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Thai National Anthem


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I was cooking lunch earlier and I catch myself humming the Thai national anthem. What the??? If I knew the lyrics, I would probably sing it too! Anyone else with the same problem? How do I purge it out of my system?

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I was cooking lunch earlier and I catch myself humming the Thai national anthem. What the??? If I knew the lyrics, I would probably sing it too! Anyone else with the same problem? How do I purge it out of my system?

Here are the lyrics:

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body,

The whole country belongs to the Thai people,

Maintaining thus far for the Thai,

All Thais intend to unite together,

Thais love peace, but do not fear to fight,

They will never let anyone threaten their independence,

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation,

Will serve their country with pride and prestige-full of victory.

Chai Yo (Cheers)

Those wondering why foreigners can not own the land in Thailand and hoping it will change soon or in the future, take a note of the bold part . That is how deep land ownership laws are entrenched.

(Somebody else told me it actually says something like "every inch of Thai land belongs to Thais").

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I was cooking lunch earlier and I catch myself humming the Thai national anthem. What the??? If I knew the lyrics, I would probably sing it too! Anyone else with the same problem? How do I purge it out of my system?

Always. And if I knew the lyrics I would be singing it too. I guess we're listening to the radio to often at 8am and 6pm.

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I was cooking lunch earlier and I catch myself humming the Thai national anthem. What the??? If I knew the lyrics, I would probably sing it too! Anyone else with the same problem? How do I purge it out of my system?

Here are the lyrics:

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body,

The whole country belongs to the Thai people,

Maintaining thus far for the Thai,

All Thais intend to unite together,

Thais love peace, but do not fear to fight,

They will never let anyone threaten their independence,

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation,

Will serve their country with pride and prestige-full of victory.

Chai Yo (Cheers)

Those wondering why foreigners can not own the land in Thailand and hoping it will change soon or in the future, take a note of the bold part . That is how deep land ownership laws are entrenched.

(Somebody else told me it actually says something like "every inch of Thai land belongs to Thais").

They must have forgotten that when Chinese migrants first arrrived and bought up heaps of land!

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Are you in dispute?

Most of Chinese had arrived before 1932. when the anthem was introduced. That year even Thaksin's father was already second generation, from a mixed Thai-Chinese marriage.

A law passed in 1911. allowed anyone born in Thailand of whatever parentage to take (then) Siamese nationality.

Since long they have been as Thai as anyone there.

Edited by think_too_mut
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Are you in dispute?

Most of Chinese had arrived before 1932. when the anthem was introduced. That year even Thaksin's father was already second generation, from a mixed Thai-Chinese marriage.

A law passed in 1911. allowed anyone born in Thailand of whatever parentage to take (then) Siamese nationality.

Since long they have been as Thai as anyone there.

My bad!

Time to get a new history book! :o

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I enjoy the National Anthem too. Remind me of all the places I have travelled in Thailand over the years. The way people stand still on bus station, train platforms, markets etc always impressed me it still gives me a warm glow.

Learn the language and learn the Anthem. Things like this really endear you to the Thais, and relationships are instantly deeper because of doing it. Massive resourses on the internet for us to learn Thai. Good Language section on here too.

Glad you enjoy it too.

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I wonder how many Thais don't know the words to their national anthem? There sure seems to be a lot of Americans that don't know theirs. I watched The Tonight Show with Jay Leno recently and they stopped people in the streets and asked them to sing the national anthem... wow, what an eye-opener. :o

Another point: why do national anthems have to be based around violence and war and the conquest of land? I don't know many national anthem admittedly, but that seems to be a trend. Please enlighten me if there are non-violent national anthems out there.

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Yes, there is at least one. Costa Rica:


Ooops! I spoke too soon. Its mostly peaceful, and then its gets all "virile".


Noble patria tu hermosa bandera

Expresión de tu vida nos da:

Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo

Blanca y pura descansa la paz.

En la lucha tenaz de fecunda labor

Que enrojece del hombre la faz,

Conquistaron tus hijos, labriegos sencillos,

Eterno prestigio, estima y honor,

eterno prestigio, estima y honor.

¡Salve oh tierra gentil!

¡Salve oh madre de amor!

Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,

Verás a tu pueblo, valiente y viril

La tosca herramienta en arma trocar.

¡Salve patria! tu pródigo suelo

Dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;

Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo

¡Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!



Noble homeland, your beautiful flag

Express for us your life:

Under the limpid blue of your skies,

Peace reigns, white and pure.

