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Window Cleaning Business


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Hello to everbody,

Anybody thought about setting up a window cleaning business in Pattaya, I know we have tip top but don't know much about them, have they got a window cleaning round going on? Set up costs wouldn't be a lot but there are a few major factors against it that I can see, 2 of them being:

- most people have bars on their windows making them very hard to clean

- and window cleaners generally clean windows once a month often when people are not home, don't know if that one would go down too well

Its not something that I would set up but it just came to me and thought somebody might want to give it go


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Hello to everbody,

Anybody thought about setting up a window cleaning business in Pattaya, I know we have tip top but don't know much about them, have they got a window cleaning round going on? Set up costs wouldn't be a lot but there are a few major factors against it that I can see, 2 of them being:

- most people have bars on their windows making them very hard to clean

- and window cleaners generally clean windows once a month often when people are not home, don't know if that one would go down too well

Its not something that I would set up but it just came to me and thought somebody might want to give it go


ruds my friend, if you a have a dream of cleaning windows, go for it !! there is a lot of negativity here in pattaya with people wanting to knock on you etc ( ecetera)

My advice is start small but think big ( like ronald macdonald back in the 60's)

best of luck but beware of water shortages that may occur during hor season :o

another obstacle of pattaya business men is to sucumb to too much alcohol intake with over time may destroy your business ( and your mind :D )

hope this helps :D

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Hello to everbody,

Anybody thought about setting up a window cleaning business in Pattaya, I know we have tip top but don't know much about them, have they got a window cleaning round going on? Set up costs wouldn't be a lot but there are a few major factors against it that I can see, 2 of them being:

- most people have bars on their windows making them very hard to clean

- and window cleaners generally clean windows once a month often when people are not home, don't know if that one would go down too well

Its not something that I would set up but it just came to me and thought somebody might want to give it go


ruds my friend, if you a have a dream of cleaning windows, go for it !! there is a lot of negativity here in pattaya with people wanting to knock on you etc ( ecetera)

My advice is start small but think big ( like ronald macdonald back in the 60's)

best of luck but beware of water shortages that may occur during hor season :D

another obstacle of pattaya business men is to sucumb to too much alcohol intake with over time may destroy your business ( and your mind :D )

hope this helps :D

And of course the small matter of the work permit :o

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Why Clean Windows?

Why Clean Windows? The obvious reasons are:

Better View

Heat Efficiency

Professional Business Image

and for window cleaners... (Income)!

Many different types of people come to FreeWindowCleaningTips.com for info and advice on a variety of glass maintenance issues. The most basic concept of all, is the search for an understanding of why we clean windows in general. Beyond the obvious reasons, the most important reason for glass maintenance is degradation. Glass will, over time, become permeated with a variety of contaminants:

Hard Minerals (from sprinkler systems and building run-off)

Oxidization (from windows encased in metal frames and screens)

Acid Rain

Sea Spray

Overspray (from paint, chalking, mortar and more)

In most cases item #1, Hard Mineral or hardwater is the biggest threat to most home and business owners and a great source of extra income for professional window cleaners. The need for basic glass restoration can be usually be avoided with regular cleaning to exterior window glass surfaces. I recommend no less than two cleanings per year.

Understanding glass: Glass is porous. A cross-section of a sheet of glass reveals peaks and valleys. Glass is a liquid that continues to harden over time.

Because glass is porous, it's easy to understand how it's transparent look can quickly become obstructed with airborne pollutants. Also, it's easy to understand why hard water (rain water runs over prefabricated surface i.e.. wood stain, painted siding, concrete sealant and deposits minerals and acids from those substances into pores of glass as rain water flows down window glass surface) can damage glass if not maintained on a regular basis.

If you are a professional window cleaner, this is a great selling point. I see a lot of professionals advertise the benefits of their service but, I rarely see this benefit advertised. In my opinion, it's the best angle. And if you're a home or business owner, I'm sure you can appreciate the necessity of protecting your glass investment.Glass left UN-maintained over long periods of time may result in permanent damage. Phase two corrosion is the point where the glass's molecular structure has been altered. Most degradation is phase one which has effected only the surface of the glass. This is fairly easy to remedy. Check out my article on glass restoration. For phase two corrosion, hire a professional window cleaner in your area that has expertise in using tools like the "Glass Hog", a restoration device that is designed to remove layers of glass in order to resurface the problem glass with a new finish. (Distortion can occur with the use of these tools and is not recommended outside of professional use).

