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can the pound hold 39bt

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Just now, bomber said:

when you choose your next place to relocate to make sure they have proper banana's i'd hate to see you get all upset over a banana,a tip for you just buy them individually at a set price to avoid getting upset,it might work out more expensive but it avoids any unwanted issue's and stress.

I do understand that you are attempting humor , but , to be serious , I dont really like bananas and just have them in smoothies and I really dont care as to what shape they are/were 

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Just now, bomber said:

yes boss ???????? you sound like one of those german brussels bully boys telling posters what they can and cannot do.

Well, I am trying to talk with posters and they keep telling what other people in pubs have said .

Why dont you go and talk with the people in the pubs or get them to post on here ?

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Well, I am trying to talk with posters and they keep telling what other people in pubs have said .

Why dont you go and talk with the people in the pubs or get them to post on here ?

you would love them on here,they are like you,the EU is to blame for most things that have gone wrong in their lives,€4.00 euros for a beer in greece is the all EUs fault,????   the sooner we are out the better they say ????????  brain dead pond life is what i call them.

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2 minutes ago, Jajazazajaja said:

How has your life been negatively impacted on a daily basis by UK being a member of the EU?


What tangible benefits to your daily life do you expect to get from leaving the Eu?

I have been out of the UK for ten years now , so, you would be better off asking some UK based Brexiteers

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1 minute ago, Jajazazajaja said:

I have, none of them can answer it Either 

poor max he voted leave his wallet got hit by a brexocet and he doesnt know why he did it.????  now i have heard it all.

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5 minutes ago, Jajazazajaja said:

I have, none of them can answer it Either 

did you ever see the clip on here of that tim fella who owns spoons being asked to name one EU law he didnt like?  he could even name a one,started stuttering and slurring his words,total clown of a bloke

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15 minutes ago, bomber said:

poor max he voted leave his wallet got hit by a brexocet and he doesnt know why he did it.????  now i have heard it all.

Another Spoony bomber "fact" .

The reality is that I didnt vote 

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21 minutes ago, Jajazazajaja said:

I have, none of them can answer it Either 

  You should try a bit harder then , many people have stated the reason why they voted Brexit . Even posters on here have given reasons . 

   Even I know why Brexiters voted to leave , surely you can find out as well ?

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Another Spoony bomber "fact" .

The reality is that I didnt vote 

correct,your sovereign govt didnt allow you to,how nice of them,what were you saying again about democracy and independence ???? you should of took them to the ECJ 

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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

correct,your sovereign govt didnt allow you to,how nice of them,what were you saying again about democracy and independence ???? you should of took them to the ECJ 

Another spoony bomber "fact"

I was allowed to vote 

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Another spoony bomber "fact"

I was allowed to vote 

surely a £400 flight would of been worth the effort to get free from those EU shackles and vote for independence and stop those EU folks spoiling your stay in issan or some other part of thailand

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Just now, bomber said:

surely a £400 flight would of been worth the effort to get free from those EU shackles and vote for independence and stop those EU folks spoiling your stay in issan or some other part of thailand

I would have chosen the postal vote option , 15 Baht for a stamp and envelope 

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I would have chosen the postal vote option , 15 Baht for a stamp and envelope 

but you couldnt be bothered ???? maybe you werent that bothered about it all after all.same same me,i saw the damage and lies afterwards,maybe you liked the lies and damage,never mind £10-15k out of pocket and counting ????

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1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:

I don't understand what you're trying to say ....


I don't know if you are British but it's not a "crap country", try living in Africa, China, Mexico or Russia.

Granted, the politics at the moment are abhorrent but that's only because we're stuck on the most crucial decision in our lifetimes.

I hope your children won't need free healthcare, free primary and secondary education and a social system that catches pretty much the most vulnerable.


The UK, like any other country isn't perfect but it's far from a shit hole. Trust me...I've been to France! ????



you will find free health care free,primary schools and free secondary schools are common place within the EU,and most wont be charging £9.00 for perscriptions or paying alcoholics extra benefits,France is the no1 most visited county on the planet if i remember correctly and certainly has a bit more going for it than the UK,mexico is popular with expats and holiday makers,china has good area's and a few  expats,same as various areas of africa.iam afraid the terraces have taken its toll on you,no surrender,rule britannia and all that rubbish.

