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Junta’s national reform plan branded just a pile of paper by Opposition


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Junta’s national reform plan branded just a pile of paper by Opposition




Thailand’s national reform master plan, drawn up by the incumbent military backed government, came under heavy criticism from opposition MPs in the lower House today, branding the plan just a pile of paper and unrealized rhetoric.


Future Forward secretary-general Piyabutr Saengkanokkul pointed out, during today’s debate, that the national reform master plan has passed two organizations and one individual, all of whom are badly in need of reform, namely the Army, The Courts and the head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).


He said the military, whose main duty is to defend the country against foreign enemies, has staged several coups to overthrow elected governments, while the courts are being questioned over their processes and quality of their verdicts.


Piyabutr said that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has been seated at the head of the table plotting reform, when it is he who should consider reform.


The junta’s reform plan has resulted in the creation of a “super government”, or a “state within a state” – one state created through election by the people, which is powerless, and another state created by the coup makers, said the Future Forward secretary-general.


Another characteristic of the national reform plan, explained Piyabutr, was the creation of a “reform industry”, which he described as the countless committees to churn out countless reports, laws and regulations and to receive salaries, meeting allowances, perks etc. Piyabutr described the so called reform plan as just a sham by the junta to use as a tool to extend their grip on power.


Pheu Thai MP for Roi-et province Ms. Chiraporn Sinthuprai, said that the junta’s reform efforts over the past five years has been a complete failure as it reduced Thailand to a country with the biggest equality gap with the number of poor rising to about 14 million and the richest 1% controlling over half of the country’s assets.


Democrat party-list MP Kanok Wongtra-ngarn said the reform reports, which are sent to parliament every three months for acknowledgement, are never implemented in reality.


Rangsiman Rome, of the Future Forward party, said the reform plan was beautifully written, but rang hollow, citing corruption scandals such as the “borrowed” brand name wristwatches of General Prawit Wongsuwan, the use of an army barracks, by the son of General Preecha Chan-o-cha, younger brother of Prime Minister Prayut, to set up an office to run a construction business and the corruption scandal engulfing the Ratchabhakdi park in Hua Hin.


Source: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/juntas-national-reform-plan-branded-just-a-pile-of-paper-by-opposition/



-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2019-06-27
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18 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I would say the Government "proposals" reminds me of the Monty Python Sketch from Life of Brian, where the comment is made, "He's making it up as he goes along!", but here while they are doing just that, they have stupid amounts of bureaucrats earning fat wads to mull it over, take commissions, while doing precisely nothing, apart from fleecing the allocated budgets of course. All being funded by the taxpayer, who also has the burden of course of a few submarines, which don't have enough water to actually be able to dive while in the gulf. Great security purchase that one! :cheesy:

Their apparently "nothing" agenda, apart from more of the same is now being challenged, so we can probably expect a few more Future Forward MP's to suddenly develop unexpected legal problems, suspending their rights to vote, while others with similar accusations, supported by evidence, but supporting the Junta will probably be dealt with more leniently.

Whole comedies and dramas could hold audiences in suspense about this, were the plot not so unbelievably transparent.


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5 minutes ago, Small Joke said:

I think eventually this contempt of democracy will lead to serious and sustained Ulster style violence. 

Who knows what monster could emerge should the unrest escalate. 

I fear that an even more hardline state apparatus will take over if unrest occurs.

The current Chief of Staff does not look or sound much like he will brook even the minute sliver of dissent that the PM grumpily allows.

I think we underestimate the blow back that must come. 

We have seen how bad it can get 1976. 

When the inevitable happens, we are unlikely to see benign civilians filling that vacuum. 

I see chaos ahead. And it saddens and frightens me.



And until chaos does occur it is impossible, with the current ruling class and military, for the country to develope for the benefit of all.

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8 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Another characteristic of the national reform plan, explained Piyabutr, was the creation of a “reform industry”, which he described as the countless committees

the word 'reform' has lost all meaning

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cha cha and gang are the worst bunch in recent history, and their disdain for freedom and the average Thai obvious.  One empty headed proclamation after another.  20 year plan is crazy, as things can change in just a few days.  Done nothing for the country other than mock its culture and cause trouble. 

