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Iran can sink U.S. warships with 'secret weapons', military official says


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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Given the USN's recent track record the ships will probably plow into each other, thereby triggering an incident which can justify a war?


Gulf of Tonkin, 1964, President Johnson commented privately: "For all I know, our navy was shooting at whales out there.





I suppose a connection can be made between the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the present by the use of wiring generously coated with guesswork. Imagination is much like a whale's blowhole. Lots of noise and attention getting, but little else.

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5 hours ago, cnxgary said:

Many many years ago Russia gave Iran what is called Cavitating Torpedos  that once fired releases a compressed gas to displace water and dramaticly increases the speed and distance ( 300 k an hour ) of the weapon. Being that the Straight of Hormus is some 25 miles wide these torpedos can hit any ship within a minute and a oil tanker takes how long to stop or veer off?

Yes, the russians gave Iran some VA-111 Torpedoes and the Iranians have now developed their own version, the Hoot.

but only has a range of 6 miles (10km). also such weapons will leave a massive com trail in the water that will lead right back to the point of launch.



Germany developed the Barracuda but never went into production with it, America tested some prototypes but never developed their own, wonder why?

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Iran, the United States, the EU and I believe Russia all agreed on a negotiated settlement regarding Iran developing a nuclear program.


Donald Trump, at the urging of Israel, and his  neocon advisers said it was a 'bad deal' and withdrew and started reimposing sanctions.  It is Trump's policies that are fomenting issues with Iran.


Iran in it's current form. is and will never be a 'friend' of the United States.  There is plenty of bad blood and mistakes on both sides. The best we can hope for is a form of peaceful co-existence  and non interference in each other's affairs. It was a huge mistake for Trump to pull out of a deal that Iran was in compliance with and try and reimpose sanctions.


While the United States has massive superiority in weaponry and could inflict grave injury to Iran- Iran his a History of not caving in to war and has the ability to strike back and cause grave disruptions to the US economy and the World.


Some people in this forum want to believe the US  has such unlimited power both militarily and diplomatically that nothing can stop it. 

 The Us thought they had unlimited power in Vietnam and in 10 years left unceremoniously when the song 'White Christmas' was played over Armed Forces Network to alert those of us there that the war was lost and to evacuate.


The Us thought they had unlimited power in Iraq and Afghanistan- yet Iraq is still unsettled and the Taliban controls wide stretches of Afghanistan and the US is seeking a negotiate settlement.


The US ratcheted up it's vitriol on North Korea with Trump indicating he could destroy North Korea but was then cautioned by the then Secretary of Defense General Mattis who laid out the cost in lives of the war. Horrible, grim projections which would make anyone flinch.


Why do people question the US Government on this issue and want evidence of Iranian involvement in terrorism; attacks on shipping or other covert activities.

The answer is simple- Since Vietnam- a succession of US Administrations fueled by  false scenarios; incompetent judgement  and twisted intelligence have  caused millions of deaths; destruction of millions of lives for  reasons that make no sense.


There is no compelling reason that Iran has done anything to justify a war that would mean stationing thousands of US troops in the Middle East. We, the American people, are not being provided with an accurate picture of what is going on 


The Trump Administration is attempting to sell the American people a 'bill of goods'  and I like others are not buying.




The parties to the so-called Iran Deal where Iran, the five permanent members of the UNSC (USA, China, Russia, UK, France) and Germany (hence the often used 5+1). Trump's withdrawal from the agreement was urged by Israel's Netanyahu, who's views were contradicted by his own intel and security chiefs. As usual for these kind of comments, other ME players with interests are left out (Saudi Arabia, UAE).


Not arguing for Trump's move - it was neither smart nor wise. Whether anything will come out of it that can be described as an achievement, and one that couldn't have been reached otherwise - remains to be seen.


Iran not "caving in"? Seriously now....what was the Iran Deal if not Iran caving in to economic pressure? As for Iran's capability to inflict damage on the USA - there's some of that, but portraying it as "grave" is not necessarily supported by a whole lot.


The USA's power is not unlimited. That said, many posters were of the opinion that the reintroduced USA sanctions would fail, and would not be effective. Funny how that worked out. And no, I don't think anyone got much illusions as to the prospects of a full blown invasion & occupation. Same goes for the regime change thing. With regard to outright military confrontation, though - let's keep it real.


It is perfectly legitimate to question USA government motives, reports and statements. Some, however, seem to treat the assumed negatives to be a given. The whole just asking questions bit get long in the tooth sometimes.


Wouldn't know that there is a war, other than  in some posters' minds. Or that Iran hasn't done anything. Or that thousands of USA troops aren't routinely stationed in the region anyway. What would count as an "accurate picture of what's going on" isn't detailed either.


It's alright not to buy into what Trump is selling. The reasoning and factual support for doing so could be better, though.


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Will Mo kick Josephs boy's arse, that's

5 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

The minute they fire anything, the USN Surface Warfare fleet stationed there is going to go all ape shit on anything they have above, on or beneath the sea.  They might get one shot in, perhaps successfully so on a merchant oiler after that its all over for them.  There ports, oil facilities, factories, military facilities will all be destroyed.  The Surface warfare ships would end them in 30 minutes.  I am not even talking about the carriers or anything else that is stationed in the region.  People forget what surface warfare vessels are capable of.  I promise you the surface warfare group has 

While the firepower of even one destroyer is formidable, it always either falls apart, or drags on forever,.Or both, for the western coalitions at the boots on the ground phase. 


