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Evidence of prostitution found in Pattaya: Special forces descend on popular Soi 6 bar

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, petemoss said:

Probably because only one bar was grassed up by it's neighbours. They don't like competition on Soi 6.


1 hour ago, BestB said:

Or perhaps someone in the Soi  was not happy with a bigger better place taking away their customers and that someone happens to be a group and known for doing the dirty when it starts to hurt their “his” pocket????

A religious group grassed them up for underage. Which is fair game.

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

They busted the Coming Bar in Soi 6 last night. 

Won't be going there again 


2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:


Bar fines could be paid and the customers could take the women for sex upstairs to special rooms or away from the bar

Bit like a restaurant then .. Eat on site or take away .. But no Just Eat delivery yet .. 


2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The special administrative department

Sad .. 

Edited by Justgrazing
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43 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Bit like a restaurant then .. Eat on site or take away .. But no Just Eat delivery yet ..

Haha. That got me thinking of possible names for such a niche delivery service:


Grab ... GrabPvssy ?

ChefX ?

BlowPanda ?



Any more?

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What a fantastic job they have found a bar in soi 6 that sells sex they must be so proud of themselves the should be given medals 

to find the one bar 

in the street of a thousand F.U.C.K.S

as we have called it for the past 20 years 


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2 minutes ago, Mangkhut said:

So at last the brownshirts found evidence of prostitution in Pattaya? Hats off to them. I found out that myself on my very first trip to Pattaya in 2003....????????????

And stayed there ever since to continue your observations maybe ? ????????????

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All governments and their various departments are all pretty much the same....useless and self serving. Something has to give eventually. The world really cant sustain this level of useless administration! Why on earth Thailand just simply remove the law and save themselves tonnes of embarrassment while giving their economy a boost and getting some tax out if it by making it a recognised profession. Some progressive countries have already done this.

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Let's put it this way, one has to be desperate to go there to work or play...


The soi of last resort, but any lady can find work, any john is guaranteed to get his rocks off, even the local constabulary can find it.


You can even understand how easy it is to miss spell "Soi Six" 

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After numerous trips to Pattaya I had my suspicions that something was up and that there were possibly nefarious activities taking place. It is good to see that my spidey sense was tingling for the right reasons after all and that after years and years of careful, studious police investigation they have finally uncovered the only prostitution in Pattaya and can quickly restore the good name of this giant amongst the best visited clean family holiday resorts. Well done Mr. Plod.

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1 hour ago, Phuketshrew said:

Haha. That got me thinking of possible names for such a niche delivery service:


Grab ... GrabPvssy ?

ChefX ?

BlowPanda ?



Any more?

This exists and is based in Thailand imo...Thailand 4.0

Edited by ThomasThBKK
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The special administrative department of the Pattaya authorities finally showed the police how to find evidence of prostitution in Pattaya. 


Phew! Had a few million prospective tourists worried there for a minute. 

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