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Snarling orange 'Trump baby' blimp to mock U.S. president in Britain, protesters say


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14 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

22 years ago , no , I agree with you but 1977 was 42 years ago.

Who is responsible for the crime in London, who actually does the stabbing? Is it because of Tory 'cuts'?

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7 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Are you still going on about stabbings in London?

You have been provided with ample and actual statistics to counter your assertion that London has had more stabbings than New York, Chicago and Detroit and when we understand you are not willing to counter any argument with actual facts, preferring to jump on your anti-Muslim stance with deflections like this and right wing rhetoric (I see they have removed that awful video you posted earlier), it becomes clear that any adult discussion with you is completely and utterly pointless.

You are constantly cherry picking mostly fake news to suit your Islamophobic agenda and never counter facts with facts. It is therefore useless to engage you in any meaningful conversation and I'm just sorry I wasted my time with you so far.

People like yourself get too big a platform with the likes of this forum (and other social media) to air your racists, xenophobic, Islamophobic views; before this you were just the crazy racist uncle that we all had to put up with at family birthdays and Xmas time. Your views are outdated and counter to moving humanity forward and you cannot back up anything with any sort of facts or figures.

Spew your nonsense elsewhere as no one is listening any more.       

How is referring to Muslims racist and what have I written that's xenophobic or Islamaphobic and why?


And is referring to the stabbings in London racist as well and if so why?


Perhaps you consider that the mere mentioning of Islam or Muslims is 'racist' even though Islam is not even a race.


You can't silence people from talking about social issues and the associated problems by playing the race card.



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9 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Are you still going on about stabbings in London?

You have been provided with ample and actual statistics to counter your assertion that London has had more stabbings than New York, Chicago and Detroit and when we understand you are not willing to counter any argument with actual facts, preferring to jump on your anti-Muslim stance with deflections like this and right wing rhetoric (I see they have removed that awful video you posted earlier), it becomes clear that any adult discussion with you is completely and utterly pointless.

You are constantly cherry picking mostly fake news to suit your Islamophobic agenda and never counter facts with facts. It is therefore useless to engage you in any meaningful conversation and I'm just sorry I wasted my time with you so far.

People like yourself get too big a platform with the likes of this forum (and other social media) to air your racists, xenophobic, Islamophobic views; before this you were just the crazy racist uncle that we all had to put up with at family birthdays and Xmas time. Your views are outdated and counter to moving humanity forward and you cannot back up anything with any sort of facts or figures.

Spew your nonsense elsewhere as no one is listening any more.       

"You have been provided with ample and actual statistics to counter your assertion that London has had more stabbings than New York, Chicago and Detroit"


Where are these statistics.


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8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

In the immortal words of Michael Corleone 'Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in'

Your 1st question - 'How is referring to Muslims racist and what have I written that's xenophobic or Islamaphobic and why?'

Referring to Muslims per se isn't particularly Islamophobic (they are not a race so can't be racist) but constantly refering to Sadiq Khan as 'the Muslim Sadiq Khan' and his 'fellow Muslim Sajid Javid' is.

Also, statements like

1. 'A level at which a US president is allowed to be mocked by a Muslim mayor' 

2. 'Truth be known the Home Secretary who is also a Muslim and the most powerful politician in the country after the Prime Minister probably supports this so called mayor lock, stock and barrel.

3. '.....will welcome Trump because we admire him because of his attitude towards Islamic immigration.

4. 'You'd think the equally idiotic PM and his chum, fellow Muslim Sajid Javid the Home Secretary'.

5. And finally this little gem ...'Bear in mind we've now under Mrs May we've now actually got a  Muslim Home Secretary'.


If you're going to be anti-Muslim then at least have the balls to stand up and own your own opinion and not try and insult our intelligence with 'How is referring to Muslims racist and what have I written that's xenophobic or Islamaphobic and why?'  It's pathetic. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see what you are doing and we all know what you are inferring when you ask 'Who is responsible for the crime in London, who actually does the stabbing?' It's called a leading question as you already know the answer. It is obviously predominately ethnic minorities led by black youths. And this leads nicely into your belief that ' .....internationalist liberal politicians have allowed the native population of London to be ethnically cleansed and replaced by third worlders' (one of your more extreme but not surprising racists statements).

I know you. Or at least I know your type.

Baby boomer generation. Lower/working class living in a less than desirable area of London (or maybe the outskirts) that hasn't really achieved much success in their lives and therefore feels the need to blame everyone else other than themselves with Muslims (in your case) being an easy target. You believe whatever nonsense fits your narrative (such as London having more stabbing than 'New York, Chicago and Detroit combined') and of course you are a Trump fan because 'he doesn't use them there fancy words like all those other politicians' and backs up your Islamophobic, xenophobic and racist views. 

