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for me, the visa issue is the biggest crux,

thailand sucks for those below 50 but is one of the best

for those above 50.

no way i would put up with visa runs again,

i literally sooner die an unpleasant death then go through that again

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  • 3 months later...

On 10/4/2020 at 2:03 PM, Mahseer said:

Love Spiti and sincerely hope 2021 will see the doors open once more but '22 would be more realistic.

2021 would definitely open its door for places like Kinnaur and Spiti. Spiti is ineeded a winter wonderland. I have also spent some time during winters in Kinnaur.  
Here is a trip log written by one of my friend. We were there during the winters of 2015. 

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On 5/22/2019 at 7:48 PM, SenorJorge said:

Anyone else thinking this way?  Cheaper. Friendlier.  English.  Better health care.  Yeah, there's no good longterm visa options.  However, you can just get a five year multiple entry tourism visa and go home for two months once a year to avoid overstays.


Run away from all of the problems and it's not even that far away.  Am I deluded here?  Has anyone else tried this yet here?



How would you get "home" in the current environment, no less be admitted back into India? 

Same same for blokes who used to depend on Thai Mult-entry Non-O visas.  That doesn't work when you can't leave and reenter the country every 90 days.

Think Covid is "going away" anytime soon?  Probably not a good plan at the moment.  Maybe in two, three, or a few years from now - maybe.  Maybe longer.  Maybe never.

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17 minutes ago, connda said:

Same same for blokes who used to depend on Thai Mult-entry Non-O visas.  That doesn't work when you can't leave and reenter the country every 90 days.

That's kinda why threads like this are of interest to some of us. Not that I ever depended on multi-entry non-Os or did visa runs, but I would come in once or twice a year and move on to another country when my tourist visa was up. That's not really possible right now. I will have to leave in March and I don't fancy going back to Europe much. If India is open, it could well be an option. I would think it would be pretty hot at that time of year though, then there's the covid / vaccination situation to think about.

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Chance of India being open in March is less than zero and I would say the same applies for majority of 2021. Don't get me wrong I'd love to be wrong but it's just been announced that vaccines are ready to be rolled out but with 1.3 billion to get through that's quite a queue.


Our biggest hope may be being allowed in once we as individuals have received the vaccine but then next question would have to be how effective would one vaccine be against the virus as it mutates?

Might be an idea to keep an eye on Sri Lanka which if official numbers are to be believed has fared extremely well compared to India but even there I doubt it will be until mid year at the absolute earliest before gates are opened but again all for being wrong.

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2 minutes ago, rioD said:

India sux.  It's the filthiest country in the world in my opinion and nothing to do. 

Filthy in places absolutely and as many times as I've visited, 15-20 literally over 40 years, I just can't get used to people using the streets as toilets but there's also splendour there on a scale that you'll struggle to find elsewhere. That is why when people ask me about making their first trip to India I always give the same advice and that's do the research and be selective with destinations.


For the record 11 million foreign tourists visited India during 2019 a number that's slowly increasing year on year but yes for sure it's not for everyone.

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21 minutes ago, Mahseer said:


Our biggest hope may be being allowed in once we as individuals have received the vaccine but then next question would have to be how effective would one vaccine be against the virus as it mutates?


           Spot on . 

                They used to test a new vaccine on Monkies, 

                  seems nothing has changed . 555


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On 5/22/2019 at 7:27 PM, sandrabbit said:

I spent most of my time in Orissa, very poor state but nice people. Last time I was there was in Modi's state of Gujarat which was a real dump and he built an 850 million dollar statue (largest in the world) as his legacy. The roads are destroyed, poverty coming out of your ears and he builds an expensive statue. Been Bombay a few times and without being racist it is the biggest toilet in the world, they're even being kicked out of the slums now as the land is valuable. If you want from what I've been told/heard one of the nicest places to live/holiday go to Kerala on SW coast in India.

I spent around 2 yrs in India, I had a 5 yr multi entry visa, this was in 1996. Was based in Kerala, but travelled extensively around India by rail, even to the Kashmir, for me was the most beautiful place I'd ever visited. Rajasthan was another favourite of mine. If you value your personal space, then forget it, but I have wonderful memories and made friends there who I still keep in touch with, it's a unique place, but not everyone's idea of heaven!!

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11 million visitors to India ?  90-95% of them must have been Indians returning to India for a visit, 5-10% for business and 5% for nothing but tourism.  Personally I've only been once.  I was going to stay 15 days, but it was so strange and filthy, I left after 3 days.  It was just to chaotic, dirty and I felt I'd get sick there if I stayed or ate.  It wasn't for me.  However I'm sure there may be a handful worldwide who find it nice or intriguing.

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13 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I’ve only ever visited India for business, mostly Delhi. It’s fine if you are staying in a nice hotel and have a driver taking you around. But otherwise it’s not an attractive place to stay long term. Too many beggars and more abject poverty than I want to see in a lifetime. A great visit if you have a large budget. But living there full time ... no thank you.

