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When do the arsonists stop burning?


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Coming into the 2nd week of May, and the air is still foul! Are the arsonists still burning, and we need to wait for rains?


Do these criminals keep going until the rains come?



Sorry to moan, but, <deleted>!, I miss running, clean air! 

Edited by banagan
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I left CM months ago, but I follow the air quality daily at airvisual.com. I don't know if it's accurate. While the air is still bad in CM, the entire region of northern Thailand and the border areas with Laos and Myanmar looks so much better than it did last month. I think CM is only weeks away from having decent air again. I've pretty much decided to stay away Feb. - mid-May but we'll see what happens next year.

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Just drove back up from BKK the other day and just talking about the hills from Lampang to Lamphun are all burnt out or smoldering. Honestly, the more these uneducated uncaring Thai or mountain people without Thai ID are allowed to do the burning, the worse it is going to get as the population grows.. Can't the government be smart enough and get together with every little town and city on how to really catch and punish them? It is pure greed and would think basically only many hundreds to a thousand or so of people who set these thousands of fires..

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24 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Just drove back up from BKK the other day and just talking about the hills from Lampang to Lamphun

I lived in this area for a long time. Every year it would burn and just be a wasteland. All for picking mushrooms.  It is crazy. This year it got too much and we went back to Australia. Next year I can see no improvement and may be just as bad. Each year I will be forced to move for a few months as this is my wife's ancestral lands and has a lot of property here and moving is difficult. The only thing we could do is sell up and move South and start all over again and if it does not get better, this is what we may need to do. Problem is this would take years to do. This burning is just out of anybody's control now and it will not stop. Till the rains come, the burning will not stop.

Edited by totally thaied up
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I got out. From the plane looking back it looks like the smog is actually sticking to the north.

I believe it's the heat making it worse.


Wikipedia on Heat inversion;




Key sentence;

"An inversion traps air pollution, such as smog, close to the ground. An inversion can also suppress convection by acting as a "cap". !!!



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I am really shocked that the air is still polluted (May 7).

I left about 10 days ago and assumed the smoky season would be over when I left. Following the AQI on a daily basis, I just see red.

I have to reevaluate my CHexit plan.

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19 hours ago, edgarfriendly said:

just back from nan province, scorched earth all the way there & back again.


some huge fires blazing right up to the roadside with noone around.



Well, with regard to roadside fires with 'noone' around, it is <deleted> hot for the time of year.

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On 5/6/2019 at 11:07 PM, madmen said:

You need to leave. Why people still live there after being voted the most polluted city on planet earth is a total mystery

I agree with Madmen...it is inexcusable to sacrifice your quality of life.   Question?  Why do you tolerate/accept so much displeasure in CM?  You have options.

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Before Songkran when CM was at it's worst, I flew to Saigon for a week, air totally clear.

Then I got the bus to Phnom Penh for another week, air totally clear.


I couldn't believe Chiang Mai was so bad in comparison to Vietnam and Cambodia.

If I survive, I have Hanoi and Nimh Binh pencilled in for March next year.


I would like to spend time over there. Have not been to Vietnam since 2012 and had a great trip then. The wife is getting use to traveling now and sees Thailand in a different way now. Seeing a first world country in all its glory really made her rethink everything Thailand related. 


So next year want to get away from the mess CM has become during the burning. It's just got too now out of control and will never be fixed.


Hope your doing better today.

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These fires are mostly set by people. why that is going on since months is as simple as most things in Thailand that go wrong: any illigal behaviour has no consequence!

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I think the air got bad around February 10th or just before.   May 10th it will be bad as well.  that is THREE MONTHS, or 25% of the year, and it's definitely bad for you.  maybe problems that will wreck the last 10-years of your life, or more.  i guess i thought it would change and i'm sad there is no way i can retire in a place that is really hot AND ruins my health.  


If it's still bad in one month, i will have to leave again.  luckily i wasn't here for Feb and March and April.  I can't imagine those who can't leave and think it's good.  it's really, really bad.  



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