You can have whatever archaic, backward view you want but at least own it and stop hiding behind a denial of what you really are. If you hate the idea that the mayor of London is a Muslim then just say it. If you hate that the Home Secretary is a Muslim, just say it. Just stop insulting our intelligence with your assertion that none of what you say is at all Islamophobic/xenophobic/racist (delete as appropriate).

Unlike yourself, we are not that easily led.  




Surely a comment can only be considered racist if said comment is racially detrimental.


How is describing some one as a Muslim or a Christian detrimental.


Many people in America were deeply affected by the events of 9/11 and Trump being a New Yorker was more than likely one of them. And it apparently has affected his attitude towards Islam and its followers for the rest of his life.


In the same vein many old Londoners never forgave the Germans for their bombing of their city nor did the citizens of Coventry. My own mother remembered seeing and hearing the Zeppelins drifting over London in the moonlight and dropping their bombs in the Great War. It terrified her. Then she and my siblings had to be evacuated during the Blitz 20 odd years later. 


She had no time for the Germans just like they probably had no time for us after the RAF and the USAF had flattened large parts of Germany.


When terrorists or aggressors target innocent civilians it is never forgotten and rarely forgiven by the victims. You can't enforce a change in human nature by being politically correct.

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On 5/20/2019 at 8:10 PM, OtinPattaya said:

If Brits demand subtlety, wit, irony, sub-text, and refined manners from their leaders, then they should dig up Bernard Shaw, jam a puppeteering pole up his sphincter, and elect him as the new Prime Minister. While highly entertaining, I think, Trump doesn't exist to amuse or edify people. He's there to get things done, period, when none of the rest of the professional politicians have the bullocks to do so. Obama may have all the social graces Trump lacks, but was Obama ever going to do anything about the trade deficit with China? He doesn't have the stomach for it. He'd rather win the popularity contest. If Trump really cared about the vitriol he receives, he'd hide behind his speech writers and image consultants like Hilary did. Brits are more interested in form than they have ever been in function, and this is why British men, once they enter the Kingdom of Thailand, practically fall to their knees in tears, so grateful are they to be able breathe for once in their fatally repressed lives. 

" Form is the substance that rises to the surface" 

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On 5/22/2019 at 2:54 PM, wayned said:

Due to Trump's latest loses in court regarding the release of his financials and Governor Cuomo"s signing of a bill that allows New York to turn over Trump's tax returns to congress, maybe the owner of the "blimp" should paint a giant Brown spot on the back of his nappy!

After the scolding he received from Nancy today I’m sure his diaper is full maybe if he is a good boy Nancy will change him lol

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On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 5:19 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

You seem to have a problem with the people of the U.K. exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest.


You also seem to have missed the demonstrations with a million plus attendees demonstrating against the UK Government’s current course of action re Brexit.


(Admittedly you probably spotted the  10,000 pro-Brexit demonstrators while ignoring the 1,000,000 pro-Remain demonstrators).


Peaceful, democratic protest is alive and well in the U.K.


Those who protest are not losers, they are participating in democracy.

You miss my point. 

Assuming that demonstrations are to bring about change, what change will demonstrations in the UK bring about in Trump when he probably cares not a jot for them or their opinions?


Comparing it to Brexit demonstrations is a nonsense as Brexit is a British situation and demonstrations in Britain may bring about some change IN BRITAIN. Protesting Trump in Britain is meaningless, and Trump is the context in which I use the term "losers", but I'm sure you know that.



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On 5/21/2019 at 3:13 PM, yogi100 said:


When have National Front and British Movement candidates stood in any elections. They knew they never would have stood a chance.


Theresa May and CMD were very liberal compared with old time Tories like Churchill, Supermac, Chamberlain and Thatcher.  


 If you as a Tory voter voted for CMD after this little classic below I'd say you were definitely 'a wishy washy , hand wringing liberal.'


Neither Thatcher nor Churchill nor the rest of them would ever have had the front to come out with this! 


Bear in mind we've now under Mrs May we've now actually got a  Muslim Home Secretary



Both BM and NF candidates have stood in previous elections , they got nowhere because the British have always rejected Fascists , that was my point. What on earth has his religion got to do with the home secretary , especially as he is non practising , what a vile biggot you are.

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20 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Surely a comment can only be considered racist if said comment is racially detrimental.


How is describing some one as a Muslim or a Christian detrimental.


Many people in America were deeply affected by the events of 9/11 and Trump being a New Yorker was more than likely one of them. And it apparently has affected his attitude towards Islam and its followers for the rest of his life.


In the same vein many old Londoners never forgave the Germans for their bombing of their city nor did the citizens of Coventry. My own mother remembered seeing and hearing the Zeppelins drifting over London in the moonlight and dropping their bombs in the Great War. It terrified her. Then she and my siblings had to be evacuated during the Blitz 20 odd years later. 


