, not impeach Hillary.

I see the Dems as much stronger at voting a block than the Republicans.

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Well, here's a shot across Biden's bow. The former "Senator from MBNA" (credit card conglomerate) won't come out so good if this gets any traction:







The vast majority of Republicans support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders' plan to cap credit-card interest rates at 15%





He's just got too much financial shenanigan baggage:



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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 6:52 PM, Thakkar said:

I also agree that Democrats’ collective meekness over many years is ONE reason for Trump. There are many others. Americans have been building towards a know-nothing, faux religious, bombastic, Incompetent, vindictive, corrupt, greedy, mentally unstable, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, traitorous constantly lying egomaniacal twobit grifting car salesman for many years. It was only a matter of time, unless the demographic changes underway reached maturity first. It didn’t, and we have Trump.

LOL. IMO it was far simpler than that. True, the voters had had enough of the lying <deleted> in congress and were ready, willing and able to go outside the swamp in the hope that a non politician would "fix it", but IMO the real reason Trump won was because of his opponent. Both candidates were disliked, but she was disliked by most of middle America, which voted overwhelmingly for Trump. I think I'm safe to say that had Bernie been his opponent he would have won by a landslide.

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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 9:25 PM, mogandave said:

Just because the left thinks something is “good for the American people” does not mean it is actually good for the American people, and the party that thinks it will actually be bad for the American people should try to stop it.

Considering the left is mainly confined to the coasts, that would be the left thinks something is good for them and the rest of the country can lump it.

I doubt if many farmers or unemployed coal miners are concerned about how many versions of gender there are ( 2 ), or which bathroom boys who want to be girls use.

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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 9:32 PM, Thakkar said:

Meanwhile, (if I remember correctly; maybe it was just Fox news—it’s hard to disentangle Fox and GOP) GOP congresspeople were screaming “impeach hillary” even before the election results were in.

You remember wrong. It was "lock her up", but that was his base. I don't remember any GOP congresspeople screaming about anything re HRC on Fox. Perhaps you can provide a link to the relevant U Tube vdo of them screaming impeach Hillary.

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