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Discussion With Suphanburi Immigration Re Income Method

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I'd be surprised if your bank has ever heard of or know what your are talking about when you ask them for a letter confirming your monthly income as international transfers.  Of course they can give you a statement which provides all of that information but that would be too easy I'm thinking.  Ask your bank and let us know.  

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16 minutes ago, rickb said:

I asked the IO if that would be sufficient for this year to apply for a renewal of my extension of stay.

Did she make any reference or demand that you prove the funds transferred in come from a pension?

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19 minutes ago, rickb said:

She also advised that, in addition to showing a copy of my bank book or bank statement, I must also present a letter from Bangkok Bank where they confirm and list the international transfers I have received in my account since the time of its opening in February.  This apparently is a standard letter from Bangkok Bank and is the same format I saw on a previous TV post a day or two ago.


Thanks for listing and clarifying the details of what your IO office is expecting in terms of the monthly income bank letter, specifically, being one that includes a specific listing on all your monthly foreign transfers.... and not just a general, yes he is the owner of this account letter.


There has been some uncertainty and confusion on that detail among posters here, because the traditional bank deposit letters in the past were of a different and simpler variety. But now with the monthly income method, yes, Immigration typically is wanting your bank to list off each and every one of your monthly foreign transfers.


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Sfokevin, the above is the same form letter that I was shown by the IO.  The only difference was that the letter she showed me had the first box checked rather than the last box and there was no indication that the transfers had anything to do with pensions.

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21 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I'd be surprised if your bank has ever heard of or know what your are talking about when you ask them for a letter confirming your monthly income as international transfers. 


Pretty much a standard letter which has been in use for ages, previously to document the source of funds to purchase a condo.


Nothing challenging here. Plenty of first-hand reports of this letter being used successfully. The only challenges being the lead-time to generate such a letter for qualifying foreign transfers greater than six months previous. The Credit Advice/Receipts are also attached, each one separately details each of the line item transfers.









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9 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

This type of letter?... Note this letter specifically says it is pension income?... I wonder how the bank determines that?... Given you are using Transferwise I wonder what the bank will put in that section?...




There's also a different variety I've seen some BKKB branches using where they specifically list the original foreign currency type (such as USD or GBP) and, I think, the original foreign currency amount, in addition to the Thai details.


Yup... like this one...




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Slightly off topic but I too went to Suphan immigration for a 90 day yesterday. I also wanted to check on the current requirements for renewing an extension based upon marriage, pleased to say no change from last year in that regard.


The reason for my comment is the following couple of observations, firstly that it's the first time I've been there and seen no agents handing over bundles of passports and cash, secondly that although in the past our experience there has been mostly favourable, yesterday the woman who spoke with us seemed exceptionally helpful and polite.

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Blue Mutton, I agree with your post.  I have always found the Suphanburi Immigration Office to be extremely courteous, friendly, helpful and efficient.  I often feel sorry for those who use different Immigration Offices where the IOs are not very helpful and are interpreting the regulations differently than the way they are written.  

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28 minutes ago, rickb said:

Sfokevin, the above is the same form letter that I was shown by the IO.  The only difference was that the letter she showed me had the first box checked rather than the last box and there was no indication that the transfers had anything to do with pensions.


The first box says something like "funds remitted from outside of Thailand and credited to the account"


One letter we've been reposting uses the bottom-most box, "Other", with any sort of description the customer asks BBL to enter, like "Monthly Pension Transfers".


I'd go for the first box until reports indicate otherwise.





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1 hour ago, sfokevin said:

This type of letter?... Note this letter specifically says it is pension income?... I wonder how the bank determines that?... Given you are using Transferwise I wonder what the bank will put in that section?...



If one was to cross out the Pension In Monthly pension transfer on the specimen letter you give them) and add Income so it reads monthly income Transfer and tell them this is what you require then they will give you the document with this change.

I did this last week and it worked.




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16 hours ago, rickb said:

The Suphanburi IO gave me a copy of someone else's letter from Bangkok Bank.  Next time I go to the bank I am going to bring this letter with me and ask if they can produce one similar for my account.  The letter looks like a form letter where the bank fills in your name and passport number and then lists below the international transfers for the desired period.  I'll report to the TV Forum what I learn from the bank.

Why can't you just show the Immigration Office your passbook listing all the FTT transfers? 


Of course the standard letter from the bank stating that you have the required funds is a necessary part of the extension process. 

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Rickb   OP states:

” I should also mention that I use TransferWise to move my money from my US bank account to my Bangkok Bank account and have, so far, had each transfer listed as an International Transfer on the bank statement or as "FTT" in the bankbook.”


One may contact TransferWise by email and request that all transfers be coded so they are made through Bangkok Bank and not one of their other “partner” banks in Thailand.  Initiating the transfer through Bangkok Bank to ones own account in the same bank assures that the FTT notation appears in ones’ account.  It’s when TransferWise uses another bank to receive the funds from overseas then that bank within Thailand forwards the funds to the BKK Bank account that the transfer shows up as a domestic one, not qualifying as an international funds transfer to satisfy your local IO.


Transferwise was VERY helpful in this matter for me.  They coded my account so that all transfers go first to BKK Bank then into my own BKK Bank account showing up as an FTT.  Transferwise is aware of the needs we have here in Thailand and they have provided the mechanism to assist us.  Just contact them and fully explain what you need and why...they will take it from there.  Thy have been very responsive to email and very helpful to me.  