In the tenacious battle of fruitful toil,

That brings a glow to men's faces,

Your sons, simple farm hands,

Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour,

Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour.

Hail, gentle country!

Hail, loving mother!

If anyone should attempt to besmirch your glory,

You will see your people, valiant and virile,

Exchange their rustic tools for weapons.

Hail, O homeland! Your prodigal soil

Gives us sweet sustenance and shelter.

Under the limpid blue of your sky,

May peaceful labour ever continue.

Edited by Jingthing
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I wonder how many Thais don't know the words to their national anthem? There sure seems to be a lot of Americans that don't know theirs. I watched The Tonight Show with Jay Leno recently and they stopped people in the streets and asked them to sing the national anthem... wow, what an eye-opener. :o

Another point: why do national anthems have to be based around violence and war and the conquest of land? I don't know many national anthem admittedly, but that seems to be a trend. Please enlighten me if there are non-violent national anthems out there.

Are you ever happy about anything?

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Here it is for those who wish to stand on their stool and sing it out loud to the neighbourhood :o

bra thet thai ruam lueard nuea chart chuea thai

ben bra cha rat pha-thai khong thai took suan

yoo dam rong kong wai dai tang muan

duay thai luan mai rak sa mak kee

thai nee rak sa-ngobdtae thueng rob mai khlard

aek-ga rart ja mai hai krai khom khee

sa-la luead took yard ben chart plee

tha-loeng bra thet chart thai ta-wee mee chaicha-yo

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I wonder how many Thais don't know the words to their national anthem? There sure seems to be a lot of Americans that don't know theirs. I watched The Tonight Show with Jay Leno recently and they stopped people in the streets and asked them to sing the national anthem... wow, what an eye-opener. :D

Another point: why do national anthems have to be based around violence and war and the conquest of land? I don't know many national anthem admittedly, but that seems to be a trend. Please enlighten me if there are non-violent national anthems out there.

The Australia anthem is non-violent. It's actually very inviting. Only problem, complicated lyrics and I wouldn't be caught dead humming it! :o

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Chinese began immigrating here in the 17th century, and during the Ayuthaya period Chinese residents weren't obliged to register for corvee (draft labour to the state) duty, so ...

they were free to move about the kingdom at will and engage in commerce. By the sixteenth century, the Chinese controlled Ayutthaya's internal trade and had found important places in the civil and military service. Most of these men took Thai wives because few women left China to accompany the men.

from CIAO Atlas

By 1910 nearly 10 percent of Thailand's population was Chinese. I've read that anti-Chinese sentiment in the Thonburi-Ratanakosin period led to the relocation of Chinese settlements in Bangkok (the more standard explanation says the government simply wanted prime riverfront land).

Pridi Panomyang was born to a Chinese family in Ayuthaya and it's not too far-fetched to suggest that his involvement in planning the 1932 coup may have been partially inspired by a personal reaction to anti-Chinese attitudes in Bangkok. Certainly after the coup immigration increased and by the 1940s there were about two million Chinese migrants in Thailand.

After Phibun Songkram seized power in 1947-57 he restricted Chinese immigration and ordered the closing of Chinese schools and associations. Some sources say all Chinese immigration was halted completely during this period, other sources I've read say there was a quota of 200 Chinese immigrants a year. If the latter it's not clear whether that meant 200 ethnic Chinese total from all countries, or just 200 Chinese nationals from China (which would be the same quota as today for all nationalities).

Today there are an estimated six million Chinese-Thais, most of whom live in Bangkok. One out of 10 Thais has some Chinese ancestry. Almost two-thirds of the members of the last Thai Parliament were Chinese-Thai. Of course ex-PM Thaksin was Chinese. I've heard Thais scoff at the party moniker Thai Rak Thai (Thai Love Thai), changing it to Jeen Seu Thai (Chinese Buy Thai).

Resentment towards the Chinese still exists among Thais who regard themselves as being of primarily ethnic Thai ancestry. But I find it's mixed with an acceptance of the achievements the Chinese have made in Thai society. My wife, who is 3/4 Thai, 1/4 Malay, likes to say 'It's a good thing we have a lot of Chinese in Thailand, they can keep the economy going while we Thais enjoy ourselves.'

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For those who don't know how to hum it ...

La-ti-da-da-laa-ti-da-ti-daaaaaa ... la-ti-da-la.. la-da-ta-la-ta-daaa

La-ti-da-da-laa-ti-da-ti-daaaaaa ... la-ti-da-y-laaaa (very high) .. la-da-ti-la-la!