Same with me. Have been travelling to India on business for the past 20 years, initially full time for first 3 years then irregular visits thereafter. Maybe not the ideal locations, south of Mumbai and Gujarat in the main. However, to be fair, the transport infrastructure has greatly improved over that time but the poverty levels can certainly be over powering for those not used to viewing such hardships.


Did have a break in Goa on my last trip about 2 years back and that was well worth while, being poles apart from the other locations I had been to. Although the airport taxi on arrival was more like the India of old - booking a hotel pickup is definitely the way to go....... 

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9 hours ago, dabhand said:

Same with me. Have been travelling to India on business for the past 20 years, initially full time for first 3 years then irregular visits thereafter. Maybe not the ideal locations, south of Mumbai and Gujarat in the main. However, to be fair, the transport infrastructure has greatly improved over that time but the poverty levels can certainly be over powering for those not used to viewing such hardships.


Did have a break in Goa on my last trip about 2 years back and that was well worth while, being poles apart from the other locations I had been to. Although the airport taxi on arrival was more like the India of old - booking a hotel pickup is definitely the way to go....... 

I’d like to see Goa one day and some of the famous sights, so a return visit is on the cards one day. But living there as an expat is simply not for me. Thailand has its issues but for me it’s a completely different vibe to India, and in key cities like Bangkok the facilities are first world. 

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On 5/22/2019 at 3:15 PM, SenorJorge said:

I'm not trying to be a jerk here, just letting you know where I stand on this issue.  I'm not like most expats here.


I am dynamically opposed to the bar scene in thailand.  If it were up to me nana, soi cowboy, walking street, all of it would be overpriced hotels for Chinese tourists and condos etc.  I can't stand bar girls and I can't drink alcohol anymore due to poor health.


I like good health care, low cost of living, and that's about it.  Its ok here in isan but I've got major health issues that even the docs in bangkok can't assist with anymore.  And immigration is just annoying here.


My experience with india is just hot and cheap.  Completely immersed in cultural heritage but more westernized than thailand in lots of ways.  Maybe a little grimy in some areas.  All ok with me.  I haven't stayed long enough to have more of an impression of the place, I guess.  I guess I should do that.

I met a brit couple in Pattaya who spent 3 months every year in India,they did not want to live there permanently because they were old and the health care was not up to much.It was some years ago so things may have changed.

I am open to a trip to Goa instead of Thailand,I don't spend much time in bars but I do like the girls and the odd beer.The night life is of little interest now days,I have served my time.

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On 5/22/2019 at 6:25 AM, ratcatcher said:

India is such a vast country that they don't call it "The Sub-Continent" for nothing. 

Have you been to Goa? There are many lovely places in India and countless <deleted>holes as the BBC would describe them. India is too big to generalize. They have the advantage of having been the Jewel in The Crown and thus have a more advanced civil service than Thailand.

However, as hot as it is here, I could never personally entertain the idea of living full time there even though I love Indian food. And yes, I did once have the luck to visit New Delhi and Manali in Himachal Pradesh.

They also have perfected the art of public defecation, apparently being copied in San Francisco I hear.

My ship visited Goa, not impressed at all. And Goa is one of the wealthier places.

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On 5/22/2019 at 2:11 PM, sandrabbit said:

 crowding and pollution everywhere, I'm not joking as I've sat drinking beer in a river in the middle of nowhere for people to turn up and stare at me.

There is more open rural area, mountains, rain forest, jungle throughout India than there is crowding and pollution. 

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On 1/9/2021 at 6:15 PM, Mahseer said:

Chance of India being open in March is less than zero and I would say the same applies for majority of 2021. Don't get me wrong I'd love to be wrong but it's just been announced that vaccines are ready to be rolled out but with 1.3 billion to get through that's quite a queue.

Vaccinating 1.3 billion people is indeed a herculean task but considering a long experience that India has with vaccination I think the government will open the doors for outsider after March/April. The new strains of the virus may delay it. 

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11 minutes ago, pawanranta said:

Vaccinating 1.3 billion people is indeed a herculean task but considering a long experience that India has with vaccination I think the government will open the doors for outsider after March/April. The new strains of the virus may delay it. 

Love your optimism as I am way overdue for a visit but they only started shipping vaccines yesterday and that was 5 million to 4 major cities. One report I read stated The Serum Institute could produce 70-80 million doses a month and they are not the only party involved so numbers are against them but the fact India is a major producer of the worlds vaccines gives them a chance. 


Just wonder at what stage they'll throw the tourist doors open and at what stage it would make sense to enter?

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From BBC today:


India will on Saturday begin one of the world's largest vaccination programmes, aimed at protecting more than 1.3 billion people from Covid-19.

Millions of doses of two approved vaccines - Covishield and Covaxin - have been shipped across the country.

They will go first to health workers and frontline workers, then to other at-risk groups.

India has recorded the second-highest number of Covid-19 infections in the world after the United States. 

An estimated 10 million health workers will be vaccinated in the first round, followed by policemen, soldiers, municipal and other front-line workers.

