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Can Knock Out Drops Be Applied Through The Skin?


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A friend of mine married last year Kit, a girl from Kalasin (Isarn). They renewed the parents house and bought a pickup which was parked in front of the house.

I met Kit and her family. They look OK to me. Her parents are farmers and just ordinary friendly people like you would meet in any rural place of Isarn.

Last week (March 8.) Kit was in Switzerland with her husband, when her mother was seduced by two unknown Thais to give them all her money from her banc account (50'000 Baht) and her gold (3 Baht).

Two unknown Thais came to visit her. They came in a new car and where very friendly. Talked to her and finally invited her under some pretext to go with them. She didn't eat anything with them, but they repeatedly touched her on her arms. Relatives warned her to not to go with them but she didn't listen to anybody. Her husband was looking after the cows; a daughter which was at home was not able to prevent her mother to go with them.

Later that day the mother was found in an other village (Na Mon) babbling without making sence. Some people recognized her and called realtives of her. She didn't want to go home but wanted to wait for her new friends and repeated again and again to not to call the police. They brought her to a hospital where she recovered after some hours.

It turned out that, after she went with this Thai couple, she eate a cookie and 'kao man gai' with them. Later they went to her bank and got all her money from her account. She didn't have her bank book with her. But they went to that branch (Som Det) where she opened the account and there she was able to get all her money from the account. The gangsters went with her into the bank and were videoed on a security camera. The bank employees remembered the incident. The gansters told them that they were relatives of Kit's mother.

All the time Kit's mother went along with them on her own free will. She was not forced to anything. Only after she recovered in the hospital she realized what he had done and stared to cry.

In the German wiki is an article on KO-Tropfen (knock out drops). But I wonder how it was possible to seduce Kit's mother at first. Every body agrees that she didn't eat anything as long as they were at home. But she started to act strange then already, not listened to anybody but just did what she was told by the Thai couple. All the unknown Thai couple did was touch her repeatedly on her arms. Some people say they saw that the had a paper in their hands while they touched the mothers arms.

Can knock out drops be applied through skin?




Here is a bit of German wikipedia article:

Wirkstoffe waren früher Chloralhydrat und Barbiturate. Heute benutzen die Täter Benzodiazepine, insbesondere Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol®), neuerdings auch 4-Hydroxybuttersäure (GHB) oder γ-Butyrolacton, auch Gamma-Butyrolacton oder GBL genannt. Je nach Wirkstoff kann es sogar zu tagelanger Bewusstlosigkeit kommen und die Opfer können schlimmstenfalls mit schweren, jahrelangen gesundheitlichen Schäden zu kämpfen haben

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A friend of mine married last year Kit, a girl from Kalasin (Isarn). They renewed the parents house and bought a pickup which was parked in front of the house.

I met Kit and her family. They look OK to me. Her parents are farmers and just ordinary friendly people like you would meet in any rural place of Isarn.

Last week (March 8.) Kit was in Switzerland with her husband, when her mother was seduced by two unknown Thais to give them all her money from her banc account (50'000 Baht) and her gold (3 Baht).

Two unknown Thais came to visit her. They came in a new car and where very friendly. Talked to her and finally invited her under some pretext to go with them. She didn't eat anything with them, but they repeatedly touched her on her arms. Relatives warned her to not to go with them but she didn't listen to anybody. Her husband was looking after the cows; a daughter which was at home was not able to prevent her mother to go with them.

Later that day the mother was found in an other village (Na Mon) babbling without making sence. Some people recognized her and called realtives of her. She didn't want to go home but wanted to wait for her new friends and repeated again and again to not to call the police. They brought her to a hospital where she recovered after some hours.

It turned out that, after she went with this Thai couple, she eate a cookie and 'kao man gai' with them. Later they went to her bank and got all her money from her account. She didn't have her bank book with her. But they went to that branch (Som Det) where she opened the account and there she was able to get all her money from the account. The gangsters went with her into the bank and were videoed on a security camera. The bank employees remembered the incident. The gansters told them that they were relatives of Kit's mother.

