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Marijuana cannot cure disease, Prayut warns


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Did anyone say its a cure?


Anyone who suffers chronic pain know what the CBD and the other derivatives do.


Its all around feeling and being better people. 



Something he could do with a few lessons in. 

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18 hours ago, samuttodd said:

Excellent point about the hemp fiber products.  Anything that’s made with heavy canvas if you had made it with him cloth it would be at least 4 to 5 times stronger and last 4 to 5 times longer that stuff is tough like chain mail armor

I've seen the latest uses like building homes from it, mixed into cement and concrete. 

Virtually flame proof. 

Insects resistance is great. 

And relatively easy to grow.

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35 minutes ago, dallen52 said:


Did anyone say its a cure?



Several have mentioned it cure cancer in this tread, so yes many people think it is a cure for everything.


I understand the proved benefits, but not the hype around it some fall for, driven by economic intersts. 

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Only slaves allow other people to tell them what they put [or not put] into their body !

My body is my property and nobody has the right to tell me what I can or cannot do with it !


The rest of the discussion is complete nonsense !


How would anybody react if they made coconuts illegal ? Or Roses ? 

The whole discussion is insane !!!


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22 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Opium derived drugs never cured anything, it just helps

O is a completely different and moreover addictive substance, and an effective painkiller.

Nothing to do with whether marihuana derivates can cure or alleviate diseases.


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8 hours ago, BigC said:

People  who want drugs legalized are either in denial of what it does to you or havent been a victim  of drug  abuse yet.


There is so much to do in Thailand  why people need drugs on top of that os beyond  me.


Are for medical  use. Any drug that can cure must be legalised  and given be prescription apart from  LSD

Have you ever watched somebody die in agonising pain from terminal cancer or some other equally debilitating disease?What about the millions living with HIV or the multitude who get infected with mosquito born viruses and the rest of the illnesses to numerous to mention or even know that are treated with drugs that people wanted legalised?Are all these people living in denial?I am pretty sure they know what it does to them!Ever heard of quality of life?Not everyone who takes drug are drug addicts in fact I would say that they would be a minority. 

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10 hours ago, TurkAussie said:

Well then you have not actually studied the plant much , the human body has a system which controls hormones, blood cell counts and much more and it is called the Endocanibinoid system no substance fits this system like the cannibinoids, canibidiol and THC which only come from the cannabis plant alone! Furthermore a man named Rick Simpson, cured his cancer using concentrated cannabis extract and gave his recipe to millions of supposedly terminal Cancer patients and as a result over 20 million people have cured cancer using Cannabis. You can watch a documentary on YouTube all about Rick Simpson called “Run from the cure” or you can visit www. phoenixtears.com for more info

I stand corrected as far as any claims that it can cure diseases. Yes, Simpson claims this and it is promising, but not conclusive according to the medical community. I certainly think more research into this is warranted. A 2004 study by the American Cancer Society said that some types of cancer spread more quickly with cannabis use. I'm certainly no expert and am open to all evidence. Some people claim that bathing in the waters at Lourdes cured their cancer. Natural remission does happen. But I'm open, as I think everyone should be.

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7 hours ago, BarrieSawadee said:

wgdanson I have witnessed Myself Three People survive different forms of Cancer after the Doctors had given up on them and the Patient turned to FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) illegally also People with Parkinsons,Muti Variant Epylepsie psoriasis and others.FECO does cure it also Prevents.Our body contains something called the Endo Cannabinoid System research this and You will see for Yourself.Our World is now Poisonous and Cannabis is actually the fix for this also get rid of Fossil Fuels and replace it with a Carbon Positive Fuel made from Cannabis that is the first step.As I said I have witnessed this Myself over and over.It is not a Conspiracy.

Hi there. I was only trying to be horticulturally correct. But I take in what you say.


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On 7/9/2019 at 8:56 AM, samuttodd said:

I suppose if someone were involved with farming , Marketing, selling, the agribusiness component he could afford them profitable job. More than likely it would result in revenues for the agenciesInvolved  with those aspects.


Some may venture to say that poverty is a disease.


 I am from a place in the states where it is legal to grow your own, or buy it at a cannabis store. They’re all kinds of concoction is made with it candies cookies syrups pills oil‘s tinctures. All of these products contain  various  amounts of the psychoactive component t.h.c.   Some of the strains are of Indica and some are sativa.  They both have very different affects.   Some are very beneficial for pain type conditions like arthritis and muscular pain joint pain etc.


Some are more for other effects such as relaxation better sleep, stimulation of appetite, anxiety ptsd.


There are many other compounds called Terpines That also have Different qualities. Kind of like aromatherapy. Depending on what kind terpines are involved.


I grew up in Southwest Oregon and it used to be a big-time black market type industry. Now it has become very much along the same line as micro breweries and small vineyards.   In agribusiness it’s far more profitable to take an acre of land and produce $150,000 in flowers than it is To take that same acre of land and produce $1200 and fruit. I’ll let you do the math.

When I was growing up pear orchard’s were the cash crop in the valley. Now it’s wine and weed  and dozens of small batch brewing places.


People come from all around the world for this industry. There are many people employed there And making a living in this aspect of agriculture.I was worried that it would lead to all kinds of issues when it was first made legal, there really hasn’t been a problem with it there now that it’s legal.


 Aside from the psychoactive components there are non-psychoactive components which are very therapeutic for chronic pain and as a sleep aid much like melatonin and a lot of people find a great deal of relief from the non-psychoactive preparations made with cannabis.


I think one of the nice aspects of the cannabis legalization is that a lot of folks that had become completely dependent on opiates have been able to get off of them due to the relief that they find in cannabis.  The big middle finger up big Pharmas arse.   


 It is also destroyed the black market Mexican ditch weed gangbangers ability to make dirty money.    The pot farms are heavily regulated as are the retail establishments that sell their products.   They pay their taxes just like everybody else. It’s billions of  dollars in our state. 



The biggest problem there unfortunately, is methamphetamine. And heroin, that’s the stuff that people steal and rob For because they either get sick Without the heroin, or feel like absolute crap without the meth.  It is also the cash crop for the gangs and Mexican mafia. Lotta people die when they deal with those  elements of society .

Wow! You do not mention CBD'S! this is the problem people are ignorant and think THC only when a very large and most helpful products derived from the Marijuana plant are CBD based and do not Have any THC Values what so ever. Knowledge is power the Marijuana plant makes THC and CBD's i believe that have identified over 100 types of CBD's and counting. Those are the facts Jack! 

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On 7/12/2019 at 6:15 AM, Pablosbmb said:

Wow! You do not mention CBD'S! this is the problem people are ignorant and think THC only when a very large and most helpful products derived from the Marijuana plant are CBD based and do not Have any THC Values what so ever. Knowledge is power the Marijuana plant makes THC and CBD's i believe that have identified over 100 types of CBD's and counting. Those are the facts Jack! 

I mentioned it non-psychoactive components and Terpines.

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