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Caught by social media: German expat who helped Thai wife sell BBQ chicken to be deported - he's wanted by Interpol


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Wanted ? 

Does that mean he’s been been to court in Germany, trial by his peers, ‘found guilty’ and sentenced ?


if not he is still innocent which means a legal extradition process. However due to the gravity of spending time on remand for extradition hearings best to take the lessor option to be deported for ‘working without a work permit’ which technically that’s why he’s being deported for.


so even if you’re squeaky clean, watch it, you could get deported for such a similar act of helping the wife with her business. 


Take care folks ‘Freedom as it should be does not exist’. 



Edited by mindfulness
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46 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

In my time in this country I have never had such actions added to me. Surely is this sort of thing was rife there would be media outcry and employees of multinational corporations would be getting involved demanding to know why their employees are being harassed. But that isn't happening. If what you say is even remotely accurate, you should be able to form a conclusion on this aspect.


No doubt it happens at some time, as it does in all countries, but I'd be guessing the 'type' of westerner most likely to be caught up in this sort of thing would either be dressed in a manner that police deemed questionable, or are found in locations known to be frequented by undesirables, or have been observed in the past doing nefarious deeds or in nefarious places.


Your poor attempt at an argument reminds my of young people being victimised for having to walk past sniffer dogs when they go to music festivals or late night club areas. The answer to you and to the younger people is this: Do the right thing, stop hanging around undesirable people and places and start dressing appropriately and you might just find you are treated with the respect you so loudly desire.



I don't know in what bubble you live, but here is a small example: (it exploded after they randomly stopped a diplomat). 


I also don't exactly understand who are these "undesirable people" you refer to or what are those places you talk of (if its bar girls and massage places then spare us your hypocrisy..).


As a country that is supposed to welcome and encourage tourism, harassing random visitors is not a best practice.

I don't mind them doing a background criminal check on every visa applicant of any kind, but once inside, any unprovoked harassing should stop.


Edited by LongTang
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5 minutes ago, LongTang said:


I don't know in what bubble you live, but here is a small example: (it exploded after they randomly stopped a diplomat). 


I also don't exactly understand who are these "undesirable people" you refer to or what are those places you talk of.


As a country that is supposed to welcome and encourage tourism, harassing random visitors is not a best practice.

I don't mind them doing a background criminal check on every visa applicant of any kind, but once inside, any unprovoked harassing should stop.


This guy was breaking the law 

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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

'Fernsebner’s wife blamed ‘social media’ for her husband’s arrest. '


Bloody farang social media! Honest drug selling pedos can't even mind their own chicken selling business anymore.

Yes, surely nothing to do with him being a wanted criminal and commiting various crimes?!

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35 minutes ago, LongTang said:


I don't know in what bubble you live, but here is a small example: (it exploded after they randomly stopped a diplomat). 


I also don't exactly understand who are these "undesirable people" you refer to or what are those places you talk of (if its bar girls and massage places then spare us your hypocrisy..).


As a country that is supposed to welcome and encourage tourism, harassing random visitors is not a best practice.

I don't mind them doing a background criminal check on every visa applicant of any kind, but once inside, any unprovoked harassing should stop.


Exactly,  a small example. I eluded to that in my post. What, are you ignoring it? I never said it didn't happen. You made outrageous claims that this was rife and will become moreso. The fact is it isn't. You are now changing your story to fit while mis-directing what I said.


And by you having to go back to a report from 2014 to try and prop up your flimsy case, it has just made my point stronger. That point was that this no doubt goes on, but not in any large numbers. Also that report has no hard data. There are no numbers of how many people were stopped. So try again because right now your claims are looking even more foolish.


And add to that your link has another report link which states a grand total of 200 people in a facebook group are concerned. A grand total of 200 people about of the multi millions of tourists and of the multitiude of ex pats. Not even a drop in the ocean.


Undesirable people are exactly like I said. Undesireable. A walk down lower Sukhumvit or Thong Lor shows enough drunk people wearing wife beater shirts and flip flops. I wonder what the ratio of 2014 drug testing (I use 2014 because that is the only report you can show) also included people who looked intoxicated, or were dressed in appropriately?


Or are you telling me well dressed, sober people are being randomly victimised and forced to pee in a cup?




Edited by Farangwithaplan
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Wow.. where to start...

Selling drugs and child pornography- he deserves what happens to him, if he gets convicted 

But at least he will be in German jail.. I am sure that is better than a Thai jail.

People running from the law and hiding in Thailand are giving all farang a bad name


And the German embassy staff noticed the FB post?  How? Do they have so many people that they can check FB for any postings involving German citizens? Or is there an algorithm and software that tracks what is being posted? Hmm.. 

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18 hours ago, Vacuum said:

There's always a reason why some foreigners go to Thailand....

  Why bother?  These days more and more criminals are getting caught no matter where they go in the world.  

      They should just surrender and do the time in prison, and hopefully never commit crimes again when they eventually get out.  

