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Thai man invents pollution free generator that doesn’t need fuel


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33 minutes ago, Lenny Jones said:

He didn't "invent" anything.


Human energy to generate electricity has been around since the ability to generate is was discovered.


All he has done was to configure some gearing to drive a generator to charge a battery.


Twisted reporting by an ignorant sensation-seeking reporter at it's best.

I think that there is a lot of truth in your statement but however as it requires physical effort to produce electricity that in itself will be the biggest issue for many Thai males.  Unless of course those who eventually purchase his contraption use Burmese/Laos labour paying them no doubt a pittance.

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3 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

I think that there is a lot of truth in your statement but however as it requires physical effort to produce electricity that in itself will be the biggest issue for many Thai males.  Unless of course those who eventually purchase his contraption use Burmese/Laos labour paying them no doubt a pittance.

You're saying there must be some correlation between nationality, efficiency and cost?

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16 hours ago, Crossy said:

Let's not knock the guy, he's designed and built a useful power supply which is green and should produce enough energy for a minimal lifestyle.

And perfect for 3rd-world situations where time is all a person has on their hands. What's 15 minutes winding a watch to have some electricity to make life more tolerable? Doesn't have to be 5-star, 1st-world standard. My hat's off to this gentleman. ????‍????

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13 hours ago, SteveK said:

The device looks really fake as hell. The bit on the top looks very much like an audio amplifier for a car. 15 minutes of winding to power a lightbulb for upto 6-8 hours seems like nothing new, as everyone else has alluded to already. 100% fake - are you sure it's not the Thai version of April fools day?


It's funny how the thousands of physicists around the world with PhDs couldn't invent this but an old Thai man with no teeth can put a few electronic looking things together with a lot of wires and out-do them. Absolute garbage - think I'm going to start ignoring the Thai news from now on. Maybe next month we'll hear about an old Isaan man with cancer who found a way to go to the moon for only 10 baht?

the bit on top looks a lot like an inverter to me.

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16 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

Peak power output of a top cyclist is about 500 Watts so if Chris Froome wound this generator's spring for 15 minutes if would give us a total potential power output of about 0.125 Kwh. Not everyone is Chris Froome, and of course we are not taking into account the energy spent in the mechanism.

Just another Thai joke, a small one though.

Untrue. While working at the NSW Electricity Commission we had a bicycle powered generator wired to a wattmeter, part of a public display. Most people could manage to hit 1kW peak, but maintaining it for more than 10-15 seconds wasn't possible (for me, quite fit at the time).

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Truly remarkable accomplishment.  It must be a first if he got a patent granted,  because we all know the authorities don't grant those easily.  (or is that just to foreigners). Anyway truly amazing,  next you'll be telling me that they can make it rain. ????

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5 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Truly remarkable accomplishment.  It must be a first if he got a patent granted,  because we all know the authorities don't grant those easily.  (or is that just to foreigners). Anyway truly amazing,  next you'll be telling me that they can make it rain. ????

I think that's the PM's domain - he's prayed for rain before.

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1 hour ago, Shadychris said:

You must be forgetting that the vast majority of TV members who like to think they are so superior, and ready to criticise Thai's intelligence at every opportunity, arent actually smart enough themselves to learn the Thai language.. 

A  language  not  used universally you mean

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2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Would that make it wind powered?

Yes but only if he had a turbine strapped to his ass which helped crank the machine. Oh my goodness I just solved the problem of free energy!????

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Not knocking his ingenuity, but aren't the clockwork radios that are manufactured and distributed to areas with no mains or locally generated power the same concept ? I realise that running a radio is less power demanding than  say lights , water pumps or AC's, but would say it has to be the same concept. Anyway good on him for sticking to his build.

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Total quackery. This invention had been invented a hundred times... even before the National Inquirer first published it over 50 years ago. The laws of thermodynamics come into play showing that this silliness is a total ruse. 

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Hi guys criticizing this post and the invention. What have you ever invented?


To criticize is easy and with the point of view of those who grew up in a country that provided everything you needed without having to look for it's absolutely incomprehensible.


If here just one single individual is hard working to find new approaches to an existing lack or a problem you don't know any better than to make it look stupid.


Before criticizing me due to an English that isn't perfect at all...what languages to you speak and write apart of English. Just saying.

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17 hours ago, Crossy said:

Let's not knock the guy, he's designed and built a useful power supply


You can't produce more energy than what goes in. How much energy can a person produce in 15 minutes? That's the absolute limit of what it can do.

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18 hours ago, Crossy said:

But of course, no detail of just how much energy it produces for 8 hours.


and, there's no such thing as a new idea https://thegadgetflow.com/blog/wind-up-generator/


And way before now was the outback Australian "peddle radio".



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53 minutes ago, Liss Camber said:

Hi guys criticizing this post and the invention. What have you ever invented?


To criticize is easy and with the point of view of those who grew up in a country that provided everything you needed without having to look for it's absolutely incomprehensible.


If here just one single individual is hard working to find new approaches to an existing lack or a problem you don't know any better than to make it look stupid.


Before criticizing me due to an English that isn't perfect at all...what languages to you speak and write apart of English. Just saying.

You must be new?

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6 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

I have one of those Trevor Bayliss radios. after cranking for 120 turns you get about 15 - 20 mins of listening time. However you can install 4 triple A's in it as well and it runs for weeks/months.

Before modern hand held radios and satellite phones - maritime vessels carried a hand crank MF radio in the lifeboats. A crew member hand cranked whilst the Radio Officer (if he survived) could send and receive Morse messages. If no crew member survived that could send or receive morse code - the radio looked like what it resembled, a heavy metal box.


So as already stated - nothing knew in hand cranking/pedalling to get power.


When it comes to energy and power output - the law of diminishing returns always wins. i.e. if you have to put more in than you are getting out - forget it.  


Solar, wind and wave power are the best options. But in LoS this does not work as the equipment needs something called maintenance - a word with no equivalent in Thai.





Ah, the Marconi Salvita.  Happy days!

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