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Angina – Any one have or had my symptoms


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I’m in my 70’s and in general good health I am not taking any drugs , watch what I eat and exercise every day, but I have been experiencing lower back pain for a week.


A few days ago I was awoken from sleeping around 3 am with the feeling that I could not breathe properly and a sensation like some one was sitting on my chest . So I got up out of bed and stood upright , as I stood up I felt the sensation of light tingling down the left hand side of my arm and leg but no where else on my body . These symptoms lasted for about 2 minuets and then completely went away.


After another similar episode the next day ( again in the early hours of a morning while asleep ) I went to hospital and was admitted to the emergency ward where a blood sample was taken and two ECG tests were done and an ex ray of my back area. According to the attending emergency ward doctor both the ECG results were normal. The blood test result was also showing normal. The ex ray of my back showed a possible problem with wearing of several disc in my spine , due to my age.


The emergency ward doctor made two new appointments for me in two weeks time , one to see a heart specialists and one to look at my spinal problem ( orthopedist doctor ) . The appointment paper with a heart specialists says some thing about Angina Pectoris . I have done a google search and found information about Angina Pectoris , but it gets a bit interesting where it says that Angina Pectoris normally only happens after a workout or exercise , but my symptoms never appear during the day time or when exercising but - only when I go to bed at night time.


I know I should wait to see what happens on the coming Doctors appointment in two weeks time , but I’m trying to find out as much as I can and what to possibly expect . So I’m wondering if any one here has had a similar experience as described above , and could offer any advice or suggestions ,






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Ask to do a stress test where they hook you to a cardio load machine and get you to run on treadmill to see how is your heart under stress, if things doesn't look good, they should send you to do a thallium test where they inject a dye into your vain and do a scan to see how the dye is circulating in your veins and arteries, if they detect a blockage, they will recommend an Angioplasty procedure whereby they insert a catheter in your main femoral artery to remove the blockage,  in anycase, you have a problem that is in the making, and the sooner you will address it properly the longer you will live...

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Had angina for over 35 yrs had a bypass 30 odd yrs ago sometimes after eating when i lay down i get it you can get isorem 5 tablets at any chemist for it ,there is also a nitrolingual spray ,but not sold in Thailand. If you get angina when doing nothing it is called unstable angina ,it can be a warning sign .

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Sounds like a heart attack.

I'd seek a second doctors opinion ASAP.

Thai doctors aren't that good and often miss things.


The words heart attack did go through my mind

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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Ask to do a stress test where they hook you to a cardio load machine and get you to run on treadmill to see how is your heart under stress, if things doesn't look good, they should send you to do a thallium test where they inject a dye into your vain and do a scan to see how the dye is circulating in your veins and arteries, if they detect a blockage, they will recommend an Angioplasty procedure whereby they insert a catheter in your main femoral artery to remove the blockage,  in anycase, you have a problem that is in the making, and the sooner you will address it properly the longer you will live...

Thanks for the advice , I’m trying to prepare a list of questions to ask the heart doctor . I think I remember seeing a medical documentary some years ago about a dye being injected into your veins and arteries to see if their was a blockage some where and then a MRI scan was done.


So Ive now added to my ask the doctor list



Have a cardio load test to see how the heart performs under stress.


Have a thallium test ( MRI scan )







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1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

Had angina for over 35 yrs had a bypass 30 odd yrs ago sometimes after eating when i lay down i get it you can get isorem 5 tablets at any chemist for it ,there is also a nitrolingual spray ,but not sold in Thailand. If you get angina when doing nothing it is called unstable angina ,it can be a warning sign .

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Thank you for your comment , I have just googled ….. Unstable angina


Unstable angina causes random or unpredictable chest pain, as a result of partial blockage of an artery that supplies the heart. In contrast to stable angina, the pain or discomfort of unstable angina often occurs while resting, lasts longer, is not eased with medication, and is unrelated to any obvious trigger, such as physical exertion or emotional stress.


