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Police Crackdown on Licenses


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Tourists Can get a Thai Driving Licence... 


You can get a licence on Any Visa in Thailand (or visa exempt stamp), the most difficult part is getting the Affirmation of Residence document. 


BUT, Tourists don't need a Thai Driving Licence, a Tourist can drive here with an International Driving Permit (and their Home Country Licence). IF the Tourist has a Motorcycle Licence at home they can also Ride here in Thailand with their International Driving Permit with the motorcycle classification checked (and their Home Country Licence).



What do you do in 'other countries' if you want to ride your motorcycle and don't have a licence?? (rhetorical question) - You have to follow the law.... You have to take lessons and pass a test. Why do you think it should be different in Thailand?


You have a Mexican Motorcycle Licence, but no Mexican IDP... So you have no Licence to ride in any country other than Mexico.


Its not a Tax collection scheme - its just the law, the exact same laws other countries have. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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13 hours ago, MysteryX said:

Just heard another hardship of Thai system, but for locals: if they want to travel abroad, they need 3 months of planning and preparation and tons of paperwork, and can't confirm whether they'll actually be traveling until 1 month before departure.

Thats not true either... 

My Wife (Thai) can travel to many Countries Visa free (Japan is one of them - for 15 days).

My Wife can travel to the UK at any time she wants (for the next 9 years) she is 1 year into a 10 year visa. That Visa application took 20 days. It has never taken 3 months for a UK visa, NZ, Aus or Schengen Visa (all less than 1 month to secure).


I get the difficulties... but if your IDP would have expired by now, you should not have been using it anyway, you are not a 'Tourist' and staying here longer than 90 days you should be riding / driving with a Local Licence and taken measures to secure such.

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4 hours ago, madhav said:

Another solution (apart from translating the Mexican license or getting a Thai one) is just go to Khao San road in Bangkok and buy a motorbike licence from there. Probably cost you 1000 baht but it will stop the fines so it will pay for itself.





Nonsense. The documents sold there are not useable and can get you into big trouble if you tried to use them. They are just for fun.

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16 hours ago, MysteryX said:

but in Canada, 95% of people never drive motorbike because it can only be used 3 months per year.

Lived in the Yukon for over 25 years. Ride minimum of 6 months every year, soon as road is dry.

In BC - Victoria for example, ride year round.

IDP is valid for one year - so that excuse don't cut it neither.

Now if you lived in Alert - maybe 3 months a year 555

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4 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Nonsense. The documents sold there are not useable and can get you into big trouble if you tried to use them. They are just for fun.

My direct experience says otherwise. 


They obviously don’t sell any Thai documents (even if they did you’d be crazy to buy them), but if you take a motorbike licence from an English speaking foreign country and show it to a Thai policeman, they won’t know any difference.



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18 hours ago, moe666 said:

The road blocks are not new they have been up for years, nothing new about this. If you do not have a bike licenses from your own country more than likely do not ride a bike. Tourist without bike experience should not be riding a bike in Thailand, just too dangerous for the novice.

The road blocks in CNX are always in the same places every day, they just happen to be near police stations too as a clue. So plan your route of travel away from roadblocks if you do not want to be hassled. In 12 years I have been caught once ( not stopped thats often) and negotiated the fine from 600 baht to 140 baht as the BIB didnt want to issue a receipt and had no change of 1000 baht, they took small change in my pocket. Equals about 10 baht fine per year of travel does that really break your bank?

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18 hours ago, MysteryX said:

Tourists cannot get such license. Only reason I'm not on a tourist Visa is because I was in China 5 months before, and thus couldn't get a tourist visa other than a single-entry due to recent laws. Which turns out to be a very good thing. If I *did* get the translation paper they asked for, it would be expiring now and thus wouldn't be an option either.


Do you think such a situation is normal for a country whose economy is based a lot on tourism? Unless they purposely want to reduce tourism by 80% to recover more of their local culture. A lot of foreigners are now going to other Asian countries instead for a variety of reasons.


And no matter what we think of those laws and practices, I still need to find a solution at least for myself, and I need to warn friends asking me about Thailand.

In Thailand you can use any ASEAN driving licence, so I suggest you go and find where it is easiest to get a motorbike licence, I have mine from the Philippines.

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9 hours ago, madhav said:

Probably cost you 1000 baht but it will stop the fines so it will pay for itself.

And your first accident will cost you dearly, because the insurance company will pay nothing for unlicensed drivers. This is advice is not very clever.

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19 hours ago, MysteryX said:

Tourists cannot get such license. Only reason I'm not on a tourist Visa is because I was in China 5 months before, and thus couldn't get a tourist visa other than a single-entry due to recent laws. Which turns out to be a very good thing. If I *did* get the translation paper they asked for, it would be expiring now and thus wouldn't be an option either.


