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Johnson's opening Brexit bid: rip out the Irish border backstop


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15 hours ago, evadgib said:

On the button (as usual)  ????

(A reminder that it's Content not poster)

Sadly, I fear the cynical old blogger has read the runes right again. Despite Boris's anti-EU rhetoric, one suspects he is far less concerned with taking us out of Europe than uniting the fractured Tories and leading them to victory in a snap post-Brexit Autumn election.


He knows it will only take last-minute tweak to the backstop arrangements for a BRINO deal to sail through the Remainer-dominated Commons. As the Brexit dust settles, Boris is banking on being seen a hero who failed in a gallant fight against insuperable odds - rather than the villain who sold them down the river.


I'd love him to prove us wrong.




Edited by Krataiboy
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6 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

Just do what the french and Italians do yes yes to Brussels and then do what they want.

Precisely; the UK are the only pillocks who take all the garbage put out by Brussels and read the A4 sheets and multiply them by 10 and then implement the stupid laws, whereas France , Italy etc just nod and rip the bloody lot up and carry on as before. Pity we can't give Northern Ireland back to Eire and have done with it. 'Good Friday agreement 'my <deleted>. It's still all about which religion you support and this will never stop, it is too entrenched in the Irish psychs. to ever go away completely and I know lots of nice Irish people on both sides of the divide that agree with me. I'm sure that IF this ever came to pass we would have that egomaniac Trump putting his oar into it - but then he just wants to rule the world himself - look at his childish behaviour in turning down the Danish invitation just because they won't sell 'Greenland' to him - what a bloody arrogant fool, stirring  up trouble wherever he can find it along with his Israeli friends, but then again he couldn't upset this load of hypocrites could he because the great USA is run by Jews. Again I have (and have had) many Jewish friends who abhor what the Israeli's are doing in their so called 'Homeland'. The Israeli's are as bad as any nation on earth at just ignoring/tearing up agreements and putting two fingers up to the UN, and what does his highness Trump do - <deleted> all. Trump's contempt for the Iranian nuclear deal was his way of making Iranians suffer from his paranoia and I wonder how he would feel if the tables were reversed? All the rest of the signatories to the nuclear deal with Iran were happy to keep this going as they stated that the inspectors confirmed that Iran was abiding by the agreement, but not Trump, he's just a warmonger - but let's hope he doesn't succeed and the Iranian people can live in peace again in the very near future. 

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A pity a major issue like this did not receive any attention in the run up to the referendum.
I mention it in a bar in Pattaya said I can see there being major complications with the Irish Border didn't have a clue about the deatles to tell the Truth. But it was obvious to me there would be problems with a border with the EU and one with all the previous troubles just got laughed at.Just proves that they was winging it.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Why has no-one contacted Farrage?

This was all his idea so surely he has all the answers.

Given that Boris has said that the U.K. is leaving on Oct.31 "come what may", what is there to discuss, except possibly, an accelerated departure.

The EU should convene a meeting for tomorrow, and then tell Boris that the U.K. is expelled as of 12 noon Friday. (11 a.m. BST) . 

74, 73,  72,.....

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So he is still talking about "impossible " dreams"

The EU see the Irish border as the UK's problem & May's acceptance of a lesser deal than she would have hoped paved the way for an orderly exit,

That opportunity has now gone thanks to the "chicken farm " House of Commons members 

looking after their interests not their constituents nor the greater good of the country by rejecting the deal.

October 31 will come & go & the PM of  the UK will still have his head in the clouds smoking something.

The UK needs a leader that understands the word    "reality"



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48 minutes ago, allane said:

Given that Boris has said that the U.K. is leaving on Oct.31 "come what may", what is there to discuss, except possibly, an accelerated departure.

The EU should convene a meeting for tomorrow, and then tell Boris that the U.K. is expelled as of 12 noon Friday. (11 a.m. BST) . 

74, 73,  72,.....

Because Johnson has never been known to lie before has he?

