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UK's Labour Party spars with BBC over charges of anti-Semitism


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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't really agree with your definition of Zionism. The ideology developed long before there was a literal nation of Israel. Bottom line is the history of the Jewish people is a specific thing and unique. Zionism as well is a specific ideology as a response to the oppression and persecution of Jews in the diaspora for thousands of years.


I also disagree with your simplistic labeling of antisemitism as racism. That is only one aspect of antisemitism.


To proactively clarify that of course Jews are not a race but indeed one aspect of antisemitism is racism because in that Jews are regarded as a race.


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I did not attempt to DEFINE Zionism. What I said was that Zionism was a form of Nationalism,  a view I still hold. Are there other aspects to it, yes undoubtedly.


Anti semitism is a form of racism (I will overlook your petty accusation of simplistic labelling). I totally agree that the separate race contention is hard to uphold in the light of current DNA evidence, but as you say it is how they are regarded that is the critical in this context. Are there other aspects to anti-semitism, arguably, but the unique word used elsewhere is hard to justify. Every form of racism is in some way "Unique" depending on who it is directed against.


The label anti semitic is now unavoidably part of common usage, but it is a stupid label. Semitic is a branch of  languages spoken mainly by Arabs (300m) and includes Berber and Hebrew. Presumably the Canaanites, Amalekites, and Midianites, all destroyed in acts of genocide according to instructions in the book of Numbers, also spoke Semitic languages.

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40 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I did not attempt to DEFINE Zionism. What I said was that Zionism was a form of Nationalism,  a view I still hold. Are there other aspects to it, yes undoubtedly.


Anti semitism is a form of racism (I will overlook your petty accusation of simplistic labelling). I totally agree that the separate race contention is hard to uphold in the light of current DNA evidence, but as you say it is how they are regarded that is the critical in this context. Are there other aspects to anti-semitism, arguably, but the unique word used elsewhere is hard to justify. Every form of racism is in some way "Unique" depending on who it is directed against.


The label anti semitic is now unavoidably part of common usage, but it is a stupid label. Semitic is a branch of  languages spoken mainly by Arabs (300m) and includes Berber and Hebrew. Presumably the Canaanites, Amalekites, and Midianites, all destroyed in acts of genocide according to instructions in the book of Numbers, also spoke Semitic languages.


You claim no "attempt to define Zionism", then go right ahead and do  so.

As for the standard issue waffle about the meaning and such of the term antisemitism, that's all very nice. In effect, doubt there aren't many who aren't aware it is used in reference to Jews, rather than the broader "definition". Bringing up biblical "examples" is rather desperate.

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Firstly, I have never said I want the demise of the 'only Jewish state'. This tread is about Labour and antisemitism, so very relevant. The issues you mentioned here about other countries i agree with. please start another thread up on them and i will contribute.
You do seem t be doing exactly what many in the Labour party and others in the world defending Israel and not allowing criticism, when they are indeed guilty of atrocities.
There are historians who are questioning the number of Holocaust dearths. Whether they are right or wrong is irrelevant. They are getting shouted down and their academic and personal names are being targeted. in the name of being anti-semantic, which is an absolute disgrace. It seems the norm now that if you have a different opinion you get labelled with racists, bigot and other terms.
And there is the problem. Labour Party Left finding themselves lined up on the same side as the old right-wing crew wanting to legitimise Holocaust denial. But actually more than this. Not just lined up, but in alliance. This is what is meant by the Left's 'taking sides'. Not a peep. Lay with dogs and you get fleas.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


You claim no "attempt to define Zionism", then go right ahead and do  so.

As for the standard issue waffle about the meaning and such of the term antisemitism, that's all very nice. In effect, doubt there aren't many who aren't aware it is used in reference to Jews, rather than the broader "definition". Bringing up biblical "examples" is rather desperate.

The biblical stuff is not examples of anything, if you could read what I said properly you would, have realized that. Otherwise...Yawn.

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12 hours ago, dexterm said:

This is a smear campaign to discredit Corbyn who has spent his whole life fighting racism.

It only started because be has a chance of becoming PM and would be the first to be honest about Israel's brutal and unjust treatment of Palestinians.

The Zionists method is falsely to conflate justifiable criticism of Israel with anti Semitism. Throw enough mud and hope some of it sticks,  and yet no-one has so far stated a single word or act by Corbyn that is anti Semitic (that is hatred of Jews simply because someone is Jewish.)

Your last paragraph I agree with. 


Sadly the standard deflection nowadays has become to attack any criticism of any action of the Labour Party by claiming that it is part of a plot against Corbyn. This is paranoid conspiracy theory stuff, the LP would be better served by taking an open and honest look at the actual evidence. Corbyn is unquestionably anti racist, but attempts to turn him into some kind of saintly figure because of this are unsavory. Millions of people all over the world are anti racist, and have devoted their lives to this cause, what is so special or unusual about Corbyn in this. 