Diagnosis of unstable angina, a form of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), is often done in the emergency room and requires a combination of patient symptoms, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and cardiac enzymes (a blood test).


While in the emergency ward of the hospital I did have the above recommended tests


1. ECG

2. Blood test


The results for both of those tests showed as being normal ( the emergency ward doctors words )



While searching for … Unstable angina , I came across this other form of angina called


Prinzmetal's variant angina


and the symptoms are described like this …


The main symptom of Prinzmetal's variant angina is recurring episodes of chest pain (angina) that usually occur when a person is at rest, during bedtime hours (around midnight to 8am). Some people report feeling "discomfort" rather than "pain." In some people, pain may spread to the neck, jaw, shoulder, or arm. Other sensations during episodes may include tightness or pressure in the chest, "heart burn," nausea, sweating, dizziness, and palpitations. Episodes tend to last around 5 to 15 minutes (longer in some cases), and tend to be similar to each other.





It seems that Prinzmetal's variant angina is very similar to Unstable angina .


My symptoms were ...


I was asleep at the time

I felt a discomfort rather than any pain

I felt pressure in my chest . ( not a pain )

I felt light tingling down the left hand side of my arm and leg


I forgot to say that apart from the drugs I was given to relieve my back pain I was given a drug called ISOREM , and told that if I experienced any further chest pain I was to put one tablet under my tongue.



I hope now Ive been given this warning sign I will be able to eventually get things sorted out in time , but its very frightening and scary for me.








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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Sounds like a heart attack.

I'd seek a second doctors opinion ASAP.

Thai doctors aren't that good and often miss things.


"Twelve million patients misdiagnosed yearly in America, says VA ."


guess a few in the States as well 

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Angina is a blood flow problem.

ECGs deal more with mechanics of the heart. They can be "normal" and you can still have obstructions.

With your symptoms, having to wait 2 weeks sounds like you went to a government facility. 

As mentioned earlier, go get a stress test. Head to a private hospital

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15 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

Angina is a blood flow problem.

ECGs deal more with mechanics of the heart. They can be "normal" and you can still have obstructions.

With your symptoms, having to wait 2 weeks sounds like you went to a government facility. 

As mentioned earlier, go get a stress test. Head to a private hospital

My wife had the hospital appointment paperwork so I just asked her to recheck the appointment dates . Well I was wrong ( blame the wife ) the heart doctor appointment is next week and the doctor to check my back pain is on the 19th of August . The hospital is a University teaching hospital.


The '' ECGs deal more with mechanics of the heart. They can be "normal" and you can still have obstructions'' is interesting and some thing to be aware of.


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If your attacks have stopped it means your angina is stable,as for your not getting an appointment straight away,its because your ecg and blood tests were normal ,it shows that it was not a heart attack ,believe me i sometimes think i know as much as heart doctors ,having a heart attack at 36,a by pass and being under heart specialists half of my life ,twice in 20 years have had bouts of unstable angina which only lasted a few hrs each time ,luckily.

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4 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

You only live once...don't screw it up by procrastinating...????

I can assure you that I would love to go and see the heart doctor at the hospital ASAP , but as that appointment is only a few days away I’m looking forward to hearing the doctors diagnosis and treatment recommendations .

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1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

If your attacks have stopped it means your angina is stable,as for your not getting an appointment straight away,its because your ecg and blood tests were normal ,it shows that it was not a heart attack ,believe me i sometimes think i know as much as heart doctors ,having a heart attack at 36,a by pass and being under heart specialists half of my life ,twice in 20 years have had bouts of unstable angina which only lasted a few hrs each time ,luckily.

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It sounds like you have gone through a lot of traumatic medical events even more so with having a heart attack aged 36 . How did you manage to cope with the stress relating to your future medical prospects and not knowing how things would turn out . For me personally this is the first time in my life that I have ever had a medical problem that could lead to a serious outcome ( heart attack ) and I have never been a hospital inpatient . One thing that now scares me to death is the possibility of going to sleep at night time and again having another attack but with a more serious outcome . Its making me feel that I don’t want to go to bed , just in case .

