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Britain's Queen could be asked to suspend parliament on Wednesday: BBC journalist

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

Open the link and look at the pictures...


no rioting, no larger louts, all peaceful.

Started after 5:30 yesterday evening... 

Immigrants and looney lefties by the look of it. But we've always known that's what the cultural divide is in Britain nowadays - bleeding-heart idealists and immigrant opportunists trying to take over the country by tantrum. It's called Cultural Marxism.

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17 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Immigrants and looney lefties by the look of it. But we've always known that's what the cultural divide is in Britain nowadays - bleeding-heart idealists and immigrant opportunists trying to take over the country by tantrum. It's called Cultural Marxism.

Don't worry your victory may soon be in sight.... (+ 32 baht to the pound boo-hoo prize)


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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

The Ladybird Book of Britishness.

Ladybird Books is another excellent one.

Anyway, none of those things came easy. It took centuries - millennia - of hard work. Scoffing at any of it is boorish. 

What is your glitch?

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1 hour ago, Forethat said:

Would have been interesting to see what would have happened had someone strolled in front of that peaceful demonstration with a contradictory message. I'm thinking a big sign like "Make United Kingdom Great Again" or "Go, Boris, Go!"

Methinks you'll like this ????


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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Ruth Davidson quits as Scottish Conservative leader



With the prospect of a General Election looming within the next 3 months the disarray within the Tory Party is probably rife within the constituency parties, their on the ground well oiled campaign machine will be falling to bits... 

Davidson is a recently returned to work mum which I suspect played a major part in her decision to stand down. Boris's action is merely a flag of convenience if i'm right.

17 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

No. People used to want to bring back capital punishment for certain crimes but there is irrefutable logic not to do so which most people accept in the wake of the Hanratty case. There was never a call for public executions.  Anti Fox hunting legislation is a combination of misplaced sentiment and anti toff attitudes combined with townies' ignorance of country ways. Unfortunately the anti fox hunting legislation eventually gained popular support. So in both examples MPs were not voting against the will of the people. They were supporting it.

'Public executions' was clearly tongue in cheek !


However every survey you can find requests the return of capital punishment (like brexiteers, predominantly Sun readers who haven't got the sense they were born with) - personally I am against it however Brexit taught you what happens when you hand over the reins to the uneducated masses.


Hunting is a blood thirsty hobby carried out by morons. Again, every survey shows support for a ban long long before the ban came into force and still does, odd you believe the democratic vote for Brexit should be carried out come what may yet hunting should be allowed supported by a heavily outnumbered minority. Selective democracy syndrome?


What is sentimental about ripping apart a wild animal for fun then smearing the blood of that animal on a childs face ? a pastime that does nothing for conservation whatsoever. By the way country folk have also ALWAYS voted against hunting with dogs. An inconvenient truth for the savages.


So in both examples if capital punishment was put to a referendum it would return (brexiteers would be out in force that's for sure) so MP's are denying that - the abolition of hunting was denied for years against the publics wishes and only eventually seeing daylight as a sop! 



48 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Reading the stuff in this thread. It's jaw-dropping. It's never been as clear to me as this that there is actually a cohort of people out there, intentionally, cynically trying to destroy traditional British culture and replace it with some leftist, multicultural, PC, feminist, LGBTQ craptopia simply to keep themselves in their neurotic comfort zone. That's really what this is all about. The economic stuff is just a smokescreen.


Expulsion would be too good for them - how about trying them for treason, for betraying the interests of their own nation on behalf of anti-British groups that are seeking to appropriate the country for their own ends. Yes, treason. The word is not too strong.


Obviously Brexit is only going to be the first step to fix this.

Is the pound plunge a 'smokescreen' ? Looks pretty real to me (that comes under economics)


Can you provide an industry head that has stated Brexit in in the interests of the UK please ? Are all the job providers 'anti-british' Or is it just believed by people that have less than the faintest idea of the future barring a divine belief in hope. 


