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Phuket: Tourist stabbed in the neck - it was something he said


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6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

This story does not add up to me. An Egyptian tourist deliberately speaking English to a Thai ?

Let me guess. He didn't speak Thai and assumed the kafir husband of the woman he allegedly insulted would not understand English.


Nearly a fatal mistake, by the sound of it.







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Has this very tiny man ever heard the expression "water off a ducks back"? I mean what can one say? Talk about thin skin. Where does such thin skin come from? I think a combination of not having any idea of who you are, not feeling like a man to begin with, ridiculously low self esteem, and no consciousness whatsoever. 


Hope he gets sent away for many, many, many years. Society does not need him, and my guess is that even his mother and family will not miss this reprobate. 

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6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

This story does not add up to me. An Egyptian tourist deliberately speaking English to a Thai ?

Whilst it may well be a question of math, I think it less likely to be an addition problem, and more likely an exercise in probability.


its highly probable that an Egyptian speaks English, better than Thai... and it’s highly probable that a Thai speaks English, better than Farsi..... ergo it’s highly probable that a conversation between an Egyptian and a Thai happens in English.


meanwhile, I took myself off to chalong last night, despite the rain, for one of my favorite dish’s, roti curry.... but my man wasn’t there. Bloody tourists

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12 minutes ago, Thaifriends said:

To stab an unarmed man is work of a coward regardless of what he said. The over reaction of Thais are becoming more and more mainly due to financial stress. 

eh? you know incidents like this was way more common a few years ago and overall crime against tourists and crime in generall in whole thailand.

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Such juvenile and moronic comments to a very serious story. I can only guess that the writers are under the influence of intoxicating substances, have not benefited from a meaningful education or are suffering from some mental disorder.

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6 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Rather extreme reaction,that said Egyptians do not have the greatest reputation when it comes to respecting women.

Interesting you say that.  I have a German friend, quite beautiful and charming.  Very upstanding liberal woman.  Posts all of the "immigrants make us better" type memes in Facebook.

Told her I was going to Cairo and she commented quite strongly that she detests Egyptian men based on her visit there.  It was a bit shocking to hear that from her based on her typical liberal viewpoints.

My suspician is wherever she lives and works in Germany is insulated from contacts with any of these "great" male Egyptian immigrants.  For her fellow countrywomen maybe not so much.


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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder how proficient the roti seller is in English? What one man says, quite possibly in jest, may have been misunderstood, though it still shows a very fragile ego to subsequently stab someone in the neck over something so minor, especially in front of his kids.

What do you think a low scum Arab tourist would say about any woman.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder how proficient the roti seller is in English? What one man says, quite possibly in jest, may have been misunderstood, though it still shows a very fragile ego to subsequently stab someone in the neck over something so minor, especially in front of his kids.


Why would an Egyptian choose to say something rude in a foreign language - English to his wife??

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder how proficient the roti seller is in English? What one man says, quite possibly in jest, may have been misunderstood, though it still shows a very fragile ego to subsequently stab someone in the neck over something so minor, especially in front of his kids.

What would any of the keyboard warriors say if some scum was disrespectful to their wife in front of their children

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Thai media tells the story a bit differently. The fine and so much wanted quality tourists from the Middle East are said to having insulted the woman (and ?) man with the famous F - word. F not for friendly. Hot blooded Roti man took the knife, rest is known.

Arab is lucky that the husband isn't a tuk tuk driver, otherwise he might have a bullet in his silly head now.

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