All the time Kit's mother went along with them on her own free will. She was not forced to anything. Only after she recovered in the hospital she realized what he had done and stared to cry.

In the German wiki is an article on KO-Tropfen (knock out drops). But I wonder how it was possible to seduce Kit's mother at first. Every body agrees that she didn't eat anything as long as they were at home. But she started to act strange then already, not listened to anybody but just did what she was told by the Thai couple. All the unknown Thai couple did was touch her repeatedly on her arms. Some people say they saw that the had a paper in their hands while they touched the mothers arms.

Can knock out drops be applied through skin?




Here is a bit of German wikipedia article:

Wirkstoffe waren früher Chloralhydrat und Barbiturate. Heute benutzen die Täter Benzodiazepine, insbesondere Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol®), neuerdings auch 4-Hydroxybuttersäure (GHB) oder γ-Butyrolacton, auch Gamma-Butyrolacton oder GBL genannt. Je nach Wirkstoff kann es sogar zu tagelanger Bewusstlosigkeit kommen und die Opfer können schlimmstenfalls mit schweren, jahrelangen gesundheitlichen Schäden zu kämpfen haben

I am pretty sure it would be possible to administer drops through the skin, but the problem is with the dosage. Too much and the victim is unconscious, too little and they won't be as easy to dupe. The cookie that you said she ate was the most likely suspect.

What sort of relatives were these that let her go off with strangers? And what were the bank playing at letting her withdraw all her money? If she was found later "babbling without making any sence (sic)", she must have looked suspicious when in the bank.

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If the bank videos show her as being aware and coherent, perhaps she was not drugged, but maybe hypnotized. There already exists alot of superstition amongst these rural people and i don't imagine it would be too difficult for bad characters to manipulate these ignorant people through the power of suggestion.

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What sort of relatives were these that let her go off with strangers? And what were the bank playing at letting her withdraw all her money? If she was found later "babbling without making any sence (sic)", she must have looked suspicious when in the bank.

There were several relatives, they live in a small village, only about 100 houses.

The bank can not be blamed. She had her ID card and it was in the same branch were she opened the bank account. The bank employees remember the incident and even asked who this people were, that came with her. She confirmed that they were relatives. She must have been droged but not to the extent, that the bank refused payment.

After the bank they brought her to Na Mon (about 15 km) before they dropped her. My guess is that they droged her some more to have time to get out of the province, before she could tell her storry.

When I heard the story at first, I also thought of a new 'sick buffalo' or just an urban legend. But it seams to be real. The mother is not the kind of people who could make up such a story. And she was seen with the unknown couple by a lot of the villagers.

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ust for info:

we use animal tranquilizer that we call m90 which is not its full name *nignoy might know* anyway, we are not allowed to touch it as it is super absorbed through the skin and only certain vets have the license for it. we use it to shoot down wild (in captivity) animals needing medical attention using blow darts or gun. there ae some others meds that are similar. (demobilizer/remobilizer).

dont rule out things like this happening.

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If the bank videos show her as being aware and coherent, perhaps she was not drugged, but maybe hypnotized. There already exists alot of superstition amongst these rural people and i don't imagine it would be too difficult for bad characters to manipulate these ignorant people through the power of suggestion.

This is also a possibility. It could be that she realized what she did and now says that she must have been droged or otherwise manipulated. The people here belief that magicans can do such things, mostly thouse from Surin.

IMHO is it not possible to manipulate people to this extent by hypnosis.

This kind of storries are heard here in Isarn often. I always thought of an urban legend. But this case is not a legend. Kit's mother is just not smart enogh to make this story up. The police was now alarmed and they got the video from the security camera. The case is real.

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After 5 days, Kit's mother still has haluzinations from time to time. But she is at home and better. She can not remember everything that went on with that couple. But the couple was clearly visible on the security camera video of the bank and their pictures will be distributed to all police stations in Thailand.

