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'Very unhelpful': Ireland scolds British PM Johnson over Brexit

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13 hours ago, kingdong said:

"recieving financial support from the eu"? what a fraction of what we,d paid in?

My comment was in respect of the peace process, but I appreciate that the brexiteers have an overwhelming compulsion to change context.

13 hours ago, kingdong said:

its the remainers that are making people suffer,if they,d have accepted a democratic vote 3 years ago we,d have been well on the way to recovery "we want a deal" the eu are sitting back laughing at the uk,and won,t give us sweet fa until we leave,

Again a change of context, the original point referred to Nov 1st.

12 hours ago, bannork said:

Johnson, what an idiot.

Yes, a choice between Johnson and Corbyn is like choosing between wet and dry diarrhea. Terrible situation to be in if you're a citizen in the UK. I feel for you. ????


reply to sandy f, we pay in a large amount and recieve a fraction of it back which is decided by the eu on what it is spent,no wonder people voted to leave.

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32 minutes ago, kingdong said:

reply to sandy f, we pay in a large amount and recieve a fraction of it back which is decided by the eu on what it is spent,no wonder people voted to leave.

Watch this video and see how we got a rebate for our contributions.

Then see how we are going to lose more from a no trade deal than from our contributions.


6 minutes ago, bannork said:

Watch this video and see how we got a rebate for our contributions.

Then see how we are going to lose more from a no trade deal than from our contributions.





Best the EU come up with a deal then

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11 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

The UK passport evolution with Brexit ? :thumbsup:



United Kingdom of England and Wales next? For the time being?

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22 hours ago, bannork said:

We are committing economic suicide today if we leave with no deal. Brexiteers like to say we're taking back control of our destiny but in reality we will be at the mercy of those we wish to make trade deals with. Alone and desperate for deals, we will be at a huge disadvantage in any negotiations.

Absolute stupidity.

And yet the thick as mince cheer it on -here they are in all their glory. 


But don't worry that dear Mr Loiner from down the street has said it's all going to be alright once we have left. We just need to leave , he said  , and that will be that. Is it I said - it is he said.  So we better hurry up and leave I said , he nodded. "Don't worry dear, that lovely Mr Johnson will sort it all out and take back control." Control what , I said and he smiled and nodded and tapped his nose.  "Control- we'll will have it back". Oh good I said because we wouldn't want to be out of control would we, that would be a right old mess.   


And so he will. Goodnight children , time for bed  , sweet english dreams and say goodnight to the folks gracie. 



5 hours ago, baboon said:

United Kingdom of England and Wales next? For the time being?

I'm for Londinium - if the jews can claim rights going back 2000 years then let's bring back the Roman Empire. 

To paraphrase Monty Python what has the EU ever done for us ......



17 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

Yes, a choice between Johnson and Corbyn is like choosing between wet and dry diarrhea. Terrible situation to be in if you're a citizen in the UK. I feel for you. ????

Everything is turning to sh&t especially the pound cheered on by ignorant idiots waving the flag and raising two fingers to johnny foreigner. Good job Thailand is effectively kicking most of the impoverished Brits out - good guys in bad guys out. In  Europe it is inevitably English football yobbos that start trouble , beered up to the gills and wanting to relive WW2. Go out for a drink say in any city in Germany on a Saturday night and you will see peaceful folk enjoying themselves and having a drink socially and responsibly. Compare that with any town in the Uk and the contrast couldn't be more stark . We have been rotting for years and now have the highest drug consumption in Europe and Brexit has brought our xenophobic, nasty small minded yobbishness to the fore. I hope the European fishermen give a good account of themselves on November 1st if Britain tells the EU effectively to f'off.  If these little Englanders want war them let them have it. 


From stickie... 


It used to be that most people you met in Thailand had a life. They had a real job, earned real money and they actually did stuff. Their life was not spent in front of a computer screen, wasting their day on a diet of Facebook, ThaiVisa and downloaded movies. Early retirees? Few and far between. Digital nomads? That wasn’t yet a thing. People had real jobs and were doing real things. Maybe they worked on the construction of the skytrain or the likes of the new airports in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok. Maybe they ran the IT Department at Thai Airways.


These days Thailand feels like it is full of poor farang. Chancers, wasters, retirees on the breadline. Sure, there are lots of expats doing well for themselves, foreigners in business and wealthy retirees….but there’s a hell of a lot who just seem to exist


11 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Once again your facts are wrong. Overall drug use is Germany.




Ireland has the 3rd highest death rates from drugs. next to Estonia and Norway.





don,t let the truth get in the way of a post.

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