I'm afraid you've let your hysteria get the better of you and it was toe curling stuff to witness

12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Please review the referendum. Exactly how many people voted for a hard no-deal Brexit?

It seems by now it's a we against them. But the problem is that in the UK the "we" and "them" have to live together in the future. And they all have to live together with those Europeans at the end of that tunnel.

Forcing a no-deal exit might be interpreted as a "win" by some people but don't expect that "them" will soon be happy to work with the "we".

It's a nightmare in making. There is the cliff. Let's run for it. Crazy!

Your comment“I hope nobody will bring up the UK as a sample democracy anymore. It's utterly disgusting to see how they behave.”


I reacted to this comment “ You seem to feel it is perfectly acceptable for Remainers to use every parliamentary  trick in the book to overturn the result of a democratically held referendum including the connivance of the Speaker  but similar action by the government, which is governed by the constitution, is utterly disgusting. “


No review of the referendum is needed what you need to address is the question behind my post, why you feel Remainer tactics to subvert the will of the people is democratic and the PM’s suspension of Parliament is undemocratic and disgusting behavior? As a reminder. The Queen as a result I am sure of the advice given to her by her constitutional advisers has approved his request making it both constitutional and democratic.


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3 hours ago, vogie said:

Sorry, I'm none too sure of your meaning.

Why this elegant twist? When it is to avoid reacting on my post, a bit of a waste, wouldn't you say?

1 hour ago, JamesBlond said:

Reading the stuff in this thread. It's jaw-dropping. It's never been as clear to me as this that there is actually a cohort of people out there, intentionally, cynically trying to destroy traditional British culture and replace it with some leftist, multicultural, PC, feminist, LGBTQ craptopia simply to keep themselves in their neurotic comfort zone. That's really what this is all about. The economic stuff is just a smokescreen.


Expulsion would be too good for them - how about trying them for treason, for betraying the interests of their own nation on behalf of anti-British groups that are seeking to appropriate the country for their own ends. Yes, treason. The word is not too strong.


Obviously Brexit is only going to be the first step to fix this.

Oh my, what this post of yours tells about yourself and your opinions... Not sure even dyed through 'brexiteers' will, openly, agree, as outside of the smell of 'old empire' mould (a personal taste of yours, maybe?), there's a dominant stench of ultra-right, maybe even fascistoïd, 'leanings' in what you write... Totally outside the reality of the present Britain, where 'imported' 'colonisers', most from former Brutish Empire colonies, have gained control over many aspects of your country!

Real estate (outside of Crown and other nobility's properties, 'acquired', ahum-ahum ways in previous centuries), commercial activities (how many shops and basic commercial activities still in the hands of true Brits?), dominated by Asians (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are in Asia), some African tribes, and, more, arabic, muslims (anecdotes about goats and camels left out) 'fallen' into wealth thanks to stupid UK policies. But maybe you come from the remote countryside, where 'redneck' farmers seem to share your views...?

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29 minutes ago, bangrak said:

Why this elegant twist? When it is to avoid reacting on my post, a bit of a waste, wouldn't you say?

Ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer it, rants might take a little longer.

41 minutes ago, bangrak said:

Why this elegant twist? When it is to avoid reacting on my post, a bit of a waste, wouldn't you say?

It was your post that was the waste. Gibberish 101.

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11 hours ago, teatree said:

Oh the irony!

It is the EU that is a protectionist club and the UK which is reaching out across the globe.

Yet more utter glibness - break that down for us please


Explain in what way the EU is 'protectionist' that has harmed the UK's interests and even more fascinating flesh out the UK reaching across the globe bit? With specifics to add credibililty please.


We just need to confirm you're not just quoting clichés you've read somewhere else ….






Just a few, though 'colourfull', examples about the British always(!) having been attempting to impose their selfish will on Europe, in each of the following, the UK's 'victory' was the result of a blatant blackmail(!) over other, more important issues:

1) Making the manufactoring of raw milk based cheese illegal in the EU (with an odd few very limited exceptions, most in France), so-called for health issues and other blah-blah, making no sense at all. Reason: protect and promote the very large British dairy companies producing cheese. N.B.: the Stilton 'bootlegging' activity was a consequence of.