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really sounds a bit trollish, unfortunately, the rellies were trying to stop it and the daughter also, and then she gets drugged????????????????

solly I dont believe it

7 or 8 years ago I went for a meal about 3pm somewhere close to Rajah Hotel Suk Soi 4... we all know the area. I ate and drank water. Close to 6 pm I back in my hotel room I felt incredibly sleepy. I had arrange to meet a good friend for a meal at 7pm(farang). When that friend arrived I could do nothing. My friend stayed overnight to monitor my condition. I woke in the morning fine.... Nothing like this had happened to me before or has happened since. I was drugged, absolutely no questions about it, but due my quite significant size 115kg, the drug was slow acting and I actually fought the sensation until 9pm at which time I slept. To this day, I do not know if it was in the food, on a glass or skin applied.

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What sort of relatives were these that let her go off with strangers? And what were the bank playing at letting her withdraw all her money? If she was found later "babbling without making any sence (sic)", she must have looked suspicious when in the bank.

There were several relatives, they live in a small village, only about 100 houses.

The bank can not be blamed. She had her ID card and it was in the same branch were she opened the bank account. The bank employees remember the incident and even asked who this people were, that came with her. She confirmed that they were relatives. She must have been droged but not to the extent, that the bank refused payment.

After the bank they brought her to Na Mon (about 15 km) before they dropped her. My guess is that they droged her some more to have time to get out of the province, before she could tell her storry.

When I heard the story at first, I also thought of a new 'sick buffalo' or just an urban legend. But it seams to be real. The mother is not the kind of people who could make up such a story. And she was seen with the unknown couple by a lot of the villagers.

OHHHH and it "just" happend when her son in law was in Switzerland........did she then call and ask for money?? surely next time he goes suddenly her brother or sister had an accident and she has to pay for their bills, because of bla bla bla..........welcome to Asia.... :o

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last night i went to nana and this morning i woke up with a splitting headache and found myself about 20k short. i can only remember drinking with two extermely friendly girls - strangers they were ofcourse! do you know if anyone has caught them on camera? :o

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7 or 8 years ago I went for a meal about 3pm somewhere close to Rajah Hotel Suk Soi 4... we all know the area. I ate and drank water. Close to 6 pm I back in my hotel room I felt incredibly sleepy. I had arrange to meet a good friend for a meal at 7pm(farang). When that friend arrived I could do nothing. My friend stayed overnight to monitor my condition. I woke in the morning fine.... Nothing like this had happened to me before or has happened since. I was drugged, absolutely no questions about it, but due my quite significant size 115kg, the drug was slow acting and I actually fought the sensation until 9pm at which time I slept. To this day, I do not know if it was in the food, on a glass or skin applied.

Change friends or better discuss it with them. The next time something like this happens your friends should get you to a hospital immediately. There is no point in monitoring you, once you've stopped breathing it might be very well too late. Your 115 kgs must indeed have helped you as you were certainly supposed to collapse on the street with a helpful Thai near you, assisting you and relieving you of your wallet. They still don't get it right even after years of practise.

That was one of my first fall outs with a doctor here (some 20 years ago). I had a (work related) reoccurring inflammation in the left shoulder, so I knew the symptoms and the remedy. The mix he wanted to administer was al right but the dosage wasn't. When I told him this he got a bit angry and asked if I was a doctor. I told him that I'm just a paramedics and calmly continued to explain the difference between a 50kgs Thai and a 96 kgs (me) westerner and the fact that our metabolism is much slower than that of an Asian person.

Sorry for hijacking the thread. About the above story, I only know of contact poison that temporary paralyse or, not so temporary, kill the victim. They usually come with an acid that penetrates the skin and carries the poison along. Real high-tech does this without causing a burning sensation. Just can't imagine how they applied it w/o wearing gloves.

I don't mean to insult anybody here but could it be that the lady was high on something on a daily basis and everybody knew about it? Then those crooks took advantage of her state of mind.

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Didn't we have an article posted on this type of incident by the administrators recently? As I recall, there's a drug being farmed from a plant in countries north of Thailand which will make the victim very docile and agreeable. Don't remember the name. Basically, the person will do anything they are told to do.

Apparently, this is a common crime being commited in Thailand right now. And I would say that the food eaten in this case is definitely the method of delivery.

