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This will be my last post


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12 hours ago, Lacessit said:

That is one anecdotal example. However, I'm willing to address it from experience as of today.

I had a raised something on my arm. Made an appointment with my dermatologist in Australia, from Thailand.

Saw him at 10 am. He asked how long I had had it, 2 months. Can you come back at 3 pm after I have cleared my other patients.

Surgery at 3 pm, about six stitches. Removed material sent for pathology, I'll get the results next Monday. Stitches out in Thailand in 2 weeks time.

Don't know the out of pocket cost, with our Medicare probably $150 AUD.

Delay on my surgery 5 hours. Yours was 4 - 7 days, not including the two days for biopsy. No faffing around with biopsies or second opinions.

I rest my case.

What do you mean no faffing around with biopsies?   You just said he did the surgery and you'll get the results next Monday.  So in other words until that time its not certain what he removed and potentially whether it was completely removed.  

In my case seeing as melanoma is deadly I chose to get a second opinion prior to surgery.  And I needed a surgeron in an outpatient facility, dozens of sutures, not a simple incision.  Until you get your final diagnosis we are comparing apples and oranges. If it turns out yours was something minor and he solved it that one visit then job well done.

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12 hours ago, lkv said:

You on the other hand seem to be in the other extreme. Any criticism about beloved Thailand is rejected. As a matter of fact, Thailand has no problems, it's "these foreigners that cannot adapt".


There are extreme views and balanced views. One can be in one extreme, the other extreme, or have a balanced view.




Marcus, do you mind me asking, do you personally see any negatives about Thailand?

If you look at my posts you will find many negatives about Thailand.  You on the other hand and the people who like your never find any positives and want to silence anything but complaints.  


You don't live here have not spent but a few days here and have nothing factual to add to any discussion except regurgitation of what you read by other negative Thai posters. 


The OP wrote, "  it’ll be good to get back home to civility, people that can walk and chew gum at the same time and most of all, structure and common sense. This place is like the Wild West. Anything goes for the most part, especially if you have enough baht. Never felt welcome here."


That says Thais are stupid and uncivil have no common sense and he does not have enough money to stay here.  


That's not the kind of person who has had a balanced life in Thailand.   

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Just now, marcusarelus said:

If you look at my posts you will find many negatives about Thailand.

Marcus, I can't find them.


Help me out for the sake of the discussion, give me a top 5 of what you feel the negatives are.

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Just now, lkv said:

Marcus, I can't find them.


Help me out for the sake of the discussion, give me a top 5 of what you feel the negatives are.

Not my fault you can't search or read.  Just to let you know I would not raise my little finger to give you the time of day.  The negative posts are out there and are recent.  If you want to look for them fine.  Me help you do anything - forget about it.  

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Just now, marcusarelus said:

Not my fault you can't search or read.  Just to let you know I would not raise my little finger to give you the time of day.  The negative posts are out there and are recent.  If you want to look for them fine.  Me help you do anything - forget about it.  

Lame. Bye.

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11 minutes ago, lkv said:

Lame. Bye.

My left foot does feel a little lame this morning.  I think I'll have the massage lady over to fix it.  To help you - cause I'm really a nice guy- I have said many negative things about the Thai police, Army, driving, Immigration law, hospitals, education, bureaucracy, dog care, monks, and many other things.  The difference between me and you is I don't have to copy my negative posts from other posters I actually have lived here long term - arriving the first time in 1968.  Why not post something negative from another poster so you will feel better.

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Some people have lived here for so long, that any criticism disturbs their bubble. It's their only way to cope, to paint a rosy picture and claim everything is perfect.


People claiming to be nice guys turn out to be quite arrogant and not nice. And patronising.

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17 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

I don't mean to bash you, but why did you post your intent to move if you were not looking for comments? If you need to move back to the US there's no need to telegraph it on TV. You know that TV posters will say and rarely have nice things to say.

It's a discussion forum. Of course that means open discussion. But bashing is not cool. 

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's a discussion forum. Of course that means open discussion. But bashing is not cool. 

Have you noticed recently where almost every thread about anything is turned into a, "leave Thailand thread."  I realize the reason is the weak pound and lack of UK and USA and Aussie embassy letters but gee.  Fellows give it a break.  You have been leaving for 10 years but now it seems every one is posting about leaving.  Maybe a separate category - Posts About Leaving - not mentioning fiscal mismanagement in the UK and lazy embassies but concentrating on everything bad in Thailand."  

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14 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

Have you noticed recently where almost every thread about anything is turned into a, "leave Thailand thread." 

So? What's the issue.


You can come and argue the good things about Thailand, not just "nothing has changed for me", and then people can make better decisions.


I have seen posters posting about their perception of good things in Thailand that reminded me of what I see good in Thailand. So those, I find educational.


There is nothing educational in: "it hasn't changed for me", "you guys don't have 800K", "your currency has devalued".


I find it both insulting and patronising.

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11 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

No, the OP did not FAIL TO MAKE it.


The OP chose to move to Boston.


The OP left his options open and did not trap himself where he didn't want to be.


His choice. Smart that he had choices available.


Why do you feel the need to twist the story?