2) Making the use of other fat than cacao mass authorised in chocalate. Reason: this had been barred ever before in the EU, ...but the UK's sweets' industry (the, then, Cadbury, anyone?), which was, in contravention, already using such 'ersatz' in many of its products (with very 'creative' names) wanted it changed.

3) Making Rosé wine by mixing white wine with red wine(*), that was always rejected the EU rules, but... The UK's powerful winemakers and merchants wanted it changed, for... profit, and it became the new, non-sensical, rule (*some exceptions existed, like f.i. Rosé Champagne, which was since its conception the assembling of a white base with some Pinot Noir red wine).

The list is so long, 'I, myself and me' the UK's modus, never ever, entering into fraternising, or any union!

11 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

Not to it's members it isn't and it's a huge market.

Reaching out to the world? Yes, using WTO standards.

How long do you think it will take to hammer out trade deals with 20 or 30 separate other countries? Do you think that those trade deals will be one-sided that will overwhelmingly favour the UK?

Of course, at the same time these trade deals are being haggled over, people will be struggling with increased prices and job losses. Do you think that bargaining from a position of weakness will benefit the UK? How do you compare the bargaining strength of the UK alone compared to the EU?

UK GDP $2.9trillion - EU GDP $17.2trillion (but the EU NEED us apparently) - I think we know who will have the bargaining strength !


The entire planet knows the UK will be crawling over hot coals begging for deals - they don't hold a single card once they've left the richest trading bloc on planet earth ! 


Would be funny if they hadn't shafted their children/grandchildren with their selfishness

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11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That's wonderful that the UK is reaching out.

And who do you expect will give the UK any better deal then they had with the EU? The USA? China? Who?

And I wonder which countries will bother at all trying to make a deal with the UK. They all can see how that worked with the EU. Years of work, a ready deal, but then no deal. A total waste of time.

German food exporters to UK have already stated this week that if they suffer tariffs and hold ups at borders they will simply stop supplying - no problem cry the brexiteers South Africa/Galapagos/Marshall Islands etc etc will step in - only snag is their price will reflect that the UK is desperate. Inflation anyone ?

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25 minutes ago, vogie said:

Ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer it, rants might take a little longer.

I won't ask you any question, you've told enough here already to have a quite clear idea about your person and motivations, making an exchange of personal ideas and balanced opinions, alas, quite impossible, because of the lack of such. But I will possibly react on posts of yours which may insult my (small bit of) intellect. Sad to say that, TG in the past, it were people like you political Darvish à-la BJ based on to start wars, while oddly (not so) seldom fighting in any...

4 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

She is just carrying out her duties. She is not taking sides. She works with all her goverments and opens and closes parliament for them and reads outloud the speeches prepared for her. Yes, if the vile Corbyn was in Government she would accede to his requests but that would not mean she would

be: 'on his side'. She is, as ever, taking advice from her government and to do otherwise would herald the end of the British Monarchy. To think that her action in this case denotes approval is crass. Even ssking the question indicates a very naive view of British constitutional law. We can only guess her opinions.

So you're saying that the British monarch is nothing more than a show puppet? That's it?

37 minutes ago, Handsome Gardener said:

Obviously it should - but it would spell doom for Brexit  - brexiteers have one chance to get this over the line owing to a three year old vote which would be comfortably overturned today. Why else would Bojo the Clown be acting like a parliamentary thug - because he no longer has a mandate to do it and Cummings will have told him that !


and they believe in democracy apparently ????

Thing is a general election will achieve the same goals.

In England the political parties can offer different options.

The Conservatives can run on a ticket of a no deal brexit tax haven privatised NHS back to the Victorian ere manifesto.

The Labour party can run on a ticket of leave with a deal but we dont know what the deal will look like manifesto.

The Lib Dems can run on a ticket of cancel brexit and we wont raise student fees honest manifesto.


It really is a shambles.

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