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Future Forward secretary-general Piyabutr Saengkanokkul  is a very brave and astute person.  I hope the Junta's reform plan is printed on something soft and absorbent so that at least it can be hung on a toilet wall.

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Pheu Thai MP for Roi-et province Ms. Chiraporn Sinthuprai, said that the junta’s reform efforts over the past five years has been a complete failure as it reduced Thailand to a country with the biggest equality gap with the number of poor rising to about 14 million and the richest 1% controlling over half of the country’s assets.

You can bet yourself bundles that 'Big Cheese Phayut' and the 'Watch Borrower' are among the top of the 1%....... AND, certainly have 'NO THOUGHT' AT ALL FOR THOSE OTHER POOR 99% (of which are so many of my friends and relatives)....... My long time Mrs in Thailand had 7 sisters and family who sold cooked pork at 5AM on the sidewalks in Bangkok and put the very first 3 students in the family history thru University...... Now they are back on the farm in Nakhon Sawan living day to day on rice...... NO MORE University grads in their future..... Now so many crack downs on bar workers/sex workers that the farangs are afraid to frequent these places and those 'bread-winners' (and their families) are hurting financially very badly...... I enjoy so many of these bars (most often drink Coke since I am driving-- I certainly not a 'Lush' but just enjoy some nice company and I am a very generous supporter to their cause, as I can afford....)

But the BIG QUESTION here is what is the Junta/recently elected government thinking about to help these poor folks find other work???????????????  I think you guessed it... NOTHING..... Thoughts only of 'Submarines' and the benefits for that TOP 1% of 'HiSos'........... Not to worry about the 'poor' that were making a meagre living and now have been ruined.....

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2 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Does it look like this?




ONE 'NAVAL BARRACKS' has already been dedicated for this storage room............. LOL .........

Edited to add.... And ONLY a couple top PMs have a Key to the room..... Hint: One of them loves to borrow expensive watches......

Edited by sawadeeken
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14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I would say the Government "proposals" reminds me of the Monty Python Sketch from Life of Brian, where the comment is made, "He's making it up as he goes along!", but here while they are doing just that, they have stupid amounts of bureaucrats earning fat wads to mull it over, take commissions, while doing precisely nothing, apart from fleecing the allocated budgets of course. All being funded by the taxpayer, who also has the burden of course of a few submarines, which don't have enough water to actually be able to dive while in the gulf. Great security purchase that one! :cheesy:

Their apparently "nothing" agenda, apart from more of the same is now being challenged, so we can probably expect a few more Future Forward MP's to suddenly develop unexpected legal problems, suspending their rights to vote, while others with similar accusations, supported by evidence, but supporting the Junta will probably be dealt with more leniently.

Whole comedies and dramas could hold audiences in suspense about this, were the plot not so unbelievably transparent.


The hub of "making it up as you go along" !

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Democrat party-list MP Kanok Wongtra-ngarn said the reform reports, which are sent to parliament every three months for acknowledgement, are never implemented in reality.

There's a difference this time but I wouldn't expect Kanok to acknowledge the difference nor perhaps even understand that the difference exists.

In the past before the NCPO government, the elected NLA MP's can decide what reform reports should be acted upon or ignored.

However, now the new NCPO 2017 Constitution gives the NCPO-appointed Senate (initial term of five years from date of endorsement before replacement appointments) the duty to monitor and assure that the NCPO 20-year National Strategy Plan is adhered to by all government officials without alteration or ignored. It has the authority to refer any government official not complying with the plan (except by Senate approval) for prosecution (ie., for constitutional violations) and loss of office as a minimum!

This also means by my estimate that the dozen or so new organic laws passed by the NCPO-appointed NLA that implement the details of the plan are also untouchable without Senate approval.


Just a further example of Piyabutr's 'super government' or 'state within a state.' The Thai People's sovereignty currently exists largely only on a 'pile of paper' and not in practice.

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