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Public disillusioned with self-serving politicians: poll


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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Let's face it. The Thai people, and nearly the entire ex-pat community, who keep themselves informed, despise the army, and Prayuth. Few are happy with this extremely corrupt result. Fresh blood is needed. People with intelligence, youth, vision, and integrity. People who care about the vast majority of the nation. The elite do not need looking after. They are doing just fine on their own. It is the people who need to be looked after. It is the tourist industry that needs to be looked after, as nearly a fifth of the revenue of this nation is dependent on it. Going after more Chinese and Indian tourists is NOT the answer. Is that really all you can bring to the table? Come on guys. Surely you can do better, than what you have done in the past five years.


Prayuth could start by hiring some ministers, based on competency and merit, rather than cronyism, and the fact that they helped get him re-installed (I refuse to say re-elected). If he were sincere.


1. How about addressing some of the many dire environmental issues facing the nation? How about dealing with the air quality issues, the cane burning, the diesel epidemic, the clean water issues, and on and on and on.

2. How about figuring out a way to get the toy police to take traffic safety seriously? Get the highway patrol to start patrolling the highways. Get them to start pulling people over for reckless driving. I see 30 candidates every time I drive an hour on the highway. 

3. Be less racist. Stop hating on foreigners. We are NOT the enemy. Tamp down the ridiculous rhetoric from immigration. Get them to be more competent, and less xenophobic. Try that yourself too!

4. Get serious about the real issues that plague this nation. Sex trafficking. Human trafficking. Slavery. Illegal fishing. The use of slaves aboard many of these fishing boat. Boat and marine safety. How about occupational safety?

5. Start following ASEAN law and protocols. Start enforcing the provisions of the charters that Thailand has signed, and then blatantly ignored.

6. Try moving your country forward, rather than backwards. Consult some experts who know the definition of progress, and listen to them. Thailand is one of the least progressive nations on earth. You are at least partially responsible for that. 

7. Improve education. Post a sign in every class. You as a student are encouraged to ask questions. You are encouraged to challenge your teachers. We realize that is one of the fundamental cornerstones to a good education, and we do not want to drum the curiosity out of you. You will need that later in life to succeed, and be more interesting human beings. Let us start now. If the teachers are offended, fire them immediately. Saving face does not belong in school. It is for the meek, the weak, and the ill informed. 

7. Admit that your first administration was an utter failure. Then try to do better. 

8. Take care of the people. Not the elites. Not your buddies in the army and the police force. The people! The average Thai.


I could go on all day. 

Great. You're not up for election, are you? 

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

In a poll of educated people, this figure would be very close to 100%, 

Sadly, it is - in my experience - disappointingly often the 'educated' who are the most fascistic and who support the junta. The more 'educated' the Thais are, often the more indoctrinated by the Establishment they are.


These 'educated' Thais often suffer from the 'I'm all right, Jack' syndrome: they are doing very nicely with their Master's Degrees and Ph.D.'s and 'good jobs' - so to hell with the peasants.


I see this attitude all the time (explicit or implicit - usually the latter), and it makes me very sad.


Edited by Eligius
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2 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Great. You're not up for election, are you? 

Spidermike007 should hand deliver this manifesto directly to the man.


(we can start a GoFundMe to get him out of the army prison)

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54 minutes ago, connda said:

Get out to rural Thailand sometime.  Those are the people with their chronically stooped backs from doing back-breaking work like planting rice, farming, and other hard manually labor that it sounds like you may never have done yourself.  I have.  I can identify with the 'peasants.' 

You should get out of the city more sport.

Oh, what a shame you missed the irony or maybe you're just anal, sport. 

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1 hour ago, ocddave said:

Prayut better order more of those Troop Carriers from the US, and maybe increase the military budget as quickly as possible, he may need to squash an uprising of angry citizens. I mean this is the reason for having an Army, correct, to squash citizens who disobey?

Well it must be the role of the army as they have shown previously they couldn't fight there way out of a wet paper bag, although the heavies are experts in brown ones. 

