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Taking aim at Johnson, British PM hopefuls make Brexit case

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

And like anybody else that discusses anything, you are reliant on that person being truthfull, and seeing how much you abhor Nigel Farage my guess is that you wouldn't believe him, whatever he said.

I don't recall every accusing Farage of being a liar.


He's nasty, but so assured of his support for being nasty he has no need to lie about it. 

3 hours ago, shy coconut said:

Sadly they said the same about trump, but he seems to be prospering despite everything.

There's no comparison between Trump & Boris apart from their 

hair styles!

Trump is a serious business man before a politician.

Boris is a career politician that puts himself first before

the country.

Trump does what he says and gets results.

Boris just says whatever gains him popularity and does comedy.

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42 minutes ago, billd766 said:

6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:
So who are you going to get to represent you?


It really doesn't matter who any of us would like to represent us as we have NO input or voice. It will be decided by the Tory MPs and the Tory party.


My choice would have been Ester McVey but she was chopped on the first round. I note however the she accepted the democratic result without crying, screaming, throwing her toys out of the pram. A lesson that some Remainers should learn off by heart.

That wasn't my point.


There are a number of members who repeat the mantra politicians can't be trusted, are self serving etc. 


My concern with this is it is a disincentive to vote, and I am also of the opinion that the idea that all politicians are crooks, corrupt or self serving isn't spread by accident.


If we any of us take such a cynical view then the question has to be asked who then is going to represent us. 


Alternatively, ask in who's interest is it that the electorate don't trust politicians.


1 minute ago, evadgib said:

Hisssing Sssid' on GMB today:

He's no better than Ken Clark, threatening to topple their own government is a total disgrace, they should be kicked out of the party.




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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

He's no better than Ken Clark, threatening to topple their own government is a total disgrace, they should be kicked out of the party.

'Frank Doberman' outed him as M16 but I didn't bother uploading the video ????

9 hours ago, tebee said:

This is what boris's former employer thinks of him




I beleive that was while Max Hasting was a Europhile. Since those times he has seen the light.



Max Hastings is becoming something of a moral example to British national journalists and popular historians, and as his former employer, I am beaming proudly. It is not for me to minimise either the grace of conversion or the purgative value of confession. But with Max’s recent announcement in the Daily Mail of his lapsed and renounced faith in Europe, like Stephen Daedalus’s confession, there still need to “ooze out, sluggish and filthy” a few more self-reflections.

It is not true, as Max claims, that he “deplored Brussels’ follies as much as anyone”. He treated his colleagues at the Daily Telegraphnewspapers who were Eurosceptic as “lunatics”. He scoffed at concerns about excessive dirigisme, because, he endlessly repeated as if in a trance, “Europe is a good thing”, and he was convinced that any British dismissal would make his frequent holidays in Italy more complicated. He conducted a ferocious intramural defence of Maastricht 20 years ago and leader conferences on the subject were re-enactments of the first day of the Somme.

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30 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There are at least 16 million people who disagree with you. 


You conveniently (for your point of view) forget Parliament represents all the people regardless of what they voted for, or indeed if they voted, or even if they are not old enough to vote.


Your arguments as to what should be 'sovereign' are laughable given a core argument of Brexit was to return sovereignty to Parliament. (not that Parliament had ever lost sovereignty).



And you conveniently forget the 17 million who agree to leave.


Do you have a problem with maths, do you really need someone to explain to you that 17 million is more than 16 million?

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15 hours ago, sotsira said:

If Boris becomes PM I think he will end up becoming the shortest

reigning PM in history with the way he conducts himself, it's just

a matter of time. 


 Correct , he has more history , than Francis Drake, 

   His past will come to light soon as poss.. 



3 minutes ago, nahkit said:

And you conveniently forget the 17 million who agree to leave. 


 Ill educated , secondary modern schooling / BTECS. 




9 hours ago, tebee said:

This is what boris's former employer thinks of him



So if he thought so little of Boris why did he employ him for several years? Could it be that he was more interested in how much advertising revenue was generated rather than any ethical concerns?

  • Thanks 1
Just now, elliss said:

 Ill educated , secondary modern schooling , and BTECS. 




Ah, so you think only people of a certain education level should be allowed to vote?


  • Thanks 1
2 minutes ago, nahkit said:

Ah, so you think only people of a certain education level should be allowed to vote?



Aka , selective democracy ..



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