She had no time for the Germans just like they probably had no time for us after the RAF and the USAF had flattened large parts of Germany.


When terrorists or aggressors target innocent civilians it is never forgotten and rarely forgiven by the victims. You can't enforce a change in human nature by being politically correct.

If Trump was so affected by 9/11 then why does he bend over backwards for the Saudis ?

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:

I know lots of people in the UK who adore Trump. These liberal ‘know bests’ do not speak for the majority of British people. 


The likes of Comunist Corbyn and Sadie Khan only speak for their rent a protest violent mobs NOT the majority of us.

What a silly post , life isn't just black and white. Just because one despises Corbyn , does not mean they find Trump acceptable .

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21 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Surely a comment can only be considered racist if said comment is racially detrimental.


How is describing some one as a Muslim or a Christian detrimental.


Many people in America were deeply affected by the events of 9/11 and Trump being a New Yorker was more than likely one of them. And it apparently has affected his attitude towards Islam and its followers for the rest of his life.


In the same vein many old Londoners never forgave the Germans for their bombing of their city nor did the citizens of Coventry. My own mother remembered seeing and hearing the Zeppelins drifting over London in the moonlight and dropping their bombs in the Great War. It terrified her. Then she and my siblings had to be evacuated during the Blitz 20 odd years later. 


She had no time for the Germans just like they probably had no time for us after the RAF and the USAF had flattened large parts of Germany.


When terrorists or aggressors target innocent civilians it is never forgotten and rarely forgiven by the victims. You can't enforce a change in human nature by being politically correct.

If you refer to everyone the same then you may have a very small chance of backing up this nonsense but I’ve never heard you refer to Trump as the (fake) Christian Donald Trump or anyone else for that matter. You only reference Khan as “the Muslim Khan” and mention the UK being “ethnically cleansed”. That’s grade A islamophobia/racism right there. 

Simple question for you. Do you like Muslims? Do you think all the problems in the UK are due to minority’s taking over? Do you long for a time before those “darkies” arrived? Is Alf Garnet you personal mentor?

Be honest and own your bias. You might at least get some respect then. 

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12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You miss my point. 

Assuming that demonstrations are to bring about change, what change will demonstrations in the UK bring about in Trump when he probably cares not a jot for them or their opinions?


Comparing it to Brexit demonstrations is a nonsense as Brexit is a British situation and demonstrations in Britain may bring about some change IN BRITAIN. Protesting Trump in Britain is meaningless, and Trump is the context in which I use the term "losers", but I'm sure you know that.



They won’t bring any change to Trump, he is beyond redemption.

But perhaps they will show Americans back home how universally despised this man is. 

He base won’t be changed but perhaps it will galvanize enough people to get out in 2020 and vote this insult to the office of POTUS out. 

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17 hours ago, Tug said:

After the scolding he received from Nancy today I’m sure his diaper is full maybe if he is a good boy Nancy will change him lol

No, that's Kellyanne's job, to clean up his poopy.


Today Mrs Conway said Ms Pelosi regarded her as her maid.  No she's not her maid, but rather DT's nurse maid.  Know your place, Mrs Corpse Bride!



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14 minutes ago, bendejo said:

No, that's Kellyanne's job, to clean up his poopy.


Today Mrs Conway said Ms Pelosi regarded her as her maid.  No she's not her maid, but rather DT's nurse maid.  Know your place, Mrs Corpse Bride!



I guess this is what passes for "witty" around here these days...

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11 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

You know why very well fool. Oil and money.


Just like every other politician in the Western world does. But he at least knows why and when to limit Islamic immigration which is why he is now POTUS and HC is not and it's also why you hate him.

Well it's not oil anymore, since last year for the first time in decades the United States was a net exporter of oil.


I'm baffled by why a US President is so supportive of one of the most extreme Islamic countries on the planet anymore, while continuing to rail against an equally oppressive regime in Iran


Then again, there is the agreement to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia, announced this week, just so they can continue their war in Yemen, baffles me too.


Like many things with Trump, inconsistency is his defining feature

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54 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well it's not oil anymore, since last year for the first time in decades the United States was a net exporter of oil.


I'm baffled by why a US President is so supportive of one of the most extreme Islamic countries on the planet anymore, while continuing to rail against an equally oppressive regime in Iran


Then again, there is the agreement to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia, announced this week, just so they can continue their war in Yemen, baffles me too.


Like many things with Trump, inconsistency is his defining feature

Trump, Pompeo and Bolton are now using the Iran threat to get around congressional approval of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and are going ahead with a multi million dollar sale without congressional approval.  I wonder how many of those weapons will be used against Yemen?

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On 5/20/2019 at 3:01 PM, johnnybangkok said:

. . . Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England . . .

Having the qualities of "articulate and witty" is not a guarantor of having a good grasp of reality.


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