Do you think such a situation is normal for a country whose economy is based a lot on tourism? Unless they purposely want to reduce tourism by 80% to recover more of their local culture. A lot of foreigners are now going to other Asian countries instead for a variety of reasons.


And no matter what we think of those laws and practices, I still need to find a solution at least for myself, and I need to warn friends asking me about Thailand.

If you want a motorcycle licence and the waiting list is too long in CHiangmai, try to find out other local Offices around Chiang Mai that can issue driving licence. Ask Thai people. I know of some Thai that went around Chiang Dao office  to pass the test and get their licence . 

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I have Alberta class 5 drivers license,  couple years ago before going to Thailand, I got an International Drivers Permit from AMA and they stamped both A and B category on it with a little hand written note at the back that A category is for scooter only. So with Alberta class 5 license with international permit can legally ride a scooters in Thailand. And with Certificate of Residence from Immigration can easily get a car and motorbike license from DLT, with only color blindness test, no exams.

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13 hours ago, MysteryX said:

Does anyone have anything useful to say in here? Most of the "advice" is just trying to point finger and is a waste of my time and a waste of yours.


And I'll call it for what it is: what the police is doing is blatant corruption and going after low-hanging fruits but is in itself criminal activity.


As for me, I'm getting my papers in order so that when I pass those blockages, there's only one criminal and I can just go by.


btw I'm not going to Bangkok, that's another useless advice. I'm either translating my Mexico license by post if possible, or going to Lampang to get my local license. 2 options that nobody here has even mentioned.


Thanks for nothing guys.

You should have just asked about how to get a driving license, instead of blaming police that they enforce the law, this would have resulted in more helpful answers.


3 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

And your first accident will cost you dearly, because the insurance company will pay nothing for unlicensed drivers. This is advice is not very clever.

Compulsary insurance doesn't require a driving license, and hardly any small bike will have any additional insurance, so insurance wise it doesn't matter if he has a valid driving license or not.


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I am from the UK, and I presume it’s the same for US or Canada, if you wanted to rent any vehicle you would be expected to provide an international drivers permit, now, the rental company wouldn’t care if you had just spent 11 months and 25 days on the moon, they want to see an IDP, no idp = no rental. Why should it be any different here?


As far as I know, tourist visa holders can get a driving license, they might not be able to obtain it in the time frame they want, but they can get ine. This is why IDP’s are accepted. Oh, they don’t have entitlement on their national driving license - but they think it’s ok to just come here and ride a bike without any training or test .... ohhh rrrrrreightttt. 


Presumably the OP after 3.5 years is riding without the necessary documents, then isn’t this post a bit of a double standard - it’s ok for him to break the rules, but it’s not ok for the police to enforce the rules. As much as I despise them, they give you a receipt for the money, it’s called a fine. 


As to damaging tourism, yeah ok .. have you tried writing to your MP in Canada. 

Edited by recom273
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20 hours ago, MysteryX said:

Look. From a purely technical perspective, maybe I'm in an illegal situation by not having the translation booklet. But the way the police is collecting cash is 100% illegal. Need to call the military to crack down on corrupt police practices?

Impossible to stop it.... Save your breath and time.  I have been going thru police checkpoints for 5 decades.  It's cyclical-  For a while they will stop all motorcycles- then  Vans.... then trucks etc etc.  Their sole goal is money.....

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1) Get an international driver license in your home country before you leave. Make sure it is for both cars and motorcycles. Get a motorcycle license first, if you don't already have one. 

2) get a residence certificate that verifies your address in Thailand

3) go to the Land Transport office and get your international licenses converted to Thai licenses (one for cars, and one for motorcycles)


You can do the above on a tourist visa.  I did, and had no problems whatsoever.  Just be polite, go to the Land Transport office ahead of time and ask what you need. They gave me a list of things. I went to get those, then went back to LT a few days later, and had it all taken care of within a few hours.


If you are already in Thailand without a motorcycle license from abroad, then you will probably need to take the whole set of tests, etc. to get a Thai motorcycle license.  Much easier if you have the IDL already.

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Going to Philippines or other country "would" work but going to Lampang works just as fine. Do I need to drive there several times, and what time should I go to get the stuff done?


btw I'm not covered by the Canadian general insurance since many years so there's basically only 1 insurance company that can cover me. I asked them about license and stuff and there's no clause in their insurance in regards to having valid license or not in case of accidents, so it doesn't change anything there.


or anyone has information about doing it through an agent?

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Letter of residency from immigration is about 2 weeks, medical certification and then off to the transportation department for a car license exchange (US to Thai) after a 1 hour video and a motorcycle driver's test and road test. All done in a day. Not following your horror story. Sorry to say but most of your story of sound like total BS. It's a simple process. 

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Got all the papers done already.


So, this situation in Chiang Mai is highly unusual then?