The smart thing would be for the west to agree to carve up the rest of the raggedy-arsed failed states and mad caliphates like this:


Coalition demolish them from a distance then stand off.


China go in as 'good Samaritans' and occupy with cheque book colonialism. 


China and the developed west and others govern/police their hapless shitholes by proxy happily ever after.

No aid, just trade, and on our terms.

The end.


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   After Iran sinks a U.S. aircraft carrier, sending 5,000 crewmen to a watery grave, a single Ohio-Class Submarine slides silently from under the polar ice-cap and launches one of its 24 missiles. Fifteen minutes later, Iran evaporates. 23 missiles to go with 17 other Ohio subs standing ready for any other nation wishing to intervene. Better think really hard before you strike at the U.S. Navy.

Edited by Uptooyoo
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6 hours ago, mercman24 said:

ha everyone dissing russian arms as junk got to be a yank, they dont spout off what they got not like the yanks do ,remember the Russian pilot that done a runner with that fighter, to the west,  it was years ahead of anything the the yanks had, and i dont think for one minute their developement programme has stood still since then, and agree, remember sputnik

In truth, it was typical Soviet technology (not negative), a large plane with huge powerful Engines. The West had been worried from earlier reconnaissance, until Viktor Belenko defected with one to Japan. They discovered that the large engines were required because the plane was built entirely of heavy steel instead of newer titanium, and much of the electronics was make from old vacuum tube technology. As usual, the Russians had developed excellent weapons considering their backwards technology base. The plane set a number of speed records but never hit full potential because the hot heavy engines.  OTOH, Western fear of the plane before the defection was responsible for significant Western aircraft innovation.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Do you REALLY want to 'sink a US ship' and incur the wrath of madman Trump Really? Iran is in the midst of the worst economical hardship right now their riel is almost worthless and everyday food necessities has gone by 30% since the oil embargo owning to Trump sanctions and curbs on all dealing with Iran, the last thing Iran will want to do is start a war now...

Odds are it will  not be Iran that starts anything.

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25 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Odds are it will  not be Iran that starts anything.


He said knowingly.

Things could start simply to one side misinterpreting an action by the other as an attack. Hot heads and war mongers, both sides got them. 


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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


He said knowingly.

Things could start simply to one side misinterpreting an action by the other as an attack. Hot heads and war mongers, both sides got them. 


Hmmmm. And  which side in this confrontation is  renowned  for  falsified cause or  contrived  "pre emptive" attack?

And well outside of  their own  back yard  to  boot!

Edited by Dumbastheycome
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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


The conclusion of the article linked seems to be that Iran might be able to pull it off, but that it would be a very bad decision, hence unlikely.

True. But in naval exercises both Swedish and Oz diesel subs have managed to get close enough to US carriers to sink them. I remember the story of the Oz boat, but can't find a link.

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3 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Hmmmm. And  which side in this confrontation is  renowned  for  falsified cause or  contrived  "pre emptive" attack?

And well outside of  their own  back yard  to  boot!


Iran is making fake claims quite often. What's your point?

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3 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

True. But in naval exercises both Swedish and Oz diesel subs have managed to get close enough to US carriers to sink them. I remember the story of the Oz boat, but can't find a link.


Yeah, there was a French one as well, and others too. Not exactly a secret. But doing so on an exercise, that's one thing, taking such a decision in a real situation, maybe different. That, and wondering how well trained is the Iranian Navy. 

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Iran is making fake claims quite often. What's your point?

If  you starve a dog  or corner a rat the possible outcome is  not that it will become  more docile. 

So the  question is  why  starve the the dog or corner the  rat when it has demonstrated to the satisfaction of most others that there is no identified  justifiable  cause  to inflict  abuse.

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Just now, Dumbastheycome said:

If  you starve a dog  or corner a rat the possible outcome is  not that it will become  more docile. 

So the  question is  why  starve the the dog or corner the  rat when it has demonstrated to the satisfaction of most others that there is no identified  justifiable  cause  to inflict  abuse.


I don't think Iran is a dog, or a rat. Iran's got a leadership, and that leadership makes decisions and sets policies. In the past, when faced with economic pressure, Iran's leadership changed both its tone and its policies. That's how the so-called Iran Deal came about.


If you're looking for support of Trump's withdrawal from the agreement, you'll have to look elsewhere. As commented on multiple posts and topics - not a smart nor wise decision.


The Trump administration cited other issues (for example, Iran's ballistic missile program and Iran's regional activities) as reasoning and support for the decision to withdraw from the Iran Deal. Granted, the Iran Deal does not actually cover these issues, and the reasoning offered is faulty - but it's not like this makes them go away. The discontent over said issues is shared by European signatories, even if their ideas on tackling them differs from Trump's.

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Iranis must watch film Crimson Tide and learn how a chief of the boat could be crazy war monger and to give extra flavor, their POTUS needs a new war.


These are fox threats from Iranians as they dont have anything especially economics is shattered.


One dissapointing situation for the US, all its partners are on Iranian side due to economics.

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