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VIDEO: Fingerprint and facial recognition now scanning passengers at Don Mueang Airport


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I just hope it works better than our door lock.


We have just had a fingerprint scan door lock installed and it never works for me. I have had 3 different fingers registered and none of them work. Last night I put my thumb on the scanner 51 times without it being accepted.

If it is like that at the airport, I can imagine the long queue behind me.


Having said that, the finger print scanner to unlock my phone works perfectly. 

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2 hours ago, outsider said:


It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


Me thinks you are a bit paranoid ! Consider the following...  Money....public toilets....street food & utensils.... public transport hand rails & grips....restaurant & bar tables & glasses....the list goes on & on. Highly unlikely you'll get any more germs from the touch pad than a hundred other daily encounters. For what it's worth, I have a small packet of a sanitizer wipes in my car, but keep forgetting to use em.

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2 hours ago, outsider said:


It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


Maybe the airlines should hand out sanitized wipes... or even King Power put promotional tubs of them at every scanner.


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9 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Maybe the airlines should hand out sanitized wipes... or even King Power put promotional tubs of them at every scanner.


Add a free spray of aftershave or perfume as well.

Some people are just way too paranoid about things like this.

Would be better if they just stayed at home and lived in a glass bubble.

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I have had operations on both hands. The third finger on my left hand will not register a full print and my little (pinky) finger on my right hand is at 90 degrees. Have the IO been briefed on what to do? I fear the worst.

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3 minutes ago, bluepeter said:

I have had operations on both hands. The third finger on my left hand will not register a full print and my little (pinky) finger on my right hand is at 90 degrees. Have the IO been briefed on what to do? I fear the worst.

OPPS that will prove interesting for them, although apparently all fingers scanned only the first time, so guess once all on database, you maybe only have to do two fingers or thumbs like KL 

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1 hour ago, brain150 said:

Goerge Orwell's 1984 on steroids !!!


Just in case anybody thinks this has anything to do with security - nope !!!

It has everything to do with total control.


Social Credit scores to come next.


A total nightmare to anybody who can still use his brain for just a second - not many left it seems !!!

... the media mind control is working perfectly - babies being treated like babies !!!


I'm also sure that due to lack of proper information security and corruption, This huge biometric database will be soon available for criminal organizations and foreign agencies to abuse..

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31 minutes ago, bluepeter said:

I have had operations on both hands. The third finger on my left hand will not register a full print and my little (pinky) finger on my right hand is at 90 degrees. Have the IO been briefed on what to do? I fear the worst.

I would have thought this has been addressed in other countries, so I would assume if they had the common sense they would find out how the system works in other countries and the teething problems other countries had and how they were addressed.

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3 hours ago, ETatBKK said:

Biometric scanning is good, should as soon !


QUEUING is not good ????  last week Friday evening in Suvarnabhumi Airport, it took me 1 hour 45minutes to go through the Immigration.  yesterday, the queue extended about 200 meters away from the duty free shops at the entrance of the Immigration hall.


how it would happen in a less spacious Don Muang Immigration ?


don't get me wrong, new tech is welcome, but someone should manage the queuing order in a more creative way !

Don’t hold your breadth that it will be any quicker we recently visited Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur where there are no forms to complete, fingerprints and facial recognition.

We arrived and left from the Air Asia terminal which took over an hour to clear Immigration

I reckon that is slower than Thailand certainly Chiang Mai where we cleared Immigration in a few minutes.

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1 hour ago, petedk said:

I just hope it works better than our door lock.


We have just had a fingerprint scan door lock installed and it never works for me. I have had 3 different fingers registered and none of them work. Last night I put my thumb on the scanner 51 times without it being accepted.

If it is like that at the airport, I can imagine the long queue behind me.


Having said that, the finger print scanner to unlock my phone works perfectly. 

I think you will find that having a system that records the fingerprints is different to one that then utilizes them to open something 

Also will all due respect theirs may be better quality than yours.

We have an electric gate that is remote operated and it was suggested that we could change to finger prints but after your experience will give it a miss.

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If your phone is not turned off there is a system that reads your phone as you pass through immigration at Suvarnabhumi airport. A similar type of company that works in the same field selling to security agencies has recently been in the news for hacking WhatsApp. Last month I was asked for my passport to add 100 baht to my BTS card. At checkpoints we have to give biometrics. And I am not saying its just Thailand - UK is heading there if not doing all those things already. 20 years ago there was uproar in the UK about national identification cards - the idea had to be scrapped in the end - now i.d cards are not needed to keep watch on us as technology has changed us into sheep. Some expats may think its convenient but give me a queue over a police state any day of the week.

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

Maybe the airlines should hand out sanitized wipes... or even King Power put promotional tubs of them at every scanner.



The infrastructure already exists for preventing the spread of contact contagions.  It's called soap & water.  Presumably there are restrooms at the airport?

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2 hours ago, stbkk said:

50 minutes Sunday afternoon to get through immigration at Swampy. They were only allowing people down the escalator from the security check in batches for a while as the immigration area was full.