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25 minutes ago, bomber said:

you will find free health care free,primary schools and free secondary schools are common place within the EU,and most wont be charging £9.00 for perscriptions or paying alcoholics extra benefits,France is the no1 most visited county on the planet if i remember correctly and certainly has a bit more going for it than the UK,mexico is popular with expats and holiday makers,china has good area's and a few  expats,same as various areas of africa.iam afraid the terraces have taken its toll on you,no surrender,rule britannia and all that rubbish.


Try supporting a religion in China or denouncing the ruling party in Russia or getting free healthcare in the US. All things we take for granted.

The French infrastructure is heavily subsided by its government which is overburdened financially (98.4% of GDP v UK 84.7%) and has a socialist if not militant workforce.


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46 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

I don't understand what you're trying to say ....


I don't know if you are British but it's not a "crap country", try living in Africa, China, Mexico or Russia.

Granted, the politics at the moment are abhorrent but that's only because we're stuck on the most crucial decision in our lifetimes.

I hope your children won't need free healthcare, free primary and secondary education and a social system that catches pretty much the most vulnerable.


The UK, like any other country isn't perfect but it's far from a shit hole. Trust me...I've been to France! ????



in 2016 £44 billion was spent by Brits in the EU,given that since brexit the pound has dropped on average at least 10% thats at least £4.5 billion lost to the UK,times it by 3 = £13.5 billion and thats before adding on all the non EU spending USA/Thailand/turkey etc where is also down,and its probably another £13.5 billion,then there's businesses extra cost to take into account and its mind boggling,yet brexiteers claim the EU will collapse because 27 nations would have to find another £9 billion between them,even if germany paid the lot its only €0.80 per week per citizen.rule brittania ????

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3 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


Try supporting a religion in China or denouncing the ruling party in Russia or getting free healthcare in the US. All things we take for granted.

The French infrastructure is heavily subsided by its government which is overburdened financially (98.4% of GDP v UK 84.7%) and has a socialist if not militant workforce.


i doubt many expats in china are interested in religion,russia you mentioned earlier but your clutching at straws,USA we are all fully aware of the healthcare set up there so again your desperate,french infrastructure you are correct about but it is good.

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

i doubt many expats in china are interested in religion,russia you mentioned earlier but your clutching at straws,USA we are all fully aware of the healthcare set up there so again your desperate,french infrastructure you are correct about but it is good.


Once again you miss the point. Read my original post in reply to a member who hated UK.


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4 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


Once again you miss the point. Read my original post in reply to a member who hated UK.


sorry but i didnt,you replied try living in mexico,africa,china or russia. btw have you lived or been to any of these places.

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The exchange rate is clearly abysmal and the reasons the pound is so weak are old news but its not all about the pound.  I just cannot understand how strong the baht is. Despite what Mr. Prayut and his government say about the Thai economy, every business owner I've talked to (both Thai and foreigner) in Thailand says things are grim. The manager of a Thai builder's merchants told me that the first 3 months of this year were their worst on record.  Short term 'propping' of an economy may be possible I guess but this has been going on for years - why has the baht remained so strong? A strong baht = problems for exporters no?


Normally when a country is take over in a military coup, its currencey sinks to the value of toilet paper - didn't seem to happen in Thailand - how come?

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9 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

The exchange rate is clearly abysmal and the reasons the pound is so weak are old news but its not all about the pound.  I just cannot understand how strong the baht is. Despite what Mr. Prayut and his government say about the Thai economy, every business owner I've talked to (both Thai and foreigner) in Thailand says things are grim. The manager of a Thai builder's merchants told me that the first 3 months of this year were their worst on record.  Short term 'propping' of an economy may be possible I guess but this has been going on for years - why has the baht remained so strong? A strong baht = problems for exporters no?


Normally when a country is take over in a military coup, its currencey sinks to the value of toilet paper - didn't seem to happen in Thailand - how come?

iam aware all of the pounds fall is not down to brexit but since the vote 70-80% of the loss is brexit related,i await the usual brexiteers moans because i have used percentage example.

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15 minutes ago, bomber said:

iam aware all of the pounds fall is not down to brexit but since the vote 70-80% of the loss is brexit related,i await the usual brexiteers moans because i have used percentage example.

You misunderstand me - I am saying that of course the UK's economy has problems but its not all about that - the Thai baht is very strong but I don't understand why. Weak pound or strong baht = poor exchange rate. Both = disaster.

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