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Thanks Wolfie, I was celebrating as always. Got the job of my life yesterday, but it means no going back to Thailand for Song Kran, however the indication is that they want me in Singapore sooner or later. Its been along ride to get back to Thailand, but I am nearly full circle!

ps. I feel like <deleted>. :o

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When I was 17, one of my best friends puked on me, when he was drunk. When I was 21, a total stranger puked on me as I walked into the bar. I puked my guts out a few times during those years, too. Woke up one morning on the floor of the toilet, covered in vomit, and had to go to work 30 minutes later, too hung over to do anything.

What never ceases to amaze me is the number of grown men (I mean, extra large size little boys) who not only vomit themselves to oblivion, but are proud of it! "Hey man, like wow, I had 19 beer Chang last night, and then I puked all over my teerak. I'm a macho man!"

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When I was 17, one of my best friends puked on me, when he was drunk. When I was 21, a total stranger puked on me as I walked into the bar. I puked my guts out a few times during those years, too. Woke up one morning on the floor of the toilet, covered in vomit, and had to go to work 30 minutes later, too hung over to do anything.

What never ceases to amaze me is the number of grown men (I mean, extra large size little boys) who not only vomit themselves to oblivion, but are proud of it! "Hey man, like wow, I had 19 beer Chang last night, and then I puked all over my teerak. I'm a macho man!"

Hey Blondie,

I am anything but macho, I just puked bcos I got pished out my lil head. I wish I was a run on the beach on a morning type a guy, who looks like hes some dionysus, I aint. I am a grown man yet is it so bad that I can not grow up all the time? I want to live my life sometimes, if that means getting pished, so be it.

PS. Fancy a pint?

Edited by lopburiguy
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Can't say it happened to me oftenly, I only usually drink in clubs or parties and when I feel I'm drunk I do whatever it takes not to stop dancing or stop moving around so I can get over it.

Anyways, last week I did it, came back home and when I was finally feeling ok and in my bed, I had to run to the toilet and puked all over the floor :o I was so ashamed of my girlfriend as before I've realized it she got a mop and start cleaning, I simply couldn't look in her face even though she understood and didn't got upset (I made the same thing for her when she got drunk for my last birthday party), but I felt like sh1t.

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When we were turning 18, our good friend Barry had a brand new convertible. We drove him home at 6 AM, just as his parent were waking up, and Barry kept puking all over the car, in the driveway.

The song could have been playing on the radio, "we were so much older then, when we were young." Now we're so much younger....

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I am feeling great now. Anyways this all reminds me of my horror puke story.

I was once in a disco walking down a tunnel into the toilets and a big guy was trying to push past me. I turned and looked at him and said "slow it down mate" , his eyes were bulging and at that very second he projectile vomite into my face and then I turned in horror and he continued to push up on me and puke down my back on mhead and in my the neck of my shirt!

Nice eh....Taxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :o

Edited by lopburiguy
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when i was a young dude of 14, i ate a whole water mellon.

i woke up in the middle of the night and deposited it all over my bedroom wall. :o

i'll never forget the look on my moms face when she walked in that room. :D

but i must tell you punters, to this day ive never eaten water mellon again. :D

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Ok last story for me on this one, theres a few you see. I once stayed at my girlfriends at the time parents house. We went out and got totally slaughtered (drunk) and went back to hers. I drank a few JDs and cokes with her in the bedroom then went to sleep....or so I thought. I later found myself standing up in the dark puking on her floor....so i thought...the light goes on and at the very second the GF comes rushing in.....whos lieing in the bed in the room I am puking...as you may guess her Mum and Dad!

Anyways they were not to bad about it in the morning at breakfast....was nice of them considering at the time I was naked! The bizzare existence of lopburiguy.


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Better out than in!

When I was a teenager, Cider was the thing and Pernod and Blackcurrant,

after jumping around to a local band the result was always very, very messy.

The Blackcurrant meant the puke was purple and wrecked anything it got on, shirts, walls, carpets, trainers.... :D

I'm much better now, really.... :o

Edited by Robski
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Thanks Wolfie, I was celebrating as always. Got the job of my life yesterday, but it means no going back to Thailand for Song Kran, however the indication is that they want me in Singapore sooner or later. Its been along ride to get back to Thailand, but I am nearly full circle!

ps. I feel like <deleted>. :o

PM me, who are you going to be working for ?

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