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Video: Spurned Thai man takes it out on his ex with fists and kicks


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The guy's a total A-hole, but still the Thai girls think their men are wonderful. Am I missing something here?


They got him on video but will the Thai Police do anything? 500 Baht fine maybe. In the West it would be assault and jail term

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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28 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The guy's a total A-hole, but still the Thai girls think their men are wonderful. Am I missing something here?


I have been asking myself the same question for a long time. I think people tend to be attracted to those that are of the same kind and like-minded. It is a path of least resistance thing.

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The apathy of the Thai public and the ineptness of the authorities; coupled with a dysfunctional emergency communications system, has enabled such bullies to to ply their trade with impunity. Small wonder that the few can intimidate the many.

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It's tearing me up to so see this happen.
But at the same time I understand why the guy in the white shirt is not intervening.

Intervening in a fight in Thailand is an easy way to get yourself killed. 
99% of the time there are guns, machetes and backup thugs around.

The most sensible thing to do is call the police and videotape the thing as evidence so the offender can be put in jail and can not repeat further assaults.

What does trigger me though is when i see videotapings of fights where the police are present, and they do nothing to break up the fight besides "talking" and "waving their hands", so the fight keeps going on and more damage is done.
Have they not heard of tasers and handcuffs?

Edited by freestyle1
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No one can condone assaults like this, for whatever reason. But, normal human beings should realise that globally, worst incidents do happen. Of course, some incidents dont hit the headlines, or the headlines are not seen by all.

Reading majority of the comments here, it appears to be a 'gang bang' on Thailand! Just for your information, I am giving two links of incidences that are outside of Thailand, just to let you know these things do happen else where too.


Just Google 'Woman beaten so badly by boyfriend she was ‘unrecognisable’to family' and you will realise that Thailand is not the worst country on earth or that Thailand does not have "Men" - The "He" man type!

Amongst ALL Human communities, the scum exist - takes very little effort to realise that. Bashing Thailand ignoring the truth, makes it a worse action than what the man did on the OP... IMHO.


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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Total shitbag !

Horrendous behaviour by the <deleted>.

The only time a Thai man dare to attack lonely is against women and children.

A real loser, a coward and a shame for the manhood ...

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I will never happen but dirtbags like this need to be made an example of. 

If the other women hadn’t of stepped in he would have done his best to kill her because if he couldn’t have her no-one should. The POS in white is a real stand up man. Let the women do the dirty work. 

Again and again though footage shows a Thai male using his feet in a fight. This is ingrained into their culture thanks to ridiculous national sport. 

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Just another normal Thai guy doing what they do best, being cowards - weak and insecure, beating on females because they are to stupid to care about anything but themselves  - he should be arrested and charged - what a somchai --- I've seen this so many times and saved so many women from these violent Thai animals and pathertic excuse of a man....

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22 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

Just another normal Thai guy doing what they do best, being cowards - weak and insecure, beating on females because they are to stupid to care about anything but themselves  - he should be arrested and charged - what a somchai --- I've seen this so many times and saved so many women from these violent Thai animals and pathertic excuse of a man....


what has this got to do with being thai? does domestic violence exist only in thailand. condone the individual not the nation.

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10 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

The guy in the white t-shirt should hang his head in shame.

How he could just stand there and watch that without doing anything amazes me!

It's a brave brave man who steps in without support. Many end up beaten up or dead and the female victim often sides with the abuser. Have I stepped in during a fight before in Thailand? Yes, but it was a drunk violent foreigner/tourist beating on his girlfriend so I didn't have to worry about the usual Thai gang antics. Best to just call the police unless it is a life or death situation or you have significant help around.

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2 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

True, I have also seen this. Can anyone explain it to me?

Yes, BF & GF having a lovers tiff .

Female in distress .

Someone comes along and hits her boyfreind .

She then takes the attitude "leave my boyfriend alone" and then joins up with her boyfriend against the intervener and they both attack the intervener and then go off happily together  

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Did u see one story  before,someone offered to help someone else.he got the shit beaten out of him.do not get involved in a thai agreement walk away u saw nothing.other wise the same will happen to you.best advice u can give anyone who visits thailand


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cant believe how many Mel Gibsons are on here..

" if it was me i break his jaw.."

yeah yeah LOL


well if it was me and i see this, i will RUN, not walk, RUN in the other direction.


many times when you are the farang and in an accident Thais will say...

"its your fault farang, if you werent here this would not have happened"


this is actually very convenient for me you see, because while im running away i can say...


"I am only a farang, and if i wasnt here this would have happened anyway"


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18 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

The guy in the white t-shirt should hang his head in shame.

How he could just stand there and watch that without doing anything amazes me!

After reading about all the people getting knifed and shot, I am not sure I would be wading into that in Thailand.  Back in my country I would but not in Thailand. 

Full marks to the lady with the helmet, she stood up to the scumbag, I hope the police charge him and she gets some money off the mongrel 

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