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"Morally gross Russian beg-packers" face hail of criticism from Thais and foreigners alike


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4 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

Before answering I'd prefer to know what trouble they got into.  That would be most interesting.

Yeah me too, although I think the trouble they most likely got into was spending all their money due to stupidity.

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4 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

It's a bit like breakdancing.



It's a lot more spectacular when Cossacks are using swords. However, I think the BIB would get upset if they took it that far.

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3 hours ago, rjwill01 said:

This type of problem should be processed at their Embassy. If they can't help why should I? Embassy's in Foreign countries should be doing much more than what they do for their citizens living abroad. It's not Up to Me, to solve these scammers, no scammers problems.

You are living on another planet - where your passport says you should be afforded safe passage and help from your Government.


Ah Russia - a country that mourns its past empire - no longer a serious player - seeking to disrupt world affairs, vetoes anything sensible in the security council- supports Bashad - cyber warfare - invades sovereign nations .

Yet they all support Putin.


I have no sympathy- sorry 


Just beggars 

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I find people begging distasteful wherever it happens and whatever nationality they are. I don't know the circumstances of these two, though I am sure they have other options to get home without having to do this.


They absolutely are not trying to get home.  Begging is a 'job' which in the right places can be very lucrative.  

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Seems to me that every movie where someone is in a foreign country and needs help

- they go to THEIR OWN Embassy to get an advance and a ticket home..


Someone in BKK who has a few hours to spare might want to follow them to see where they spend their "beggar money".

Pardon my skepticism but it wouldn't surprise me if they were on "Nana Plaza" laughing at all the suckers who gave them money for a free "RIDE" ????



New Picture.jpg

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If they wanted to get home to Moscow , then instead of standing stationary begging for the price of a flight ticket , which would in all likelihood take a long time to reach ,  bearing in mind that any money raised through begging would be , at least partially diluted by the cost of staying put (food , accommodation , etc.) they would be much better begging for food or better still ,offering to do some jobs like helping out in some way at roadside eateries. As they at least made some progress in the journey to get home by hitching up to Chiangmai and so on towards home. What a great adventure it could turn out to be , they look young , fit and healthy. It may take several Months for them to get home. But at least they have the Summer Months ahead. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

One Thai woman seemed to even spring to their defense saying: "Not every farang are (sic) rich"

Thank you Thai lady, you are wise beyond your years. This is what sickens me when traveling to any developing country, China included. They all think we are rich, even if we are white from poor countries or just poor white people.


It very well may be a scam and it may not. If a scam, I don't see it as any different then the Thai scammers. If not a scam, no harm, no foul.


Either way, it should not be the governments problem. If people want to give them money, it is the choice of each person. Personally, I wouldn't give them money, or if I did, they need to do something to earn it, not just stand there.

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5 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

Before answering I'd prefer to know what trouble they got into.  That would be most interesting.

Obviously Financial … :whistling:

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4 hours ago, DrTuner said:

What do I think? Russians. That's what I think. Thanks for asking!


Sarcasm. The antidote for BS. … :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't give to beggars (I'm not proud of that) and many of them are indeed scammers, but honestly, how do people know for sure that these guys (one of them is quite cute which I'm sure isn't hurting the revenue) specifically are scammers? Probably doesn't cut it. 

How many tourists do they let into Thailand with a one way ticket from Moscow?



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Just now, Isaanbiker said:

Have you read the overstayer's post two days ago, asking for advice on how to pay his overstay fine, which he had, who hadn't eaten for four days?


   I got in touch with him, and it turned out that he's an honest guy who didn't ask anybody to help him out.


     My point being is that those who'd deserve some financial help wouldn't go and beg for money to extend their holiday. These guys must have had a roundtrip ticket to get into Thailand, right?

 I do not like liars, no matter what nationality they are. 



I noticed the post and your offer to help, to buy some food I guess.


Old guy, confused and obviously distressed at being alone after many years of trying to take care of his Thai partner.


The world could do with more people like you.


I "tip my hat " to you.


No more to say.

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Begging 20-somethings are a phenomena of modernity, and socialism, all over the western world. Hapless dependents who don't have to work to live like young Thais do. If you ask me this is something Thailand has right, not creating a helpless, useless generation of dependents who beg in their spare time to get some party money. 

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5 hours ago, essox essox said:

thought there was a law regarding beggars....I just read it this morning!!!

so why NOT round them up and put them in clink??

There is a law in the UK also prohibiting begging, but you find one on nearly ever street corner these days.


Sod giving them money when I am twice their age, half as fit, but work hard 50 hours a week for my money.

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Even with the blurred faces, they look very handsome. I would be quite willing to assist them money-wise if they were interested in a little 3-way action. Just have them come down to Sunee Plaza, have a beer and we can discuss terms.

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It seems to become a new style of travelling.
Come with a one way ticket + a fake return ticket, waste the money at fullmoon party or in Pai or in ...
Then beg for money to get  back to mom and dad (or extend the stay).
Ohh, don't forget to spread the best tricks on fb !

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4 hours ago, siambluesky said:

Better to beg than to steal anyway. Difficult to comment on a picture or on a post without knowing what caused them to beg. What can you really do when you lose your bag with wallet, phone, and passport faraway from home...

99% of the planet would go to their embassy or nearest consulate.

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