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Cultural Marxism vs. expats in Thailand


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1 hour ago, cmsally said:

change to a society where person to person interaction is kept to a very minimum due to the increase in technology and the expansion of institutions and bureaucracy. ... All this type of thing is highly relevant and spreads to the drive away from cash etc etc.


Valuable observation.  Thank you.

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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

a vile paranoid conspiracy theory.





Very sad to see Western Civilization being "suicided" in this way.   If it was confined to back in the "homeland" countries, I wouldn't mind so much.  But now it's flooding in here.  There is no stopping it.

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8 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Gold shops seem to be open season now for armed robberies...never happened befor, the sneaky stealing is now turning to outright violent crime...kidnappings will be the next to happen.

Kidnappings in Thailand have already happened, or do you not read the news? Armed robberies are nothing new. Do you know what increases these events? Hint: it is not Cultural Marxism.

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1 hour ago, RLAretired said:

Cultural Marxism means all values are being turned upside down, inside-out, and backwards.  Name any: importance of the family, avoiding debt, responsible sexual behavior, the value of a good education.  In The West, all that is quickly being destroyed.  Here, too, it is happening, just delayed.

You have parts of the puzzle, but like a old mosiac, many pieces are missing



One of the most common fallacies among Expat intellectuals is to believe that the more stubborn they are about their skepticism the more pure their intellectual objectivity. That is the reason why the simple facts frequently fail to get through. Another resort of the cheap shot variety, which has its admirers (and among them, for the art of it, me) is to sarcastically render a sort of psycho-babble mockery of the text as if by carelessly dismissing the points being made you have defeated the argument. Fun, but just stupid.


Thomas Mann speaking of the English in the appeasement era of Hitler wrote, "surely we are culpable having believed all their pewwing about the brothers. We could not credit the prospect of such heaped up knavery and manuveuring. It was never a question of the Brexit, or council flats but of the Skoda works, Czech oil, Hungarian grain".


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4 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

The meek are finding ways to inherit the earth. You can see it happening - put on BBC news and there will very likely be a female anchor talking to a female reporter interviewing females about issues arising from hurt feelings. Sometimes they are all from ethnic minorities. Every day they run 'news' stories about people apologising for this and that. It's blatant social engineering.


The movie industry has long been used to promote meekness, from the kindly presentation of Jews in early Hollywood, through Disney's default support of the underdog, to today's token inclusivity of all minority groups.

Is any of this a bad thing? Not necessarily, unless the existing culture is being attacked and forcibly replaced by outsiders seeking to erode that culture in order to keep themselves in their own comfort zone. Unfortunately that is actually happening in the west. And unfortunately that will produce self-declared 'defenders of culture' like Breivik, who was obsessed by Cultural Marxism.


I don't see much Cultural Marxism in Thailand, which in any case is in the grip of a right-wing government which, as we can see, is taking steps to prevent the erosion of local culture by keeping tight control on the freedoms of foreigners. Perhaps Thai men are getting fed up losing their women to foreigners, but that's nothing to do with Cultural Marxism.


That just about sums it for me also fella.

Too many bleeding hearts in this world and I personaly, have run out of bandages.

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14 minutes ago, sherwood said:

That just about sums it for me also fella.

Too many bleeding hearts in this world and I personaly, have run out of bandages.

The open support for white supremacist propaganda shouldn't shock us anymore.

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