Now that we understand why we clean glass, we need to know how to clean glass and that's why The Ettore Window Cleaning Kit and my Super-Swirl Squeegee Technique Videos are an unbeatable pair in the fight against glass degradation.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andy Engstrom specializes in teaching real people how to start profitable Window Cleaning businesses that make $40,000 to $100,000 (or more) per year. To get instant access to all his most profitable window cleaning business strategies, tools, and resources, visit:

Window Cleaning Business

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are you the poker or pokee ?

i am the guy on the right which i guess i am the pokee, BTY ( by the way ) I am not gay.

i am fortunate to live in a modern world were we have various medications such as xanax, diazpam, prozaz etc that can make life easier for some of us that are more sensitive to our surroundings ,ie artists, arty types etc ( ecetera)


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are you the poker or pokee ?

i am the guy on the right which i guess i am the pokee, BTY ( by the way ) I am not gay.

i am fortunate to live in a modern world were we have various medications such as xanax, diazpam, prozaz etc that can make life easier for some of us that are more sensitive to our surroundings ,ie artists, arty types etc ( ecetera)


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You guys crack me up. I wasn't thinking about setting up a window cleaning business myself, I even mentioned that in my post, some of you need to take greater care when reading. Stop w**king, that will improve your eyesight at least.

I was merely putting a suggestion forward that someone might be interested in looking into. Surely it makes a refreshing change from someone posting "I want to set up a beer bar, any advice?"

Fair enough it may not be the most desirable job in the world but surely you guys didnt think that the person setting up the business would actually clean the windows, when a thai would do that for 200 baht a day. What planet are you on?

I think some of you really do need to spend a little bit more time outside and not in front of your computer


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Don't think it will wash :o in Pattaya, almost every private house already have house maids etc. who will do the work (as stated in an earlier post). Well done for trying to think of business enterpising idea's. Next suggestion - build multi story car parks, or those Japanese auto rotation car parks.

On a lighter note, but not showing my age !! :D

George Formby circa 1934

Now I go cleanin' windows to earn an honest bob

For a nosy parker it's an interestin' job

Now it's a job that just suits me

A window cleaner you would be

If you can see what I can see

When I'm cleanin' windows

Honeymoonin' couples too

You should see them bill 'n coo

You'd be surprised at things they do

When I'm cleanin' windows

In my profession I'll work hard

But I'll never stop

I'll climb this blinkin' ladder

Till I get right to the top

The blushin' bride, she looks divine

The bridegroom he is doin' fine

I'd rather have his job than mine

When I'm cleanin' windows

The chambermaids' sweet names I call

It's a wonder I don't fall

My mind's not on my work at all

When I'm cleanin' windows

I know a fella, such a swell

He has a thirst, that's plain to tell

I've seen him drink his bath as well

When I'm cleanin' windows

Oh, in my profession I'll work hard

But I'll never stop

I'll climb this blinkin' ladder

Till I get right to the top

Pyjamas lyin' side by side

Ladies nighties I have spied

I've often seen what goes inside

When I'm cleanin' windows

------ banjo ------

Now there's a famous talkie queen

She looks a flapper on the screen

She's more like eightie than eighteen

When I'm cleanin' windows

She pulls her hair all down behind

Then pulls down her... never mind

And after that pulls down the blind

When I'm cleanin' windows

In my profession I'll work hard

But I'll never stop

I'll climb this blinkin' ladder

Till I get right to the top

An old maid walks around the floor

She's so fed up, one day I'm sure

She'll drag me in and lock the door

When I'm cleanin' windows

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Maybe a window cleaning business would work if you broadened the remit.

Your window cleaners could multi -task; like dust the furniture, clean the floors and make the beds. Maybe do a bit of laundry and the odd Thai meal.

This has got got be one original idea that could be a winner....... :o

And.. BTW - the best thread on this forum for many a month.

Lets see how long we can keep it going - might even make TV's weekly email of important new topics. :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Hello to everbody,

Anybody thought about setting up a window cleaning business in Pattaya, I know we have tip top but don't know much about them, have they got a window cleaning round going on? Set up costs wouldn't be a lot but there are a few major factors against it that I can see, 2 of them being:

- most people have bars on their windows making them very hard to clean

- and window cleaners generally clean windows once a month often when people are not home, don't know if that one would go down too well

Its not something that I would set up but it just came to me and thought somebody might want to give it go


You can clean the bars with Duraglit :o The problem you may have is that maids and staff here do them already. In the UK where having a window round is worth it's weight in gold people simply don't have maids. Thais who own their own property can easily afford a maid and would simply not use an outside service that they couldn't trust.

Why not try delivering morning rolls to farang? I was in Pattaya recently and went into a supermarket not far from the center. Couldn't believe it when I got this amazing smell of rolls wafting past me........Exactly the same rolls we get back in Scotland delivered to our doorsteps.........wish we could get them in Bangkok, I bought a dozen and my 2 friends and scoffed the lot on the trip back.

Anything is worth a go as with no income here sooner or later funds dry up and it's back home........perish the thought

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