Next in line will be people aged over 50 and anyone under 50 with serious underlying health conditions. India's electoral rolls, which contain details of some 900 million voters, will be used to identify eligible recipients. 

The government plans to vaccinate 300 million people by early August. This will happen in state-run health care centres, schools, colleges, community halls, municipal offices and wedding halls.

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On 5/22/2019 at 10:27 PM, SenorJorge said:

I can't make it here either.  Wife just threw me out and no way in hell I'm buying the elite visa.  The sick part of it is I married her because I really love her... I'm fed up with thailand.  Sick joke of a country for me anyways sorry to offend anyone ???? please understand all my involvement with this country is bad and my wife gave me an std that made me unable to walk now..unreal

Well mate, you say you live in Isaan, so I assume she's a country girl. I would not date and especially marry anyone that is not middle class at least here, but thats me..

And ofcourse the same goes in any other country, including my home country. No poor people.

Edited by Kalorymetr
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/14/2021 at 1:59 PM, Mahseer said:

Love your optimism as I am way overdue for a visit but they only started shipping vaccines yesterday and that was 5 million to 4 major cities. One report I read stated The Serum Institute could produce 70-80 million doses a month and they are not the only party involved so numbers are against them but the fact India is a major producer of the worlds vaccines gives them a chance. 


Just wonder at what stage they'll throw the tourist doors open and at what stage it would make sense to enter?

The government is preparing some new SOPs for foreign tourist. My guess is it should restart by late february or March.  

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Late Feb/early March will not happen. Simple reason is we'd still be looking at quarantine returning here until maybe Q3. Individuals from other countries that have received the vaccine and would be free to return home possibly but I doubt there would be a rush and I'll wager quarantine would feature.


Sri Lanka has started a system similar to Thailand where after serving the 2 weeks quarantine you are free to roam so maybe India is considering something similar but for Thailand based folks double quarantine would hardly make for the perfect holiday.


Anothee thing to consider is Thailand presently has less than 20,000 recorded cases very much centred in one district so chances of catching are minimal while India, 20 times the population, has over 10,000,000 confirmed cases though admittedly numbers are dropping rapidly if official figures are correct.


Once more happy to be wrong as have a 5 year visa burning away but Q3 at the very earliest would be my guess.

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41 minutes ago, pawanranta said:

The government could make travel bubble arrangments. There is tremendous pressure to revive the economy.  


The travel bubbles that were much touted around the world mid last year have proven to be a bit of a dud.


In any case, which countries would you envisage being prepared to enter into a travel bubble agreement with India?

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1 hour ago, thedemon said:

In any case, which countries would you envisage being prepared to enter into a travel bubble agreement with India?

Currently, India is carrying out international flight operations under Vande Bharat Mission and air bubbles. Currently, India has established air bubble agreements with countries including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Kenya, France, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Maldives, Netherlands, Oman, Qatar, UAE, UK, and the USA.

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1 hour ago, Mahseer said:

Currently, India is carrying out international flight operations under Vande Bharat Mission and air bubbles. Currently, India has established air bubble agreements with countries including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Kenya, France, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Maldives, Netherlands, Oman, Qatar, UAE, UK, and the USA.


I have never heard of an air bubble before. A quick google suggests that it is a peculiarly Indian term.


I found the page that you obviously copy/pasted the above from but I still don't understand what exactly defines an air bubble. Can you explain it please.

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India: Scheduled international flights suspended till February 28



  • India: Scheduled international flights suspended till February 28


    Scheduled international flights will not start operating as of now. As per the latest reports, Indian government has extended suspension of scheduled international flights till February 28, 2021. However, scheduled flights under the travel bubbles and Vande Bharat Mission flights will continue to operate. So far, India is in travel bubble agreement with 24 countries, including United States, Kenya, Bhutan, France, and Germany. 

    Referring to the, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) issued an order recently regarding suspension of scheduled international commercial passenger services to/from India till 11.59 PM (IST) of February 28, 2021. The order further added that this restriction will not apply to international all-cargo operations and flights specifically approved by DGCA, and that international scheduled flights will be allowed only on selected routes by the competent authority on case to case basis. 
    India: Scheduled international flights suspended till February 28


    The Coronavirus-induced suspension of scheduled international flights was imposed on March 23, 2020, which has now been further extended till February 28, 2021. Since the flights were suspended, India has been operating Vande Bharat Mission flights to many places and has also formed air bubbles with more than 20 countries. International air travel has been happening on both air bubble and VBM arrangements for selected category of travellers. Apart from this, all-cargo international flights are being allowed, whereas the DGCA approves flights on a case-to-case basis. 
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  • 5 months later...

Suspension of scheduled international passenger flights extended till July 31



The suspension of scheduled international passenger flights has been extended till July 31, the DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) said on Wednesday.

“International Scheduled flights may be allowed on selected routes by the competent authority on a case by case basis,” the DGCA said in a circular.

The restriction doesn’t apply to international all-cargo operations.

International scheduled flights have been suspended since March 23, 2020. However, flights are permitted under the “air bubble” agreement India has entered into with 27 countries.


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