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UK ever more polarised as Brexit Party storms to EU vote win


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10 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The Brexit Party has won in 9 of the 11 regions so far counted.


How many seats in the European Parliament did Change UK get - the new party that was formed to fight against Brexit? Zero seats at the last count. 


I don't say this to gloat. I'm just pleased that all this talk about the country now wanting to remain in the EU has been proven as simply wishful thinking from the remain side. 

Surely we can all agree now that a 2nd referendum would give us the same result as the first one - a narrow win for Leave. 

Looking at the results, your post is nonsense. How anybody can reach your conclusions is totally incomprehensible.

Edited by stevenl
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7 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The Brexit Party has won in 9 of the 11 regions so far counted.


How many seats in the European Parliament did Change UK get - the new party that was formed to fight against Brexit? Zero seats at the last count. 


I don't say this to gloat. I'm just pleased that all this talk about the country now wanting to remain in the EU has been proven as simply wishful thinking from the remain side. 

Surely we can all agree now that a 2nd referendum would give us the same result as the first one - a narrow win for Leave. 

"Surely"? No. Referendum is counted on total numbers. Hard Brexit less than <40% on the Euro election. Hard Brexit does not auto win at all. But good luck with the spinning.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

Looking at the results, your post is nonsense. How anybody can reach your conclusions is totally incomprehensible.

Easy. Hard Brexiteers come to a conclusion and then make up the justifications. From beginning to end.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Since when was 32% a triumph?

Well it is more of a triumph than say 15% or 11% or 9% or whatever. I suppose this is what happens when you do not have a straight two party fight.

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15 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You raise a good point. That's just the people who want a 'hard' brexit. Imagine if you added to that the people who want to leave with a deal. 

You can't continue to pretend the UK population has swung to Remain after these results. 


Perhaps if remainers concede now and get behind Brexit who knows - we might just get a decent deal. 

Clearly you're imagining all kinds of things which may possibly be based in fact.

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12 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

If you remove the threat of No Deal from the table, why would the EU negotiate anything other than has already been negotiated/agreed (and they've said many times that they won't).

No Deal is not a negotiating ploy. It is what the Hard Brexiteers want.

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32 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You raise a good point. That's just the people who want a 'hard' brexit. Imagine if you added to that the people who want to leave with a deal. 

You can't continue to pretend the UK population has swung to Remain after these results. 

Perhaps if remainers concede now and get behind Brexit who knows - we might just get a decent deal. 

Hard Brexiteers spinning that Soft Brexit is on the same side. Which it isn't.

Edited by SheungWan
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34 minutes ago, rott said:

Well it is more of a triumph than say 15% or 11% or 9% or whatever. I suppose this is what happens when you do not have a straight two party fight.

Some people should try using a dictionary.

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

If there ever is a Brexit 2 ref..you can put your last penny on LEAVE winning..at least by 55/45.
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

That's about all expat Hard Brexiteers will have to bet, given the ~20% devaluation of the Pound since Brexit.

Edited by SheungWan
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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Hard Brexiteers spinning that Soft Brexit is on the same side. Which it isn't.


2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Is that fact or just a personal opinion ? 

Its not exactly rocket science. Well maybe for some of the dozy Hard Brexiteers it is. You know, the ones who were denouncing Soft Brexiteers as traitors 5 minutes ago. Duh!

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9 minutes ago, Thairealist said:

This I can’t beleive. Your saying that none Brits,who are citizens of the E.U. Can vote in our elections,even if they are not living in the U.K.

Look it up before adopting belief.

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18 minutes ago, Thairealist said:



This I can’t beleive. Your saying that none Brits,who are citizens of the E.U. Can vote in our elections,even if they are not living in the U.K.

Unlike in General Elections (to the UK https://www.euronews.com/2019/04/26/how-do-european-parliament-elections-work-in-the-uk-and-how-do-i-vote), European Parliament elections are also open to citizens of the other 27 EU countries who are resident in the UK, if they are aged 18 or over on election day. They can vote either in their home country or in the UK, where they must register by May 7. Details are available on the UK government website and the European Parliament website




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Just now, Chelseafan said:

Yes, in the same way that the small %age of Bangkok Elite 'know better' than the rest of the country. That's just a stupid comment.

Yes. I should have excluded Chelsea fans from the smarter Londoner observation.

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