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Farming and eating need to change to curb global warming: U.N. report


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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

If it was natural, wild species that were roaming the planet you might have a point. However that is not the situation is it.


Most of the cattle on the planet are not naturally breeding but are the result of intense cattle farming on an industrial scale.


Forests are being decimated to create grazing land. Therein lies the double whammy, carbon reducing forests are cleared for methane producing cattle. 


You dont have to be veggie to see the problem. Cut down on meat and dairy consumption, reduce demand and start planting trees (or any type of plant really) not cutting them down.  

You are listening to too much greenie garbage. The deforestation that is ramping up again is not for cattle grazing but for soy crops. For years the greenies garbage was targeting dairy as the cause of South American deforestation for palm kernel as crop feed when palm kernel is a byproduct of what it was grown for being palm oil. They have gone bloody quiet lately as while deforestation has slowed it still has continued for the new value crop of the greenies supporters being vegans base food soy. And with Trumps idiot trade war with the Chinese seeing China go elsewhere to buy their soy sticking it to Trump and US farmers, it’s the pressure coming back on Amazon forests for soy production for the Chinese market.

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14 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Stop breeding like flies is the solution to the problem. 

people have stopped breeding like flies, it's becoming a demographic problem for places like Thailand and china as well as the EU, too many old age pensioners and soon not enough young workers to pay into the pension pot.

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30 minutes ago, Roadman said:

You are listening to too much greenie garbage. The deforestation that is ramping up again is not for cattle grazing but for soy crops. For years the greenies garbage was targeting dairy as the cause of South American deforestation for palm kernel as crop feed when palm kernel is a byproduct of what it was grown for being palm oil. They have gone bloody quiet lately as while deforestation has slowed it still has continued for the new value crop of the greenies supporters being vegans base food soy. And with Trumps idiot trade war with the Chinese seeing China go elsewhere to buy their soy sticking it to Trump and US farmers, it’s the pressure coming back on Amazon forests for soy production for the Chinese market.

I’m not listening to any “greenie garbage” as you put it. I am all in with the Green movement. 


Soy is indeed grown on land after the cattle ranchers have finished with it. 


Here’s some reading for you. 










Edited by Bluespunk
Added soy bean article
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Oh no.....not Gore Bull Warming Alarmism again....55555555555 ???? 

     Oh no...Sea Level Rise also ..

  The Following is: Evidence of Horrible Catastrophic Sea Level Rise 


 La Jolla, California.... 1871:..about 148 years ago.... 

La Jolla, California....  recently,   about 148 years later..Is It Underwater?     

   Another spot in La Jolla.... 1894.. about 124 years ago..... 

Same Spot Recently....Devastating Sea Level Rise 
Something fishy about this horrible sea level rise we're all experiencing..... 

   Liberty Island, New York - 1898 

  Liberty Island These Days with horrible sea level rise 

  Scary Sea Level Rise at Fort Denison, Australia Over the Years. We're Doomed ! 

Fort Denison data 'more accurate than satellite' on sea levels 


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2 hours ago, Trentham said:

Well to quote you.............."Why be difficult? With a bit of effort you could be bloody well impossible."

Fox news and a few other right leaning TV channels constantly spread b.s.

So you want to either abandon land that is only suitable for grazing or you want to treat it with chemicals and other processes to make it produce crops. Much of the land used for producing OGM crops is already on its way to being destroyed. Wheat, corn, soya...  these aren't foodstuffs for the Agro-Companies. , they're commodities to be traded with and denying that really IS BS.

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I don't give a fart about how many cows are threatening our lives by breaking wind. Most global warming is generated not by bovines but individuals and agencies using the myth of a climate apocalypse to justify seizing control of every aspect of our lives.


Under the UN's Agenda 21/30 so-called "Sustainable Development" programme rolling out worldwide, being deprived of meat will be the least of our concerns.









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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

I don't give a fart about how many cows are threatening our lives by breaking wind. Most global warming is generated not by bovines but individuals and agencies using the myth of a climate apocalypse to justify seizing control of every aspect of our lives.


Under the UN's Agenda 21/30 so-called "Sustainable Development" programme rolling out worldwide, being deprived of meat will be the least of our concerns.









In addition to the above-mentioned sources, any confused Forum members should look up the history of the Club of Rome' and their book, "The First Global Revolution", which discloses the origins and true nature of the climate change agenda.

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Today I bought some lovely prosciutto cotto ham and the sales staff tells me  I mustn't use a plastic bag....I gave him a withering look and said, Im on a cycle so would you prefer I carry it on my head. What a douche.



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For all the experts out there......

What produces more methane? Meat based diets or veggi diets.  Legumes???  The musical fruit, the more you eat...the more you toot.

Oh and btw doing some research on menus for VIPs and the annual Davos summit. Seems as though a lot of animal based cheese is consumed there, as well as lamb and beef.

Now I would like to get more info on the menus featured at UN headquarters in New York.


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On 8/9/2019 at 7:36 AM, soalbundy said:

people have stopped breeding like flies, it's becoming a demographic problem for places like Thailand and china as well as the EU, too many old age pensioners and soon not enough young workers to pay into the pension pot.

Some People have stooped breading, Some of a Certain religion , The religion of peace have as many children with as many wives as possible to spread the Good word. Usually in Country's that need Famine relief, When a child dies all they say Is Gods will. Then Bang another out, The unfortunate thing is that they Out number the people with sense,

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39 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Some People have stooped breading, Some of a Certain religion , The religion of peace have as many children with as many wives as possible to spread the Good word. Usually in Country's that need Famine relief, When a child dies all they say Is Gods will. Then Bang another out, The unfortunate thing is that they Out number the people with sense,

Let's see, should I buy a condom or a bowl of rice for my starving kids....


That's a tough one.

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