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"A temple is not a catwalk!" - Thais slam British tourist for temple pictures


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2 hours ago, remorhaz said:

Taking pictures like that offends the Buddha but theft, corruption, fraud and outright lies do not.  In fact those don't even warrant a top up of the Red Fanta to feed the hornets.  

Thailand has a different set of priorities to the rest of the world.

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3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


She probably would, because it does no harm. If anything, she is enhancing the temple with her gracefulness. Unlike the dancing girls in skimpy skirts that dance around on stages set up in temple grounds all over the country. Oh, but that is Thai culture so it's okay. Their indignation has nothing to do with disrespect of Thai culture and everything to do with 'look at what that uncultured foreigner is doing'. The hypocrisy of Thais is breathtaking sometimes.

Never seen stages with skimpy dressed dancers in temple grounds

I must visit different temples to some

Personally I think it is well [posed and framed picture, but understand the cultural sensitivities involved

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40 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Posing and doing a catwalk. Wonder if they woman would do the same at a cathedral in her home country.

Some respect for local culture when visiting, it is not hard 



Edited by evadgib
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As photography is actually very good, in my view, and do not harm the temple, nor Buddhism, rather the opposite as a beautiful composition – I see many other shared photos, that might be more on the edge of the limit – but I'm an alien, so I might view things from a different angle.


However, one should of course always respect religious buildings and sites, and not walk on the railings, or sit or walk inappropriate places.

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if it was such an inappropriate thing to do why didn't a Thai person, or preferably a monk from the temple, tell the lady at the time? I have been to several temples during holiday times and have seen Thai children innocently playing around outside and don't remember seeing a parent restraining them.

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I see it as a massive earning opportunity for the cash cow, find all these great photo spots, put on staging and hey presto,perfect photo spot.. 

What will happen is all this continually petty wining will drive more people away who just actually wanted a nice memory of the monument.. At least you can't drown here 

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11 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Every large temple in every village stages concerts that sometimes go on all night during whatever festival they happen to be celebrating. These stages often need several lorries to carry all the equipment. There are usually a dozen or more musicians and even more dancers who trounce around in short skirts and garish colours. The band/dancers cost up to 250,000 baht, paid for by collections made around the village. You have to get out more ????????????

Been out heaps but still not seen skimpily dressed dancers at any of the temples , must  go at wrong times thankfully 

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3 minutes ago, Nickthegreek said:

I see it as a massive earning opportunity for the cash cow, find all these great photo spots, put on staging and hey presto,perfect photo spot.. 

What will happen is all this continually petty wining will drive more people away who just actually wanted a nice memory of the monument.. At least you can't drown here 

Nah its just hypocrital Thais trying to get some attention

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8 hours ago, Mickc said:

So let me get this right, two tiered pricing and decorating temples with action figures and cartoon characters and you want tourists to treat temples with respect? Now I agree there can be some crude and offensive behavioreven to western standards and that is completely unacceptable. However, given that tourists are treated like cash cows some leniency should be given. 

no they shouldnt be given leniency  these people act like idiots  and your complaints are legitimate  they are not the issue here 

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3 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

I never said that visitors or ex-pats in Thailand should be able to 'do what they want' or disrespect the culture or laws of the land, you're over-reacting to my reasonable position.

I react just because you position is not reasonable.


3 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


If the person in question was doing anything inflammatory or disrespectful I would feel differently and probably agree with you.

That can clearly be seen on your firt sentence. It´s exactly like I say. You are coming here, stating what is disrespectful and what is not. Who gave you that right? They disrespect thai culture and thai traditions as well as budhist customs and behaviour. It´s a disrespectful thing in the eyes of Thai people. What you deem disrespectful has no bearing in the eyes of Thai people. People that comes here should respect the ways och cunstoms set by the people of the country. End of that. If you can´t grasp that, I can only fell sorry for you. The rest of the pure garbage you spoutes out, I am not even going to pretend that I´ve been reading.

3 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


Just saying 'that's their way if you don't like it leave' is a fair comment in one respect, but it doesn't address any of the points I made whatsoever so is basically a cop-out, and, ultimately, it is to the detriment of Thai society, economy and tourist industry. 

If think they can live with the knowledge of getting rid of both the people and the money, regarding people that can´t respect their way and culture. Cheers!

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My patience has grown very thin with the Thai people over the last few years. The feeling is clearly mutual. They have always had a low tolerance level but nowadays, I find myself having to watch my Ps and Qs  more often than not to avoid offending them. Time to move back to Spain where my money is appreciated. Eight more months and I can put it all behind. My (Thai) kids are already taking Spanish lessons.

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1 hour ago, nickmondo said:

i cant tell you what i think of you and this post mate, i would be banned for life

I can hear that was yet another comment from the plentyful brigade that niether understand nor respect the Thai culture and ways of respecting different things. It´s not your country, and you do not decide what is right or wrong. The Thai people have the voice in this country. After that you can think what you want, and I can only feel pitty if you can´t express yourself in a way that wouldn´t ban you for life. Many people would say that is a lack of skills regarding communication. However, I will not do that, and give you another chance to come up with something in return to my post that can contest the facts.

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9 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I agree now stop the Thais talking on their mobiles inside, chatting loudly, taking selfies with Buddha images and we are all square!

What's wrong with taking a selfie with a Buddha image? What business is it of yours, anyway? Long term resident? Buddhist? Just dislike Thais?

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that's a non sense, last week went on trip and visited a temple in Nakon Si Tamarat, I was the only foreigner at that time & day, all Thais and many of the girls were doing exactly the same, eating, drinking and taking selfies, not much different from what the foreigners do, now I regret I didn't take photos

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1 minute ago, Acharn said:

Why, yes. Yes they are. Why do you object?

I think the point was being made to illustrate the hypocritical and double standards by Thais with respect to Buddhist temples in Thailand, something your own comment appears to reinforce together with your post 84.

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4 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

that's a non sense, last week went on trip and visited a temple in Nakon Si Tamarat, I was the only foreigner at that time & day, all Thais and many of the girls were doing exactly the same, eating, drinking and taking selfies, not much different from what the foreigners do, now I regret I didn't take photos

Then some pompous Thai would have taken a photo, posted it  on their Facebook page complaining about you, just to see how many "likes" they could get to boost their own self-important egos, perhaps.

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