Edited by Artisi
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23 minutes ago, GarryP said:

7. Improve education. Post a sign in every class. You as a student are encouraged to ask questions. You are encouraged to challenge your teachers. We realize that is one of the fundamental cornerstones to a good education, and we do not want to drum the curiosity out of you. You will need that later in life to succeed, and be more interesting human beings. Let us start now. If the teachers are offended, fire them immediately. Saving face does not belong in school. It is for the meek, the weak, and the ill informed. 

could not have siad it better myself. I would love to put this in a note to my kids teacher. Especially his english teacher, except she....err.....cant speak or read English!

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2 hours ago, neeray said:

In my home country, which I imagine is the same worldwide, they speak of being in "public service, or "serving the public".

Oh, bull crap, call a spade a spade. We all know who you are serving.

Self-aggrandisement would be my preferred term for most politicians. ????

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5 minutes ago, nikmar said:

could not have siad it better myself. I would love to put this in a note to my kids teacher. Especially his english teacher, except she....err.....cant speak or read English!

Unfortunately not her fault. 

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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Let's face it. The Thai people, and nearly the entire ex-pat community, who keep themselves informed, despise the army, and Prayuth. Few are happy with this extremely corrupt result. Fresh blood is needed. People with intelligence, youth, vision, and integrity. People who care about the vast majority of the nation. The elite do not need looking after. They are doing just fine on their own. It is the people who need to be looked after. It is the tourist industry that needs to be looked after, as nearly a fifth of the revenue of this nation is dependent on it. Going after more Chinese and Indian tourists is NOT the answer. Is that really all you can bring to the table? Come on guys. Surely you can do better, than what you have done in the past five years.


Prayuth could start by hiring some ministers, based on competency and merit, rather than cronyism, and the fact that they helped get him re-installed (I refuse to say re-elected). If he were sincere.


1. How about addressing some of the many dire environmental issues facing the nation? How about dealing with the air quality issues, the cane burning, the diesel epidemic, the clean water issues, and on and on and on.

2. How about figuring out a way to get the toy police to take traffic safety seriously? Get the highway patrol to start patrolling the highways. Get them to start pulling people over for reckless driving. I see 30 candidates every time I drive an hour on the highway. 

3. Be less racist. Stop hating on foreigners. We are NOT the enemy. Tamp down the ridiculous rhetoric from immigration. Get them to be more competent, and less xenophobic. Try that yourself too!

4. Get serious about the real issues that plague this nation. Sex trafficking. Human trafficking. Slavery. Illegal fishing. The use of slaves aboard many of these fishing boat. Boat and marine safety. How about occupational safety?

5. Start following ASEAN law and protocols. Start enforcing the provisions of the charters that Thailand has signed, and then blatantly ignored.

6. Try moving your country forward, rather than backwards. Consult some experts who know the definition of progress, and listen to them. Thailand is one of the least progressive nations on earth. You are at least partially responsible for that. 

7. Improve education. Post a sign in every class. You as a student are encouraged to ask questions. You are encouraged to challenge your teachers. We realize that is one of the fundamental cornerstones to a good education, and we do not want to drum the curiosity out of you. You will need that later in life to succeed, and be more interesting human beings. Let us start now. If the teachers are offended, fire them immediately. Saving face does not belong in school. It is for the meek, the weak, and the ill informed. 

7. Admit that your first administration was an utter failure. Then try to do better. 

8. Take care of the people. Not the elites. Not your buddies in the army and the police force. The people! The average Thai.


I could go on all day. 

SP 007, good summary - if only. 

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33 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Going after more Chinese and Indian tourists is NOT the answer. 

These two economies have rising middle class in millions who want to travel while western travelers have falling currencies and are unable to afford rising costs in Thailand. Why would Thailand want relatively old and poor travelers, with their baggage and medical issues? 

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4 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

Be glad that the majority of the people start to realize what politics and politicians means in this country.

Let also hope that this seed will grow more and will result in a louder getting voice of dissatisfaction of the whole situation in this countries politics and the behavior of the politicians.

Let's wait and see when we will see action against it.


They already tried that. In fact, they got quite angry.

Red Shirt Protests 42.jpg

Tasha Photos 11.jpg

Red Shirt Protests 56.jpg

Red Shirt Protests 57.jpg

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3 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Probably a lesser number than might be suspected. The extreme wealthy would be more likely to be the  backers rather than the front. The power of protected wealth is a manipulating tool that can also be a weapon.

