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EU delegation begins its second fact-finding mission

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A fact-finding team sent by the European Commission to analyse whether Cambodia should lose its Everything-but-arms trade status arrived in the Kingdom yesterday. In February, the EC launched a monitoring period which could lead to the suspension of the Kingdom’s preferential access to the European Union market under the EBA trade scheme.


According to the EU website, the move is in line with the EBA withdrawal process that was put into motion on October 4 following a fact-finding mission to Cambodia in July that allegedly found evidence of systematic violations of core human and labour rights, in particular the rights to political participation and the freedom of assembly, expression and association.

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In an email to Khmer Times yesterday, outgoing EU Ambassador George Edgar said this team is made up of officials from the EC and the European External Action Service. Mr Edgar said the second visit is part of the process of engagement between the EU and Cambodia regarding the EBA. “In February 2019, a formal procedure was launched by the European Commission that could result in the withdrawal of Cambodia’s EBA preferences,” Mr Edgar said. “This week’s mission is part of that procedure.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50610696/eu-delegation-begins-its-second-fact-finding-mission/


As if they don't already know. Of course Cambodia should lose its "everything but arms trade status". Move along. 

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