   Give them a chance once they've paid their debt to society....   BUT..if they go back to their old criminal ways....  double the amount of prison time next time.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Guilty Thais, who are wealthy, connected, or in power, are not pursued. They are protected. When one is wealthy and well connected here, the army makes sure you are safe and sound. That does not apply to foreigners. One small step over the line, and you are in trouble. Racism? Of course. Blatant. No attempt to even cover it up. 


a feudal patronage society cannot be compared to other societies that have adapted the social justice mentality. that would be like a thai living in switzerland getting upset because he cannot bribe a cop or a judge and crying "unfair"

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19 hours ago, londonthai said:

so his wife knew he was on interpol list.


how immigration and consulates gave him visas and extension for 2 years? who he bribed? 


19 hours ago, webfact said:

He later left the country via a Nakhon Phanom border post before hiring a Lao man to smuggle him back across the Mekong River by boat. 

If you read the post he left Thailand to record his exit... he was smuggled back in... so
no consulates, immigration, visas, stamps 90 days etc etc etc...... he was illegal

Does that answer your question?

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11 hours ago, Benroon said:

Facebook !!! Anyone over the age of 16 on Facebook needs a long hard look at themselves !!


How many more people are going to have their lives torn apart by this cancer ? (though in this case perhaps deservedly!)

finally.......another person on this planet with at least half a brain......there are so few of us......

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17 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

Exactly,  a small example. I eluded to that in my post. What, are you ignoring it? I never said it didn't happen. You made outrageous claims that this was rife and will become moreso. The fact is it isn't. You are now changing your story to fit while mis-directing what I said.


And by you having to go back to a report from 2014 to try and prop up your flimsy case, it has just made my point stronger. That point was that this no doubt goes on, but not in any large numbers. Also that report has no hard data. There are no numbers of how many people were stopped. So try again because right now your claims are looking even more foolish.


And add to that your link has another report link which states a grand total of 200 people in a facebook group are concerned. A grand total of 200 people about of the multi millions of tourists and of the multitiude of ex pats. Not even a drop in the ocean.


Undesirable people are exactly like I said. Undesireable. A walk down lower Sukhumvit or Thong Lor shows enough drunk people wearing wife beater shirts and flip flops. I wonder what the ratio of 2014 drug testing (I use 2014 because that is the only report you can show) also included people who looked intoxicated, or were dressed in appropriately?


Or are you telling me well dressed, sober people are being randomly victimised and forced to pee in a cup?




Did you even bothered to read my original post, I never claimed it was rife, I just pointed that some posters will be happy if an extreme situation emerges.


Its also quite pathetic of you to try and stigmatize various people according to their flipflops and shirts as you are obviously having a hard time to define your "undesirables".


Humiliating urine test to sober people is exactly what happened, and if the foreign community will not be on its guard, there is no reason for it to not happen again.



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It is because of guys like this that Immigration keep changing laws and make it more difficult for genuine foreigners to stay in Thailand.

The German Embassy should have checked this guy his background before granting him a passport.
The German Embassy is the one and only to blame for this situation.

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 The post was widely shared, eventually drawing the attention of German embassy officials. 


They alerted Thai police that Fernsebner was wanted by Interpol for allegedly selling drugs online, robbery and disseminating child pornography.  Note for those above casting stones at Thai authorities. The German Embassy noticed the post and went after him.

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22 minutes ago, LongTang said:


Did you even bothered to read my original post, I never claimed it was rife, I just pointed that some posters will be happy if an extreme situation emerges.


Its also quite pathetic of you to try and stigmatize various people according to their flipflops and shirts as you are obviously having a hard time to define your "undesirables".


Humiliating urine test to sober people is exactly what happened, and if the foreign community will not be on its guard, there is no reason for it to not happen again.



Ignored the real points again, didn't you. Why did you need to refer to a 5 year old article by the esteemed Samui Times that had no hard facts in it to prop up you wild accusations. You aren't replying directly to my point because you simply cannot.

I suggest you reread your own original post again.


I'm having no trouble defining undesirables. People walking around any city in 'wife beater' singlets whilst intoxicated in nefarious parts of town is in poor social taste and will of course raise more interest from police in any country in the world when compared to a neatly dressed person. Add to that this country's religion frowns upon such attire in public and people who are guests in another country without the social know-how or self worth to dress in public as if they are in their own living room are asking to be scrutinised more closely.


It is poor form to have such low social standards as a visitor and then cry because they get attention of the law.


If you don't want to pee in a cup, dress better than a bum, don't be pissed or stoned, and don't be known to hang out in dodgy.

areas. But that doesn't suit your agenda, now, does it?

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"After sneaking back into the country, he married a Thai woman and took up residence in the quiet northeastern village, only to be discovered by chance after his photo went viral."


I guess by "married a Thai woman" they mean the traditional marriage ceremony only, not an official wedding at a district office. I cannot imagine that someone who sneaks into the country by boat and who has an Interpol red notice in his name can get the paperwork done to get legally married here.

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