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Johnson wrote. “Time is very short.”


Yes, time is so short that Parliament is currently on a SIX week break. Well, as they say, best thing to do in a crisis is go on a nice holiday. They're back on 5th September but then there is the main party conferences from 22 Sept - 2 Oct, but they don't get back to Westminster until the 8th leaving 18 days until the big day.

They'll be so exhausted by then they'll need a nice break.....

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

The Ashes? Are you serious? How do you expect us to win the Ashes with all this Brexit uncertainty?


Frankly, I'm surprised the stadium isn't empty, or at the very least overrun with zombies. It certainly will be soon if we continue with this car crash, cliff edge, falling sky, scorched earth, apocalyptic, catastrophic, cataclysmic, crushing, calamitous, ruinous road to extinction that is simply inevitable if we don't hand over 39 Billion to the EU for SFA. If you don't believe me, buy The Guardian.


Anyway can't stop, I'm off to stock up my bunker with canned tuna and semi-automatic rifles. Over and out.



Zombies all on holiday for summer recess.

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13 hours ago, JonnyF said:

I see 3 ways of looking at this.


1. He's gone soft and wants to reheat May's withdrawal treaty (relabel and soften the backstop). Very, very bad idea ????.

2. He's just pretending to negotiate so he can say that he tried his best and then blame the EU when we leave with a glorious, clean break Brexit. Great idea ????.

3. He's just pretending to favour a softer Brexit to bolster support amongst the predominantly Remain Parliament in anticipation of the impending Confidence vote. Once he's won that he'll lean back towards his more sensible, glorious, clean break Brexit. Pretty good idea ????.


Hopefully it's 2 or 3.


      Good  post ..    

                      My shilling is on option 1 .  

                         Dont bend ,  he will be broken,  sooner than expected .

                  BJ , back peddling , really .

                  Politics is all about survival ....



Edited by elliss
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On 8/20/2019 at 6:31 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

Which he knows is not acceptable to Eire or the EU.


Of course. It's an opening salvo, a Trojan horse, a deflection. 


Just as the EU know that the backstop with it's current wording will never be accepted by anyone with a brain.


The problem is neither one has an alternative workable option.

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6 hours ago, mrfill said:

Johnson wrote. “Time is very short.”


Yes, time is so short that Parliament is currently on a SIX week break. Well, as they say, best thing to do in a crisis is go on a nice holiday. They're back on 5th September but then there is the main party conferences from 22 Sept - 2 Oct, but they don't get back to Westminster until the 8th leaving 18 days until the big day.

They'll be so exhausted by then they'll need a nice break.....


It's a hard life. Filling in all those expense sheets.

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On 8/21/2019 at 8:29 AM, Rookiescot said:

Why has no-one contacted Farrage?

This was all his idea so surely he has all the answers.

I know you thought this was funny, but you raise a good point.


Farage was the catalyst who started a new brexit party (that eventually forced the tories to hold a referendum) - so why hasn't he been invited to be an UK negotiator?

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25 minutes ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

I know you thought this was funny, but you raise a good point.


Farage was the catalyst who started a new brexit party (that eventually forced the tories to hold a referendum) - so why hasn't he been invited to be an UK negotiator?

Didn't you see the way he taunted the European Commission in parliament? Very funny, even though I don't/didn't agree with his position/politics.


Nobody in their right mind would put a negotiator on their team who is reviled by the other side to the negotiations.

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57 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Didn't you see the way he taunted the European Commission in parliament? Very funny, even though I don't/didn't agree with his position/politics.


Nobody in their right mind would put a negotiator on their team who is reviled by the other side to the negotiations.

Why? The EU put Barmier in?

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Didn't you see the way he taunted the European Commission in parliament? Very funny, even though I don't/didn't agree with his position/politics.
Nobody in their right mind would put a negotiator on their team who is reviled by the other side to the negotiations.

I would. Stick it right into them from the very start.
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