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Foreign tourists in Pai vandalise Thai flags, anger locals


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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


While this is a very stupid thing to do [by the tourists] it good to see commonsense prevail and the police recognising that this isn't targeted vandalism or intention to cause offense - its just kids being d!<kheads and there is no need to play into the hands of the locals and give oxygenate the 'faux-outrage'.....



.... then I read ThreeEyedRaven's post Number 2 and thought, yep, it probably cost them a bit to make this go away so easily... 




Kids - then what were they doing on their own drunk disrespecting someones flag and King?


Very lucky they didn't get really walloped.

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They are darn lucky.


In some countries, they would have gone to jail for at least a few weeks and then deported (and possibly blacklisted forever) ; and in some places, they would have been lynched. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying that should be the way to react, but just saying how things are in some places.

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54 minutes ago, edwardflory said:

OK, now the flack is gonna come.


I think 100 hours of community service and blacklisted forever is in order as punishment.


Being drunk is no excuse for such behaviour. 


I can't even count the times I have seen "visitors / tourists" act like complete arises in Thailand. One such incident: a person ( drunk ) took his manhood out in a bar and went around 'shaking' it at almost every person there, then denied he did it...there were over 5 mobile phone videos of his actions.  Would he do this at home?


Respect the country you visit!! I live here ( 6 years ) and as long as I am permitted to stay, I will respect The King and Kingdom. The people are damn lucky a group of Thais didn't "send" them to a hospital to sober up!



"One such incident: a person ( drunk ) took his manhood out in a bar and went around 'shaking' it at almost every person there, then denied he did it...there were over 5 mobile phone videos of his actions."



likely alcohol induced amnesia aka blackout.   


a little education never hurts

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1 hour ago, charmonman said:

In my opinion if you can't go to another country and show a small measure of respect to the locals you shouldn't be there in the first place.

How often do we see Asians wearing G7 flags on their Heads, Chests, Kybers, feet or handbags in LoS with no though whatsoever in the other direction?

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

should have done a mock execution.

Seems a run in with the BIB a few years back resulted in a real execution of a tourist, which of course came to nothing, as usual. 

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What homeless! half a dozen sheets of corrugate, a few old plastic banners and some old red shirt billboards, plus a smartphone, a cheap TV playing soaps all day connected to any lamppost and a motorbike, any verge will do, and as for feeding them any temple will do for a few hearty snacks and packets of noodles.

Edited by phetpeter
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So where is the video evidence ? where are they from ? 


Very unlike the BiB not to have a pointing contest, usually standing pointing with big grins on their fizzogs.


And very strange that thanks to CCTV they catch the miscreants so quickly but the anti Junta activist has no hope, strange old country is this.

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2 hours ago, Emdog said:

Take a chill pill. A flag is just a symbol. Stupid or ignorant? Sure.

A flag is just a symbol... maybe your own analogy, some other countries have a higher regard for their emblem!

Moral of the story, don't go to another country & disrespect the flag...

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Locals had earlier called for the foreigners to be deported.

Yes its REALY REALLY serious, i would have thought hanging and quartering would be better though.

Amazing how the years of propaganda make make some people react.

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3 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Good luck for them. Doing things like that as a foreigner you can't count on so much lenience from the locals.

How bleeding stupid are these muppets ... 7 days in jail would teach them some respect ... I don’t think an apology is enough

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48 minutes ago, Catoni said:

     “Flags, good for fabric to make underwear.”

    What a pathetic, disgusting statement. Members of my family fought and died on the battlefield fighting for my country’s freedom and my country’s flag. 

This one?



Dying for a piece of cloth doesn't make much sense. 

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