 Its not really twisting the story just interpreting it. Because he voluntary stated his decision to leave which transpires was based on a wrong perception of the nature of Thailand he formed nearly 50.years ago.  He bought a women with him. Why?  He seems unaware of the world view of America,  and no I'm not talking about Trump. Regarding the military mindset - too true. Coddled by their sergeant majors, unable to cook, shop, pay bills shop,  for food,  living in a parallel world they leave the military unfit for purpose in the the real complex world,  a world not determined by authoritarian rules and regulations. I have worked with plenty of military...the ones that survived rejected their military experience. I'm sorry for the OP and his family medical issuess. Very scary in the USA. But I am unclear why he created the thread especially as it was entitled as a LAST comment. I sense troll, confrontationalist, or just a very parochial person whose only experience of travel was in the USA military. I wish the OP well and finds peace of mind in the USA. Thailand should be fun. If not leave. He has made the right decision for himself. God bless.  No reply required from the OP. If he has military discipline he will abide by his original assertion about this being HIS LAST comment. If not he's just winding us up....a troll.

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2 hours ago, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

Which incompetent educational system's geography class taught you there is a country named "America?"

Not the one that perpetually spouts some nonsense about being the greatest COUNTRY in the world 

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1 hour ago, lkv said:

Some people have lived here for so long, that any criticism disturbs their bubble. It's their only way to cope, to paint a rosy picture and claim everything is perfect.

'I'm leaving' threads also antagonize some people because their limited financial resources, family commitments, or health issues make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to leave even if they wanted to. They see the same exact problems and have the same misgivings as others do, but for them, being constantly reminded of Thailand's drawbacks and hearing about departures which they can only dream about becomes a form of mental torture.


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8 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

Its always easier to complain about things. Saying nice times gets you bashed by the "Grumpy Old Men" on their bar stools. If you want to live here just do it quietly and enjoy. If yo don't just leave and don't telegraph your intent unless you are just trolling for attention.

Ok. What do you advise the solution is for this. I used to live at Asok.




These guys stop people on the street harrassing them for the purpose of money extortion.


Is it fair to complain about this or not?

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4 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

If that's what you like good for you. Asok 40 years ago was nice but it's nothing but a bar scene now. 

Yeah that's what I like but that was not my question. My question was: Is it fair to complain about this?


And do you think it's normal what they do?


And what would be a viable solution?

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1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

Have you noticed recently where almost every thread about anything is turned into a, "leave Thailand thread."  I realize the reason is the weak pound and lack of UK and USA and Aussie embassy letters but gee.  Fellows give it a break.  You have been leaving for 10 years but now it seems every one is posting about leaving.  Maybe a separate category - Posts About Leaving - not mentioning fiscal mismanagement in the UK and lazy embassies but concentrating on everything bad in Thailand."  

Didn't you do one about returning to the US?

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22 hours ago, yogi100 said:

That's very reasonable. Where in the US did you did not get that sort of treatment for that sort of money.


We always hear about the exorbitant cost of healthcare in the US but obviously your healthcare system is not as bad as it is sometimes reported to be nor solely available to only the wealthy.

Healthcare is expensive in the USA.   If you don't have good private insurance or some other government assistance you can go broke or have very long delays for treatment if at all.  Depending on the study ~10-20% dont have insurance.  That's the main issue with USA vs other industrialized countries.  But given the negatives there is a lot of research and innovation.  And survival rates for major diseases is good.


With good insurance or sufficent funds the care is excellent and typically very little wait time.  My insurance is paid by my employer.  But coverage for wife or kids would add several hundred USD per month out of pocket.

In the example above I should point out the surgery was specialized but done at an out patient facility.  A hospital stay would likely be much more out of pocket cost for treatment. 





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1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:

This is not an area that I would visit or live. I guess its "SEXPAT" heaven so I've read. I'm sure there are places in the UK, US, EU or Oz that you wouldn't visit also. 99% of Thailand is not that way of Pattaya and/or Asok-Nana. Look at the positive, it keeps the rift raft concentrated in a couple of places to make thing nice for the rest of us. Its normal that the police would be very active in such places. 


do you actually really honestly believe all other areas are different? Where do you think all the sex workers came from? Did you think they were bred in the back shop houses of Pattaya and Nana?


Were you under some illusion that Pattaya and nana make up largest sex spots? Do you actually realise that thai sex scene is 500 times bigger than the one for foreigners?and what we get is leftovers Thai man would not touch .


Difference is Pattaya and Nana are in your face where as Thai scene is more covered up , how else do you think Chivit made his billions from “massage” shops?

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3 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

Not the one that perpetually spouts some nonsense about being the greatest COUNTRY in the world 

Not that most younger Europeans give a damn nowadays, but if it wasn’t for the United States of America, you all would be speaking German or Russian today.  Or has this truth been written out of your PC history books?

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

Didn't you do one about returning to the US?

The difference was I did one about returning to the US (possible insurance changes).  So any discussion about returning would be on topic.  My point was, any topic whatever it is gets turned into an anti Thai topic because the the drop in value of the pound and the lazy embassies no longer providing letters for those cheating Thai Immigration.  This topic is about one man's last post because he is underfunded.  And it gets turned into, "It's the downtown of the capital of Thailand where Royal Thai Police are molesting everybody that walks on the street."  What does that lie have to do with one man's last post? 

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1 hour ago, Fore Man said:

Not that most younger Europeans give a damn nowadays, but if it wasn’t for the United States of America, you all would be speaking German or Russian today.  Or has this truth been written out of your PC history books?

You lost my respect at the PC bit and therefore no need to respond to your incorrect “facts”

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