"yet no-one has so far stated a single word or act by Corbyn that is anti Semitic (that is hatred of Jews simply because someone is Jewish.)" I expect this is correct, but turn it around, in his denunciations of racism has Corbyn ever specifically highlighted the Jews as being one of the groups who are the main victims of racist abuse.


However enthusiastic a supporter of Corbyn and his colleagues anyone is (And they have my sympathy in that they have been grossly misrepresented in MSM) it has surely come the time to accept that there is no smoke without fire. The number of complaints of anti semitism in the LP has turned into a torrent. Are they ALL Blairite Corbyn haters, if so that would be extraordinary. It seems beyond doubt that the LP have been dragging their feet in dealing with these cases.


Could the LP kindly sort themselves out, stop shooting themselves in the foot,  and attempt to make themselves electable - balance of power would do fine. This is the worst most staggeringly inadequate, most venal and self serving Tory party in living memory, the country deserves better (Even Brexiteers says he generously!).

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In my long experience pretty much any attempt to play dumb and act like antisemitism includes other "Semitic" peoples in addition to Jews comes from an antisemitic POV. I've yet to see even one exception. Why do people even try that? It's a dead 100 percent giveaway. 

Whether this relates to what I said or not, I neither know or care. However for the record what I said was that the label is dumb. That it has now a well established meaning in common usage I accepted, and we all have to do that with many other somewhat irrational terms in common use. 


I never noticed anyone referring to Semitic peoples, it is the language group that is Semitic. Neither did anyone suggest that anti semitism includes any other "Racial" group. Please try harder. 

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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The biblical stuff is not examples of anything, if you could read what I said properly you would, have realized that. Otherwise...Yawn.


I read what you posted. I don't think I was wrong. Then again, that's why I'm not into such references, too easy for meanings to be misconstrued.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


I read what you posted. I don't think I was wrong. Then again, that's why I'm not into such references, too easy for meanings to be misconstrued.

That's a fair point, probably unwise to include it, too easily misconstrued as you say.

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58 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Your last paragraph I agree with. 


Sadly the standard deflection nowadays has become to attack any criticism of any action of the Labour Party by claiming that it is part of a plot against Corbyn. This is paranoid conspiracy theory stuff, the LP would be better served by taking an open and honest look at the actual evidence. Corbyn is unquestionably anti racist, but attempts to turn him into some kind of saintly figure because of this are unsavory. Millions of people all over the world are anti racist, and have devoted their lives to this cause, what is so special or unusual about Corbyn in this. 


"yet no-one has so far stated a single word or act by Corbyn that is anti Semitic (that is hatred of Jews simply because someone is Jewish.)" I expect this is correct, but turn it around, in his denunciations of racism has Corbyn ever specifically highlighted the Jews as being one of the groups who are the main victims of racist abuse.


However enthusiastic a supporter of Corbyn and his colleagues anyone is (And they have my sympathy in that they have been grossly misrepresented in MSM) it has surely come the time to accept that there is no smoke without fire. The number of complaints of anti semitism in the LP has turned into a torrent. Are they ALL Blairite Corbyn haters, if so that would be extraordinary. It seems beyond doubt that the LP have been dragging their feet in dealing with these cases.


Could the LP kindly sort themselves out, stop shooting themselves in the foot,  and attempt to make themselves electable - balance of power would do fine. This is the worst most staggeringly inadequate, most venal and self serving Tory party in living memory, the country deserves better (Even Brexiteers says he generously!).


Got to love the consistency. Just a few posts above it was said that Zionism is not easily defined, and that the term can mean different things to different people. You clicked "like" to the post, and then commented it is a "sound" point of view. On the post above you agree with a point of view which makes an essentially opposite claim. Go figure.


Other than that, yes to most of what you posted.

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15 hours ago, Morch said:


Got to love the consistency. Just a few posts above it was said that Zionism is not easily defined, and that the term can mean different things to different people. You clicked "like" to the post, and then commented it is a "sound" point of view. On the post above you agree with a point of view which makes an essentially opposite claim. Go figure.


Other than that, yes to most of what you posted.

I think we should avoid wasting our time splitting hairs over definitions of Zionism, or anything else for that matter. However, with some reluctance I will say this:- It is not helpful to assume that a point of view is a blanket one (Covers everything) unless the poster specifically says so. 

Yes I liked that post generally, and therefore indicated that. Does that have to mean that I agreed with everything in it........no. My post above is about the Labour Party's denial problems, it does not mention Zionism. I wish to discuss things in this forum in a free and open manner, I neither have the time or inclination to get involved in "He said, you said" post-mortems. Occasionally I pick up on the wrong comment or make other errors of that sort, I am not losing any sleep over it!  