My only comparison of this sort of system is with India, where they only check 1 finger of one hand instead of all 10 here, which is obviously faster.


Hope it improves as the immigration staff become more familiar. I have PR and the immigration officer needed to call the 'expert' to help him, and it took another 5 minutes on top of the 50 before I actually got through.





It only takes about 30 mins to register for Autochannel with PR and from then on you can avoid those queues. You can do the registration at either departures or arrivals at Suvarnabhumi.


Unfortunately it won't help at Don Muang though.

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38 minutes ago, Leef said:

If your phone is not turned off there is a system that reads your phone as you pass through immigration at Suvarnabhumi airport. A similar type of company that works in the same field selling to security agencies has recently been in the news for hacking WhatsApp. Last month I was asked for my passport to add 100 baht to my BTS card. At checkpoints we have to give biometrics. And I am not saying its just Thailand - UK is heading there if not doing all those things already. 20 years ago there was uproar in the UK about national identification cards - the idea had to be scrapped in the end - now i.d cards are not needed to keep watch on us as technology has changed us into sheep. Some expats may think its convenient but give me a queue over a police state any day of the week.


No there isn't.

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When i left at CNX they scanned 4 fingers on one hand, 4 fingers on the other hand, and then both thumbs. When i entered Thailand at CNX after this they only scanned 4 fingers of one hand.

So it could be that if your first 4 fingers match data in their system, then you don't have to scan the other fingers. Did anybody observe this as well?

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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Maybe the airlines should hand out sanitized wipes... or even King Power put promotional tubs of them at every scanner.


What,  with a King power style,  price tag,  100 baht a dip.  :giggle:




Edited by stanleycoin
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4 hours ago, verticalift said:

Good news for those of us long term expats living in T’land. Facial recognition scanning has been in place in Abu Dhabi where I work, for the past 4 years. Clearing Customs Immigration both inbound and outbound takes about 2 minutes.

Unless you got PR here, you're just a temporary visitor and I doubt there will be any perks, even if you got non-imm status. Still not an immigrant, just normal cattle class visitor, no matter how many decades here.

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5 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

The system scans the fingerprints of all travellers coming in or going out of the country. 


The system, which also includes facial recognition,


First you put your fingers on the pad and then your face?

...like those funny old days when people put their bottoms on photocopiers for a laugh.

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3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

What am I getting wrong or missing here,? If the system is just starting up, How can they catch previous criminals who have changed names and acquired new passports as they will have no data,to go on, will they? They will be starting new from scratch, I should imagine?


They have been photographing us in and out for years. OK Now they are adopting similar to the Cambodian system where they fingerprint and handprint as well as this.


The Cambodian one breaks down regularly and Thailand airports are far busier. Nightmare queues to follow methinks!

In the article it mentions that the person caught did not resemble the picture of the holder of the passport that was stored on the chip contained in the passport.

Many modern passports now have biometric information stored on them to facilitate faster immigration (and other) checks.  The scanner reads the data stored on the passport and then checks the scanned fingerprints/face/whatever for a match; discrepancies are followed up by human IO's.

If the system tried to check the scans of fingerprints/face/whatever with a central database containing millions of identities it would take a very long time.

Basically the individual carries their own data in some form such as a Passport or ID card and this is used for a one to one comparison rather than a one to several million search.

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Along with a few others I was kindly pulled out of the queues and passed through a side door into fast track sunday afternoon, I was confronted by the new process, was fortunate the IO officer was under going training was very quick and easy when explained.

My passport details will be stored, no problem if officialdom have my fingerprints too, and if this speeds up any official processing even better.

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Excellent news for everyone.

Yes, it will have teething problems whilst everyone becomes familiarised with the new technology (as happened in all major countries!) also  will ensure Thailand airports are safer along with the general population.

Criminals, scammers, drug dealers, vagabonds and overstayers beware!!!

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6 minutes ago, NoComment said:

Excellent news for everyone.

Yes, it will have teething problems whilst everyone becomes familiarised with the new technology (as happened in all major countries!) also  will ensure Thailand airports are safer along with the general population.

Criminals, scammers, drug dealers, vagabonds and overstayers beware!!!


two queues please; one for those who know how to use the machines and will pass efficiently through, and one for those who are going to get confused and faf around...

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So the first USD 500'00 are in already; how actually gets the bounty?

Just hope that they clean the fingerprint reader between scans as quite some travellers are known for not really using toilet paper or have the urge of nose poking - just saying .........

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17 minutes ago, samsensam said:

two queues please; one for those who know how to use the machines and will pass efficiently through, and one for those who are going to get confused and faf around...

I'd put my money on it being a verbatim copy of the easy pass/m-pass toll booths on highway 7. There's always that one brain dead that needs to go there without the electronic pass and then needs all the 2000 cars behind him to back up. Imagine a Chinese tour group swimming upstream. Credit to the draconian herd handlers at swampy though, I think I've seen them wield a cattle prod to keep the herd intact. Maybe use German shepherds, too.

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