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Woman scrawled ‘it’s real’ in eerie message after she ‘died for 27 minutes and said she saw heaven’


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Woman scrawled ‘it’s real’ in eerie message after she ‘died for 27 minutes and said she saw heaven’

by Neal Baker



Tina Hines suffered a heart attack in February 2018 and 'died' for 27 minutes - but when she woke she managed to scrawl 'it's real' after she claims to have seen heaven / Credit: madiejohnson / Instagram


A WOMAN scrawled an eerie message that appears to read "it's real" after she died for 27 minutes - and claims to have seen heaven.


Tina Hines collapsed as she was heading out with her husband Brian in Phoenix, Arizona, and needed to be resuscitated six times.


The mum-of-four was "dead" for a total of 27 minutes as medics battled to save her.


But after she was successfully brought back to life for the last time, speechless Tina gestured for a pen and paper.


Full Story: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9366503/tattoo-its-real-heaven-aunt-died/

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7 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

chemicals in the brain can cause hallucinations, but her story is better..

oh yes - if you can't explain it and it does not suit your image of the world

- it must be chemicals

(but I doubt it was Jesus whom she saw)

Edited by sweatalot
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Claiming to see an image of a Medieval reconstruct of a biblical character whilst falling into or out of a dormant state and scribbling on paper - gosh, must be true.


So that's shown all the followers of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism the error of their beliefs then.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

I'm "there" at the moment actually , its quite nice , we have computers and everything , no sign of the 72 virgins though

I heard that was the fundamental to the defeat of ISIS. Nothing to do with the coalition of the willing at all.

Apparently they showed the fighters a photo of Susan Boyle to show them what a virgin actually looked like. Their interest in fighting collapsed and their downfall followed shortly afterwards. 

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34 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

It's quite an exciting topic: "Near death experience."


   Fifteen years ago the doctors at a hospital near Mae Hong Son had already given up on me and told my wife that they'd bring my (dead) body to Chiang Mai. 


   I was even longer "gone," without any heartbeat and saw my mom who passed away in my arms, telling me that I couldn't come to her now.


   One doctor who'd started his shift then tried it once more with the highest amperes of the defibrillator, and my heart started beating again. 


I've also seen a very bright light, but nothing that I could somehow relate to a god. Perhaps because I'm an atheist? 


 I wasn't delighted when I woke up and somehow wanted to go back to my mother, but all then changed when I had my wife and son in my arms. 






Except of course you were never 'gone' in the first place. People or anything else do not come back from the dead except in the world of fantasy.

Apparently it is quite exciting to have an orgasm at the point of unconsciousness/death as some people do - except for David Carradine and Michael Hutchence where it didn't work out too good for them. They didn't come back either.

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The experts say that we only use 10% of our brain, so we have absolutely no idea what the other 90% can do, even when we are dying or temporarily dead, so how can we really believe all these stories ?

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43 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

The experts say that we only use 10% of our brain, so we have absolutely no idea what the other 90% can do, even when we are dying or temporarily dead, so how can we really believe all these stories ?

Experts don't say that, it is a myth.

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18 hours ago, sweatalot said:

oh yes - if you can't explain it and it does not suit your image of the world

- it must be chemicals

(but I doubt it was Jesus whom she saw)

"Jesus is just alright", but probably a question faith; one with another belief might have seen someone else...????

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On 6/25/2019 at 8:00 PM, CharlieH said:

was vaguely curious until I saw "theSun" , oh gawd , ere we go. Move on.

What do you mean by this.

Next you will be telling me the The Sun didn't report the discovery of Elvis on the moon.

Go on, I dare you, burst my bubble ????

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14 hours ago, jaiyen said:

The experts say that we only use 10% of our brain, so we have absolutely no idea what the other 90% can do, even when we are dying or temporarily dead, so how can we really believe all these stories ?

That's fairly easy to check. Remove that 90% and see what stops working. 

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