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Religious Jews are waiting the human Messiah, not Jesus or God. I have to agree all these faith dogmas share a certain ridiculousness. 

Same with Moslems. They also believe that he will be born from a man. Check the contents of your toilet bowl whenever you've been...you never know!

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On 7/11/2019 at 4:10 AM, vogie said:

Just because Corbyn supports Hamas that wants to destroy Israel, does that make him an anti-Semite.????

Well, thats an interesting question.


But why would he have praised a mural in London, which any High School student could have identified as anti-semitic?


I 'think' he claimed afterwards he hadn't looked at it closely enough.


....that man needs new glasses!

Anti Semitic mural.jpg

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9 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well, thats an interesting question.


But why would he have praised a mural in London, which any High School student could have identified as anti-semitic?


I 'think' he claimed afterwards he hadn't looked at it closely enough.


....that man needs new glasses!

Anti Semitic mural.jpg

I was being sarcastic.

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3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

But why would he have praised a mural in London, which any High School student could have identified as anti-semitic?

Good point. It was pointed out that the artist was trying to depict the people who control the World's money flow (bankers). He depicted real people who are giants in the banking world, who happen to be Jewish. They were caricatures of real people, and in doing so emphasised their features. If you look at the mural, not all of them are depicted with absurdly large noses, only the ones who have large noses in real life.


It's the same argument as the cartoon of Serena Williams, last year when she lost it on a tennis court. Racist or accurate caricature? Personally, I would give cartoonists the artistic licence or we'll end up going down the Charlie Hebdo route.

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Strange that no Muslim Labour MPs were mentioned being investigated for their anti semitic views, they just went for the white racists in the labour party. Pointing the finger at Muslim ones would probably have led to a complaint about the BBC being 'racist'.

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2 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Strange that no Muslim Labour MPs were mentioned being investigated for their anti semitic views, they just went for the white racists in the labour party. Pointing the finger at Muslim ones would probably have led to a complaint about the BBC being 'racist'.

I don't recall any Labour MP being called out for his/her anti-Semitic views. Ken Livingstone wasn't an MP when he expressed his views that Jews had collaborated with the Nazi party before 1939. I don't think that he actually claimed that the hollocaust never happened, just that Jews had played a part in it coming about. Without good evidence for his claims, which I haven't seen, his remarks were clearly reprehensible and he was disciplined and expelled from the Labour Party.


Louise Ellerman made some vague insinuations but knowing her from her days as Leader of Lancashire County Council, I can assure you that she is a foul and disgusting person, who has only ever acted in accordance with her own self interest and not in the interests of her constituents and working people in general. She should have been expelled from the Labour Party a long time ago.

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10 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I think we should avoid wasting our time splitting hairs over definitions of Zionism, or anything else for that matter. However, with some reluctance I will say this:- It is not helpful to assume that a point of view is a blanket one (Covers everything) unless the poster specifically says so. 

Yes I liked that post generally, and therefore indicated that. Does that have to mean that I agreed with everything in it........no. My post above is about the Labour Party's denial problems, it does not mention Zionism. I wish to discuss things in this forum in a free and open manner, I neither have the time or inclination to get involved in "He said, you said" post-mortems. Occasionally I pick up on the wrong comment or make other errors of that sort, I am not losing any sleep over it!  


Do make up your mind. Some posts you go into definitions, other you're against such. In either version, you don't seem particularly informed, so much as opinionated. Granted, pretty much a Thaivisa standard.


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3 hours ago, petemoss said:

I don't recall any Labour MP being called out for his/her anti-Semitic views. Ken Livingstone wasn't an MP when he expressed his views that Jews had collaborated with the Nazi party before 1939. I don't think that he actually claimed that the hollocaust never happened, just that Jews had played a part in it coming about. Without good evidence for his claims, which I haven't seen, his remarks were clearly reprehensible and he was disciplined and expelled from the Labour Party.


Louise Ellerman made some vague insinuations but knowing her from her days as Leader of Lancashire County Council, I can assure you that she is a foul and disgusting person, who has only ever acted in accordance with her own self interest and not in the interests of her constituents and working people in general. She should have been expelled from the Labour Party a long time ago.


Naz Shah?


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12 hours ago, Morch said:


Do make up your mind. Some posts you go into definitions, other you're against such. In either version, you don't seem particularly informed, so much as opinionated. Granted, pretty much a Thaivisa standard.


A poor deflective answer that completely misses the point of what I wrote. So you're a know it all, and I am merely opinionated. Going on the evidence I could just as well say you are living up to the Thaivisa standard and are not well informed but just opinionated. However I don't see fit to tar all the "Standard" TV posters with the same brush, as you do. But then again you're a know it all compared to them ............your majesty.

Edited by Nigel Garvie
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