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Don't fret, Trump tells nervous Ireland, Brexit will work out 'very well'

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32 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Your devotion to brexit refuses you to allow that for others there are  problematic issues because of it. 


Issues the british govt was given an opportunity to resolve and whose ineptitude meant they blew the chance. 


There are none so blind as those who will not see.  

And your devotion to Remaining leads to latch onto every straw with which other Remainers try to cause a problem, or find a way to try not Leave.


Where did you leave your white stick? You'll never find it now.

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11 minutes ago, Loiner said:

And your devotion to Remaining leads to latch onto every straw with which other Remainers try to cause a problem, or find a way to try not Leave.


Where did you leave your white stick? You'll never find it now.

My devotion to what?


I don’t reside in the U.K.  


i have no say in brexit. 


Didn't vote first time. 


Won’t vote if there is another vote. 


And most of all - I’m not british (by my choice)...


My family is from...


Well, you work it out. 

6 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Did you know that sooo many of the Remainers in theses topics are not even from the UK; don't or have never lived there; were not entitled to vote and wouldn't be able to anyway. And yet they all spend an inordinate amount of time and constantly post in favour of a UK Remain. And they all get so wound up and strident about every aspect of it.
Who'd a thunk they are just like you?

On this thread I’ve been talking about trump and his ignorance of the issues around Eire and brexit.


I’ve only being pointing out Eire has legitimate concerns. 


I haven't mentioned remain or expressed views outside of Eire’s concerns. 


Where exactly have i posted in favour of remain?

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Loiner said:

I'd say you care Fritzy, otherwise why your replies? Is the EU going to enforce a hard border between the two countries. How and by whom would that be done?

By its member state Ireland, who has agreed to protect the EU’s borders. (Yes, you heard right, there are still people who honor agreements.)


Of course, it won’t happen, because you Brexiteer amateurs won’t get your shxt together. You’ll keep embarrassing your country while entertaining the rest of the world. 


2 hours ago, Loiner said:

I doubt the Irish would, so possibly a bunch of Germans as you seem quite insistent about it.
The GFA stays, as agreed between Ireland and the UK. without more EU meddling in the affairs of sovereign states.

I don't need Donald to tell me how right he is, because I already know. Obviously you and the EU do need his advise because you are now becoming the desperate ones.

Yes, it is very obvious who’s desperate ???? 

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1 minute ago, Loiner said:


Hey, you're one of those guys aren't you Fritzy? No problem - it's been established long ago that Johnny Foreigner is allowed to post on the subject. Hence your frequent nonsense.
Get your translator out and look at the previous posts. It was about a Remainer trying to distance himself from being so, by claiming to be just an interested bystander. No question about that with you is there?

If it makes you feel better I can be a remainer for you. A German remainer even. Whatever you need to deflect from your incompetence. ???? 

  • Thanks 2

Seems like the UK is stuck between a rock and a hard place over Brexit: becoming a vassal state of the US or EU.

1 hour ago, Loiner said:

No meddling required? None requested, but you are still at it?

How about no more extensions and keep them all schtum?

Nah, that would put an end to the circus, and I really enjoy watching Brexiteers making a fool of themselves. I hope they never find out that no one forces them to beg for another extension.???? 


Trump  also  told Varadkar the problem with "your wall, your border" was similar to the border situation in the United  States

???????? Gotta love him!

On 6/5/2019 at 11:27 PM, webfact said:

Trump tells nervous Ireland, Brexit will work out 'very well'

Trump tells nervous Ireland, Brexit will work out 'very well' (for American Interests)...

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