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48 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Angina is a symptom, it is pain resulting from reduced blood flow to heart muscle.


Actual heart attack has been ruled out by the blood tests and EKG but if the pain was angina then you may be at risk of one in future.


A stress test would be a sensible next step and will show it if there is any blockage about 85% of the time (i.e. there are 15% false negatives).


If the stress test shows ischemic changes next step after that would usually be an angiogram and during that they may place one or more stents, won't know until it is done.




After finally sitting in the emergency ward doctors office and being told that the 2 ECG tests I had done on me both showed normal readings and that my blood test also showed nothing to be concerned about and my blood pressure was within the normal range I felt some what relieved, but after getting home and doing more internet research on my symptoms I’m now not so happy . I’m going to add your suggestions of the stress test and possible angiogram to my list of questions I want to talk to the heart doctor about .


Can you think of any other relevant questions I could add to my list of questions to ask the heart doctor?







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5 hours ago, tomgreen said:

It sounds like you have gone through a lot of traumatic medical events even more so with having a heart attack aged 36 . How did you manage to cope with the stress relating to your future medical prospects and not knowing how things would turn out . For me personally this is the first time in my life that I have ever had a medical problem that could lead to a serious outcome ( heart attack ) and I have never been a hospital inpatient . One thing that now scares me to death is the possibility of going to sleep at night time and again having another attack but with a more serious outcome . Its making me feel that I don’t want to go to bed , just in case .

Do not add unnecessary stress to your medical condition...

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Well early this morning around 2.30 am I was awoken again with the feeling of pressure on my stomach area and could not breathe properly . But this time un like the past I had no feeling of the sensation of light tingling down the left hand side of my arm and leg , this feeling lasted for about 30 seconds and it suddenly stopped . So this is now the forth continuous day that the same symptom occurred and around the same time ( 2 – 3 am ) . The emergency ward doctor prescribed some small pills that I should place under my tongue should I experience any symptoms like above. Unfortunately I have not yet managed to take any of the pills at the time when experiencing the symptom outlined above as its difficult to concentrate on trying to keep breathing .


Now Ive had four episodes over four continuous days all with the same symptoms and all occurring at approximately the same time ( 2 – 3 am ) It does seem that my symptoms are the same as Prinzmetal's or Prinzmetal Angina, Variant Angina.





My heart doctors appointment is in 5 days time .





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Maybe you should check yourself into a good hospital Tom, if these attacks are coming  every night then you could be monitored if you have another one tonight which given what you have written is likely.


You can't mess about with your heart. You know this.


It's worth discussing with a doctor


All the best



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Not trying to distress the OP any further but if an angioplasty (stent insertion) is indicated and you proceed, make sure you have a financial and personal plan in place before surgery.  I went into a VA hospital 3 years ago for angioplasty and ended up with a triple by-pass instead.  Doctors never 100% know what they are going to find.  In my case (I was 73) I had a severe heart "event" during the procedure and was immediately wheeled into the surgical ward for the by-pass.   Recovery time and costs for a by-pass are significantly more than for an angioplasty.  Hopefully this will not be the case for the OP but do discuss the possibility with your cardiologist.

I had walked around Bangkok with angina for 2 years not realizing what it was.  I never identified the sensation as "pain", just "pressure" and I had always heard that angina was severely painful.

I was lucky to have survived my ignorance.

I think "ThaiPauly's" advice to check in to a good hospital sooner rather than later is good advice.  Your body is telling you that there is a problem. Heart attacks don't always give a second chance.

One suggestion that may be helpful when sleeping.  Put some blocks under the foot of your bed, raining that end up by 8" to 12".  That position will take a bit of stress off your heart at night.

Edited by dddave
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1 hour ago, dddave said:

Not trying to distress the OP any further but if an angioplasty (stent insertion) is indicated and you proceed, make sure you have a financial and personal plan in place before surgery.  I went into a VA hospital 3 years ago for angioplasty and ended up with a triple by-pass instead.  Doctors never 100% know what they are going to find.  In my case (I was 73) I had a severe heart "event" during the procedure and was immediately wheeled into the surgical ward for the by-pass.   Recovery time and costs for a by-pass are significantly more than for an angioplasty.  Hopefully this will not be the case for the OP but do discuss the possibility with your cardiologist.