I agree. They have so much money that they don't need to get their hands dirty directly in politics, not when principle-less Thai politicians are for sale for a song.

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That is indeed bad luck because there is no other kind of politician available other than the self serving kind.  A situation not exclusive to Thailand.  Let’s also not forget the oligarchs (the wealthy) who manipulate the self serving nature of politicians and the media with their fiat news.  All working together to support this or that narrative that serves their purpose.

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Peasants, who are they? 

That strikes a literary resonance with me..


When Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)was dying he asked "The peasants-but how do the peasants die?'


The answer is,of course,"In great numbers"

Edited by Odysseus123
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I wouldn’t get my hopes up about anything changing if ‘the people’ came to power, though, because consecutive polls over the years have shown that a solid 65 to 70% of the people don’t think there’s anything intrinsically wrong with corruption ...... as long as they can benefit from it.

So even if ‘the people’ came to power, nothing much would probably change. 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

More than 89 per cent of the poll respondents viewed the current government formation deliberations between coalition partners as just a matter of dividing the cake among themselves.

But somehow that was not reflected in the election result, otherwise we would have a different government.

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9 hours ago, Creasy said:

Like they care what the peasants think or feel .

True. And, like the peasants care. 


Thais know their average national character, so I doubt very strongly many are "dissolutioned" as mentioned in the article.


There is not likely a critical mass of Thais who would act differently than their politicians if given the chance. 


They deserve the politicians they get. 



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2 hours ago, Kasane said:

These two economies have rising middle class in millions who want to travel while western travelers have falling currencies and are unable to afford rising costs in Thailand. Why would Thailand want relatively old and poor travelers, with their baggage and medical issues? 

Such nonsense. Yes, India and China have alot of wealthy people. But, Thailand is not able to attract them. They attract the low budget traveler, with cheaper hotels and package tours. The affluent travelers have so many better destinations, that offer good service, know something about wine, do not charge stupid import taxes, have good deals on luxury items, and speak good English or Mandarin. Thailand is so far behind the curve, they cannot attract the higher level of tourist.


Westerners used to come here and spend a fortune. I have a few friends who came here and spent $1,000 to $4,000 daily. Very wealthy folks, who will never return, for a dozen different reasons. Not anymore. That golden calf was lost long ago. And the ridiculous anti foreigner diatribes coming from this feckless and grossly incompetent administration insures a lower quality tourist each year. The tourism industry here is dying a slow death. Everyone in the industry I speak with says the same thing. 

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Such nonsense. Yes, India and China have alot of wealthy people. But, Thailand is not able to attract them. They attract the low budget traveler, with cheaper hotels and package tours. The affluent travelers have so many better destinations, that offer good service, know something about wine, do not charge stupid import taxes, have good deals on luxury items, and speak good English or Mandarin. Thailand is so far behind the curve, they cannot attract the higher level of tourist.


Westerners used to come here and spend a fortune. I have a few friends who came here and spent $1,000 to $4,000 daily. Very wealthy folks, who will never return, for a dozen different reasons. Not anymore. That golden calf was lost long ago. And the ridiculous anti foreigner diatribes coming from this feckless and grossly incompetent administration insures a lower quality tourist each year. The tourism industry here is dying a slow death. Everyone in the industry I speak with says the same thing. 

Pure drivel. Everyone I talk to in Thai immigration confirms a rising tide of Eastern travellers, many of them well heeled. While the mostly poorly funded Westerners, with reputation of being alcohol guzzelers and sex seekers is declining. And Thai society disdain for the second category of visitors is getting more visible day by day. 

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

the whole exercise as driven by personal rather than national interest.

From grass roots politics right through to national government it’s all driven by greed. It’s a way of life practiced by a self serving group of wasted skins. It’s not about delivering for your constituents it’s about how deep you can stick your head into the trough. There is no shame and the bulk of Thai people accept it without demanding better which is understandable as big government has the big guns on their side. And prepared to use them. 

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I am very surprised that the people of Thailand are sitting back in acceptance of this election.  Other Coountries would have been arranging protests etc, but apparently not Thailand?  I too will sit quietyly, but suspect that someone, somewhere will want to strongly protest against these results fairly shortly............or?

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