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Free trade in marijuana will do more bad than good, warns academic


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10 hours ago, missoura said:

Well, what he has said so far is true. 

The main damage done by drugs is the police and penal system. 99% of recreational drug users have no problems and function well. The tiny percentage who have problems should be given appropriate help and treatment not punishment. The current laws are archaic and lead to corruption and conflict.

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4 minutes ago, MeePeeMai said:

Jeeeeezzzz.  Can you imagine thousands of Thai driver's on the road after a blunt or a good bong load?  Now that's scary!

I suppose it depends on wether they are pissed as well.If they are just stoned then one tends to be a bit freaked out by going too quick and drive much slower.It would be interesting to see stats on vehicle accidents after legalisation.

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Is there any reseach do validate Dr. Thira's claims? I thought the notion that marijuana being a gateway drug was discredited long ago. To me his claims appear to be an echoing of prohibitionists' allegations for years.


If smoking pot makes people paranoid, it may be just what Thai drivers need to make them more cautious on the road.


Is there any truth to the good doctor's claim that for ever dollar the State of Colorado takes in from legalized pot, they spend 4.5 dollars on pot realted problems? 

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7 hours ago, cocopops said:


I thought it was the only point at which he approached something resembling reality. Driving while high seems more or less safe while you're doing it, and I suppose it might be for short trips. But on the other hand pot makes you drowsy, which isn't generally considered good for driving...

I agree with you that it's not good for driving, and people using pot should abstain from driving same as the people who drink alcohol. There's just one thing I found that poeple smoking pot are more aware of the dangers on the road than those who intake alcohol.

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7 hours ago, nickstav said:

When I was back home and heading out on a long drive, say six hours or more, I would smoke a joint before heading out. Put on some good music and I really got into the driving. I didn't suffer any road rage, and didn't get pissed-off if stuck in traffic, drove safely. It actually made the time seem to go by quicker, and voila I was at my destination.

In callie before pot was made legal, med or recreational it was safe to do as you stated. Now, cops aren't only looking for alcohol but also the least sign of pot. 

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18 hours ago, cocopops said:


I thought it was the only point at which he approached something resembling reality. Driving while high seems more or less safe while you're doing it, and I suppose it might be for short trips. But on the other hand pot makes you drowsy, which isn't generally considered good for driving...

Short trips? You mean 50 yards up and down your walled in driveway.

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I have spent considerable time attempting to find research, (peer reviewed) to back up the claims made by this man regarding the taxes, also the school dropout rates, but I cannot locate any.
I hope that some reputable source of news will challenge him to publish his "research" for peer review, out side of his immediate colleagues , and also his data sources 
I'm often wondering how people in Thailand in certain positions can simply make such statements with citing their employer with any consequences.
Usually it should be approved by the PR department before sprouting such nonsense.

I'm saying this because two other prominent professors of the same institution are pro-cannabis. That leads to the assumption that this are his personal views and most likely paid by big pharma but not represent the views of his employer. In western countries this would get him a warning.
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total nonsense b  s.
same b s for the last 70 years! all the info stated is incorrect. from someone intentionally twisting the facts.
was waiting for him to mention about cockroaches [emoji846]
Cockroaches. What cockroaches?

Ahh forget it. Maybe side effect of cannabis consumption [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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3 hours ago, CLW said:

Cockroaches. What cockroaches?

Ahh forget it. Maybe side effect of cannabis consumption emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png




'because it resembles a cockroach':




and full version: same ole s h i   te for the last 70 years. bs wrong info




Edited by Galactus
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'because it resembles a cockroach':
and full version: same ole s h i   te for the last 70 years. bs wrong info
Got it. Known as filter to me [emoji4].

Reminds me to watch Fear and Loathing again. Excellent movie, it's been years I watched it. Still remember the bat scene [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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