One notes that Transferwise has multiple partner banks in Thailand and one speculates they could tailor one’s transfers to accomplish the required international transfer notation if a customer has an account at one of the Transferwise  “partner” banks.



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Good to know that at least one office is obeying the "leniency" rule laid out in the new immigration laws. I'm waiting for a similar report from Jomtien before I decide whether to continue with the retirement or change to the marriage visa.

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9 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Good to know that at least one office is obeying the "leniency" rule laid out in the new immigration laws.


Well, to be clear, this was just a discussion, done during a 90-day report in advance of an extension renewal.


But yes, the indication of potential leniency is encouraging.




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My UK peso pension is remitted in Thai baht and then via Citibank as the intermediary bank and then to my Bangkok Bank account as a Bahtnet transfer. The credit note shows UK source,Thailand intermediary,and BB receiving account.

This is insufficient for immigration and for Bangkok Bank to confirm transfers originate from overseas. I have to obtain a letter from Citibank ( intermediary bank) confirming the last 8 transfers are in fact from a foreign source.

Then of course have to get a letter from Bangkok Bank to confirm it is my active account!

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22 hours ago, rickb said:

The Suphanburi IO gave me a copy of someone else's letter from Bangkok Bank.  Next time I go to the bank I am going to bring this letter with me and ask if they can produce one similar for my account.  The letter looks like a form letter where the bank fills in your name and passport number and then lists below the international transfers for the desired period.  I'll report to the TV Forum what I learn from the bank.

Yes please inform us what you learn from the bank

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5 hours ago, Thailand said:

My UK peso pension is remitted in Thai baht and then via Citibank as the intermediary bank and then to my Bangkok Bank account as a Bahtnet transfer. The credit note shows UK source,Thailand intermediary,and BB receiving account.

This is insufficient for immigration and for Bangkok Bank to confirm transfers originate from overseas. I have to obtain a letter from Citibank ( intermediary bank) confirming the last 8 transfers are in fact from a foreign source.

Then of course have to get a letter from Bangkok Bank to confirm it is my active account!

Every case is different but I want to clarify :

1/ if I do online bank transfer from BNPParibas bank and I ask that the transfer expenses be paid by my SCB account here then the transfer goes through an intermediary bank and the applied exchange rate is unclear.

2/ if I do online bank transfer from BNPParibas bank and I click the option that transfer expenses be paid by my overseas account then there is no intermediary bank and I can get from SCB bank here a clear statement about the origin and exchange rate.

I do not understand why...but from now on I use only the transfer method nr 2

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Just for interest and to prove that sometimes things are easier than we think.  I went to SCB in Ao nang where I have my account and asked if they could provide written proof that my monthly UK pension was from the UK that would satisfy Immigration.

I really didn’t hold out much hope as the Lady dealing with me just took my bank book and disappeared, five minutes later she returned with three printouts. These show date, exchange rate, deposit from State Pensions and Widows benefit, Newcastle, beneficiary, fees extracted, in fact perfect.

After the shock of getting all this for no fee I thanked her and she added that if I needed more than three months it might take a day to get them, next will be getting all my TransferWise from my Australian account documented the same way I hope.

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Get an early heads up on a BKK bank branch providing this letter, I went to 3 BKK bank branches and they were ignorant of any such letter and would not provide it, find a branch or head office early on that will provide such a letter for you.

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23 hours ago, jesimps said:

I'm waiting for a similar report from Jomtien before I decide whether to continue with the retirement

I am sure I have read of someone successfully obtaining a retirement extension based on income below 12 months from Jomtiem here. Sorry, can't find it though. 

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14 hours ago, berrec said:

Get an early heads up on a BKK bank branch providing this letter, I went to 3 BKK bank branches and they were ignorant of any such letter and would not provide it, find a branch or head office early on that will provide such a letter for you.


My BBL branch can provide the qualifying foreign transfer summary letter, along with the relevant Credit Advice/Receipts on the spot (~10-minute wait) but only for the previous six month period.


I am under the impression that I must make a request with the HQ (333 Silom Road, I think) either in person or perhaps via telephone, for such documentation covering periods greater than six months. Further, I am under the impression the preparation of these documents may take several days. Presumably, such documents could be mailed to me or could be picked up when ready.


One assumes Immigration will find such documents acceptable even though they may have been issued days, weeks or months earlier? OMMV.


I've been collecting my Credit Advice/Receipts free of charge at my branch each month. I plan to get a six-month letter, in part to see what it looks like. No clue if it will be acceptable ~ 4 months later when I do my renewal. I suspect two separate letters might not be acceptable, so would plan to get a more recent letter from BBL/HQ.









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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


One assumes Immigration will find such documents acceptable even though they may have been issued days, weeks or months earlier? OMMV.



I believe there was another post here recently where the poster indicated his monthly foreign deposit bank letter was dated a couple weeks before his eventual visit to Immigration, and was accepted without problem.


I'm guessing, when the method is monthly foreign deposits as opposed to fixed deposit, Immigration is going to be less fussy about the timeliness of the bank letter, so long as it shows the required monthly transfers in the correct amounts for the required numbers of months.



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