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All sounds a bit iffy to me, especially as the hubby was away in Switzerland. Did it ever occur to you that the dear old lady was just trying to scam the swiss guy into "replacing " the "stolen whilst drugged" money.A canny way to double her money as it were!

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  • 1 month later...
I remember that a few years ago a "crew" of bulgarian hookers practiced it, they used to spread the "potion" along their necks.

Happened to a mate of mine in Prague,he reacted the same as one of the other posters,he's a big lad,and managed to get back to the hotel before succumbing for 14 hours of unconsciousness on the floor(another Irish guy died after the same treatment) apparently the modus operandi in Prague is for the "ladies" to apply latex to their nipples and apply the drug there,then invite the guy to have a nibble-so beware when nipple nibbling in Prague!

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Drug Turns Crime Victims Into Zombies


BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters)

The last thing Andrea Fernandez recalls before being drugged is holding her newborn baby on a Bogota city bus.

Police found her three days later, muttering to herself and wandering topless along the median strip of a busy highway. Her face was badly beaten and her son was gone.

Fernandez is just one of hundreds of victims every month who, according to Colombian hospitals, are temporarily turned into zombies by a home-grown drug called scopolamine which has been embraced by thieves and rapists.

"When I woke up in the hospital, I asked for my baby and nobody said anything. They just looked at me," Fernandez said, weeping. Police believe her son Diego was taken by a gang which traffics in infants.

Colorless, odorless and tasteless, scopolamine is slipped into drinks and sprinkled onto food. Victims become so docile that they have been known to help thieves rob their homes and empty their bank accounts. Women have been drugged repeatedly over days and gang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.

In the case of Fernandez, the mother of three was rendered submissive enough to surrender her youngest child.

Most troubling for police is the way the drug acts on the brain. Since scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories, unlike most date-rape drugs used in the United States and elsewhere, it is usually impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors.

"When a patient (of U.S. date-rape drugs) is under hypnosis, he or she usually recalls what happened. But with scopolamine, this isn't possible because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leading expert on the drug.

Scopolamine has a long, dark history in Colombia dating back to before the Spanish conquest.

Legend has it that Colombian Indian tribes used the drug to bury alive the wives and slaves of fallen chiefs, so that they would quietly accompany their masters into the afterworld.

Nazi "angel of death" Joseph Mengele experimented on scopolamine as an interrogation drug. And scopolamine's sedative and amnesia-producing qualities were used by mothers in the early 20th century to help them through childbirth.

Finding the drug in Colombia these days is not hard.

The tree which naturally produces scopolamine grows wild around the capital and is so famous in the countryside that mothers warn their children not to fall asleep below its yellow and white flowers. The tree is popularly known as the "borrachero," or "get-you-drunk," and the pollen alone is said to conjure up strange dreams.

"We probably should put some sort of fence up," jokes biologist Gustavo Morales at Bogota's botanical gardens, eyeing children playing with borrachero seeds everywhere.

"If you ate a few of those, it would kill you."

Although scopolamine can be easily extracted from the seeds, experienced criminals hardly ever bother with them, police say.

Pure, cheap scopolamine is brought across the border from neighboring Ecuador, where the borrachero tree is harvested for medical purposes, Uribe said. The alkaloid is used legally in medicines across the world to treat everything from motion sickness to the tremors of Parkinson's disease.

There are so many scopolamine cases that they usually don't make the news unless particularly bizarre. One such incident recently involved three young Bogota women who preyed on men by smearing the drug on their breasts and luring their victims to take a lick.

Losing all willpower, the men readily gave up their bank access codes. The breast-temptress thieves then held them hostage for days while draining their accounts.

The U.S. Embassy in Bogota takes scopolamine very seriously and offers staff tips on how avoid being drugged. One piece of advice may seem obvious: Don't let your drinks out of your sight when at a Bogota bar or nightclub.

Still, at least three visiting U.S. government employees here have been drugged and robbed over the past two years. Other American victims from time to time appear at the embassy seeking help, still shaking off a scopolamine hangover.

"I remember one case, an American reported being drugged," an embassy official said. "He says to his doorman 'Why did you let them walk out with my stuff.' The doorman says, 'Because you told me to.'"

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