I had walked around Bangkok with angina for 2 years not realizing what it was.  I never identified the sensation as "pain", just "pressure" and I had always heard that angina was severely painful.

I was lucky to have survived my ignorance.

I think "ThaiPauly's" advice to check in to a good hospital sooner rather than later is good advice.  Your body is telling you that there is a problem. Heart attacks don't always give a second chance.

One suggestion that may be helpful when sleeping.  Put some blocks under the foot of your bed, raining that end up by 8" to 12".  That position will take a bit of stress off your heart at night.


Thanks dave for the comment and advice , yes ThaiPauly's idea is some thing I’m now pursuing. 


Currently my Thai wife is on the telephone to the hospital , my appointment with the heart doctor is for next Monday and the wife is asking if I can move that appointment forward to tomorrow.


My symptoms also do not include any feeling of pain , just a sensation like some one was sitting on my chest.








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Sorry to hear about this Tom, but they do say that laughter is the best medicine, so here goes.


A lady goes to the Doctors who, after a thorough examination says 'You have acute angina'


'Oooh you are cheeky, but what about the pain in my chest' she replied.

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8 years ago when I was a very active gym member I started getting Angina pains across my shoulders and down both arms in the first 10 minutes of exercise, which I ignored for about a year as if I kept going the discomfort went away.


I mentioned it to the gym owner who recommended I go get checked out. After a few GP consultations I was sent to Edinburgh Royal for an angiogram which showed up 2 small blockages near the heart. It turned out I needed 3 stents in 2 separate procedures. Never had a symptom since. I therefore agree with most of the advice above to go get the relevant tests.


I would like to ask without hijacking the post, if anyone can recommend a Bangkok hospital for these cardio related checks as I have not been in the UK since my angioplasty and would like some sort of reassurance all is ok still. An idea of cost would be good as well. I have very good insurance from the UK but with this as a very obvious pre-existing condition, I am pretty sure I would be refused cover if I had future heart issues.


Good luck and I hope to see a positive update from you soon.

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11 hours ago, Saltire said:

8 years ago when I was a very active gym member I started getting Angina pains across my shoulders and down both arms in the first 10 minutes of exercise, which I ignored for about a year as if I kept going the discomfort went away.


I mentioned it to the gym owner who recommended I go get checked out. After a few GP consultations I was sent to Edinburgh Royal for an angiogram which showed up 2 small blockages near the heart. It turned out I needed 3 stents in 2 separate procedures. Never had a symptom since. I therefore agree with most of the advice above to go get the relevant tests.


I would like to ask without hijacking the post, if anyone can recommend a Bangkok hospital for these cardio related checks as I have not been in the UK since my angioplasty and would like some sort of reassurance all is ok still. An idea of cost would be good as well. I have very good insurance from the UK but with this as a very obvious pre-existing condition, I am pretty sure I would be refused cover if I had future heart issues.


Good luck and I hope to see a positive update from you soon.

It is nto the hospital that matters but the doctor. You are much better off seeing a goodcardiologist and having him order such tests as he thinks needed than getting a heart check up package, as the quality of the interpretation is essential.


This is an excellent cardiologist:




He used to also be at Bangkok Christian Hospital but no longer shows on their website, could try calling and asking but if you do, spell out last name as well as first as there is another cardiologiost there with same first name.


He is also at Chiulalongkorn and if you are not in a hurry, the after hours clinic there would be the least expensive way to go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First a big thanks you to every one who offered advice and suggestions .:wai:



Well after following other forum members advice here I now seem to have found out what my symptoms were being caused by , but as to not confuse a now different medical issue I have started a brand new topic that outlines my current situation . 

The new topic can be found here.



So again thanks every one for you input .:thumbsup:


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