And I can get it done in a single day in Lampang? 1h video is if having a translated license from home country. It's more than that otherwise.


We'll see.



1 option would be to go to Lampang to get my license; or can you somehow help me with this process?

Thai language class, because that was my only option this time around since coming from China. I was hoping you guys would know as much about this as for Visas.

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9 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Lived in the Yukon for over 25 years. Ride minimum of 6 months every year, soon as road is dry.

In BC - Victoria for example, ride year round.

IDP is valid for one year - so that excuse don't cut it neither.

Now if you lived in Alert - maybe 3 months a year 555

I don't know anyone in my extended family who ever drove a motorbike in Canada.

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Get the international drivers license and very publicly place the money in the air and be happy to pay - make sure everyone sees you do it. Infact as soon as they stop you dangle money around and make a real song and dance of getting your wallet out and maybe drop some cash on the floor 

The are not actually allowed to do these shake downs and you bringing attention makes them very awkward

I have done this every time when they stop and lo and behold they want me gone ASAP like <deleted> get out of here buddy but i wanna sit and have a chat you know im that kind of guy

Make a very big show that you are paying for something and see how long they keep operating in that area - even ask for a photo with your new 'friends' 

Use broken thai and be incredibly friendly they do not want that they dont want to make friends but they are stuck between a rock and a hard place - give them lost of respect wai them and say your so great i love this country no problem man!!! Here have some more i know you guys dont get paid enough! Oh man let me buy you a new uniform that's looking a bit run down how about a gym membership

When it comes to your name pronounce it in the most odd way that sounds bizarre so they keep asking what? so it looks they cannot read english - again huge face looser for them because they are supposed to know english and be smart 

As soon you get the paper you rip it in half and throw it over your shoulder while walking away if you can also keep the cash in your boxer shorts when you retrieve it so they have literally just touched your balls 

Doing all of the above for 3 years they have never set up in the same place and when they pull me over by lord do they look awkward

In short bully them as much you can and make them look like really great guys that you adore to pay

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2 minutes ago, MartiniMan said:

Doing all of the above for 3 years they have never set up in the same place and when they pull me over by lord do they look awkward

Wouldn't it be easier to get a driving license, and be on your way within 30 seconds?

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5 minutes ago, MartiniMan said:

Get the international drivers license and very publicly place the money in the air and be happy to pay - make sure everyone sees you do it. Infact as soon as they stop you dangle money around and make a real song and dance of getting your wallet out and maybe drop some cash on the floor 

The are not actually allowed to do these shake downs and you bringing attention makes them very awkward

I have done this every time when they stop and lo and behold they want me gone ASAP like <deleted> get out of here buddy but i wanna sit and have a chat you know im that kind of guy

Make a very big show that you are paying for something and see how long they keep operating in that area - even ask for a photo with your new 'friends' 

Use broken thai and be incredibly friendly they do not want that they dont want to make friends but they are stuck between a rock and a hard place - give them lost of respect wai them and say your so great i love this country no problem man!!! Here have some more i know you guys dont get paid enough! Oh man let me buy you a new uniform that's looking a bit run down how about a gym membership

When it comes to your name pronounce it in the most odd way that sounds bizarre so they keep asking what? so it looks they cannot read english - again huge face looser for them because they are supposed to know english and be smart 

As soon you get the paper you rip it in half and throw it over your shoulder while walking away if you can also keep the cash in your boxer shorts when you retrieve it so they have literally just touched your balls 

Doing all of the above for 3 years they have never set up in the same place and when they pull me over by lord do they look awkward

In short bully them as much you can and make them look like really great guys that you adore to pay

Isn't making a total tool of yourself a lot more effort than just getting a licence?.... 


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MartiniMan that's the best advice so far; but can do something similar before showing them a valid license and it would be even more fun.


So far after 6 pages, this is the summary of new information/advice:
- License from other Asian countries works
- International Driving License is *definitely* not an option if home country license is for car
- "maybe" can do through agent (but most likely only private driving school would work)

Everything else is garbage.


I'll definitely drive on purpose into those blockades once my papers are in order and have fun with it.

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All my Canadian friend travel with Valid International Driving License and Medical insurance. Never had and problems at any stop checks.  Mexicans will accept Canadian drivers licence  but my friends still take Not Expired International DL.

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For others looking into this. Just learned from a local that you can book online for "DLT Smart Queue" which is what the agent said had a 1 month waiting time in Chiang Mai.


Edit: dang that's only for locals, need local ID card to use. Back to square 1 (at least have papers)

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I drove a car in this country for 29 years on an Australian Licence (my car in my name)

I was fined 500 Bht when on a road trip & told that the law is that any long term visa must know have a Thai Licence which is fair enough.

A few documents later & a medical cert from local clinic Done. 2 years cost under 200 Bht

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