La-ti-da-ti-do .. La-ti-ta-di-ta ..

La-di-da-ti-daaa ..la-ta-di-ta-daaaa

La-di-ta-di-da-ti-da-ti-daaa (very high)


If you see farang refusing to stand up in the theater, rap 'em on the head a little bit to let 'em know they need to stand up. Jeeez.

[This post is not copyright protected, feel free to distribute] :o

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For those who don't know how to hum it ...

La-ti-da-da-laa-ti-da-ti-daaaaaa ... la-ti-da-la.. la-da-ta-la-ta-daaa

La-ti-da-da-laa-ti-da-ti-daaaaaa ... la-ti-da-y-laaaa (very high) .. la-da-ti-la-la!

La-ti-da-ti-do .. La-ti-ta-di-ta ..

La-di-da-ti-daaa ..la-ta-di-ta-daaaa

La-di-ta-di-da-ti-da-ti-daaa (very high)


If you see farang refusing to stand up in the theater, rap 'em on the head a little bit to let 'em know they need to stand up. Jeeez.

[This post is not copyright protected, feel free to distribute] :o

They don't play the national anthem at the theatre.

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All this has brought to mind the classic remark by Victoria Beckham....

" yer, well, Daiveed 'as lernd ter mime ter ver Nashnal anfum...'cos it gives 'im such a lift"

Notice well the word MIME....and not SING!!

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Am I sad or what (rhetorical question guys) I have it as a ringtone on my phone. :D:D:D:o

It is a happy, jolly little tune that reminds me of where I want to be, with who I want to be with, doing what I want to do. :o

Steve :D:bah::bah:

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Am I sad or what (rhetorical question guys) I have it as a ringtone on my phone. :D:D:D:o

It is a happy, jolly little tune that reminds me of where I want to be, with who I want to be with, doing what I want to do. :o

Steve :D:bah::bah:

Realy? I was not aware you could get it as a ring tone. I thought people would have found it disrespectful that you stop it mid verse to answer the phone.

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It's a lovely jolly tune that I often hum along to. I am glad of the words, my youngests friends mother has tried to explain what they are, I now know. I find my eyes filling with tears when we go to the cinema. That short film and song about HM is very moving even though I haven't got the foggiest idea what it's about.

Much better than the Uk - god save the queen or land of hope and glory.

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It's a lovely jolly tune that I often hum along to. I am glad of the words, my youngests friends mother has tried to explain what they are, I now know. I find my eyes filling with tears when we go to the cinema. That short film and song about HM is very moving even though I haven't got the foggiest idea what it's about.

Much better than the Uk - god save the queen or land of hope and glory.

The music you hear at the cinema is the Royal anthem, the music was composed by a Russian musician.

The translated lyrics are:

We, Your Majesty's loyal subjects,

Pay homage with deep heartfelt veneration,

To the supreme Protector of the Realm,

The mightiest of monarchs complete with transcendent virtues,

Under whose benevolent rule, we your subjects,

Receive protection and happiness,

Prosperity and peace.

And we wish that whatsoever Your Majesty may desire,

The same may be fulfilled.

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My wife, who is 3/4 Thai, 1/4 Malay, likes to say 'It's a good thing we have a lot of Chinese in Thailand, they can keep the economy going while we Thais enjoy ourselves.'

lol - I like that.

I hum,whistle the tune a lot. It's a bit rude to whistle it though.

I have my own version of it, as do the kids at many schools.

goes like - eating sticky rice every day what a bore, what a booooore, what a boooorrrrre.In Thai of course.

Looks really stupid a farang sining it. Ironic as it was composed by a farang.

Edited by Neeranam
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Acquiesce my friend, I am very sorry :bah: you think it disrespectful (really not my intention) my having the Thai national anthem as a ring tone but I hope I can ease your concern a little and tell you that at the moment I am in the UK where possibly 99.9%+ of the population don’t know it is the Thai national anthem and would not care anyway. (BTW it is just the tune not the lyrics).

I do take your point though and would not have the Thai national anthem as a ringtone if I where visiting, living or even passing through Thailand.

I do think the point of the thread, or at least the way the thread looked to be running (at least to my mind), was to say how (for most people) the Thai national anthem made them feel happy (lump to throat, tear in eye) when they heard it. (it does for me anyway). :bah:

Not wishing to offend, but, I find it odd you comment about the Thai national anthem being used as a ringtone but seem to find it ok to use it as a mild laxative. :o

I do agree with leisurely, it is much better than (boring) God save the queen. :D

Steve :D:D:D

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