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Extending pub opening hours will just lead to more crime and mayhem - think again Phiphat!


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2 hours ago, mercman24 said:

 FIRSTLY , what a disgusting photo, yes and 99% of the crime is done by THAIS not people on holiday and ex pats who live here. many tourists are use to late night opening in their country, and that is rubbish to say more fighting,  see then streaming out at 2 am in all the bars in bangkok, if it brings in more money for ISAN i say good job. talk about dead. i popped up to Bamngkok the weekend, i was the only guy in what use to be a busy bar. 2 am all the shutters came down. there must be a need as all the pavement bars pop up, and great atmosphere, no one fighting as one would like to make out, just people enjoying themselves



I tried to read your reply, but frankly, it is a jumbled, confusing collection of words.

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2 hours ago, mercman24 said:

 FIRSTLY , what a disgusting photo, yes and 99% of the crime is done by THAIS not people on holiday and ex pats who live here. many tourists are use to late night opening in their country, and that is rubbish to say more fighting,  see then streaming out at 2 am in all the bars in bangkok, if it brings in more money for ISAN i say good job. talk about dead. i popped up to Bamngkok the weekend, i was the only guy in what use to be a busy bar. 2 am all the shutters came down. there must be a need as all the pavement bars pop up, and great atmosphere, no one fighting as one would like to make out, just people enjoying themselves



It will mean that more drunken girls from western countries will climb on board a Thai motorcycle. Get raped and cry to the media. " But I only had 20 beers, "

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1 hour ago, Katipo said:

Drunk driving and alcohol fuelled violence

Exactly right; police don't work nights so no curbs on the afore-mentioned first offence; genetically, Thais do not handle alcohol well so more of the 2nd crime.  I pity the wives who get knocked about routinely every weekend.

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27 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

I have lived 12 years in chiang mai. I go to the bars 3 to 4 times a week. I have never, never, never seen a flight.  NEVER even when bars were opened until 4am.


I have no idea about road accidents from 12 to1am, 1 to 2am, etc

Chiang Mai and Hua Hin in my opinion are the safer places of Thailand, middle upper class tourists, no low lifes stumbling along the pavements, now Phuket and Pattaya, well, I will leave that to your imagination, more tourists head there for the sleaze, me included, but then again, I like normality, so CM & HH give me the balance I need every now and again.

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They should only allow bars that are inside a building to stay open longer.


The noisy open air bars especially here in Pattaya are a nightmare for residents. And residents are people who have to work, children that go to school, children that are still very young, tourists that want to enjoy the day time, tourists that have a tour next day and so on. They all need sleep at normal times. Who cares about them?


I myself bought a condo here when my area was quiet. Now I am surrounded by noisy open air bars. Noise every night. Not even special windows and earplugs help. Watching TV without earphones is impossible. Who cares about this? And I spent several million Baht for my now almost useless condo. 


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Whether or not it would lead to more crime remains uncertain. What is certain is that it will do nothing for tourism. The Chinese and Indians have little interest and you have pushed most of the Westerners away. They are not coming back. Word is already out there, that they are not welcome, and once spurned, now gone. For good. Too many alternatives. 


Thailand really thought they were the center of the universe. They really thought nobody could resist it's incredible charms. 


Pretty easy for most Westerners to  resist now. The Golden goose has left the building. Live with what you sow.


Ten years of indifference, lethargy, hostility, gross incompetence, open hatred of foreigners by the administration and immigration, has come at a very high cost. Live with it. 

Well put, although rather more than 10 years methinks, and the "open hatred of foreigners by the administration" (and getting worse by the minute) has disastrously influenced many Thai's attitude to westerners.  This has to be reversed or it will not end well: a parallel can be seen here with 1930's Germany.


Thailand is getting what it wants apparently: Thailand for Thais, but it's hard to see how that fits with being a tourist destination and I wonder who they'll target once they have also driven the Indians & Chinese away?


Nigerians and Ghanaians maybe?



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2 hours ago, thaikahuna said:

When I first moved here in 2005, Bars were open all hours. Then they were throttled back to 0100. It did not stop them from staying open past closing time. The ones who want the later hours are the ones making money already. Leave the hours alone. If you can't get your drunk on by 0100, you need to step up your game.

So a shift worker from Rayong can't get a beer after he's finished his last afternoon shift at midnight and goes to Pattaya with a couple of workmates?

Some people like to go out late and sleep all day. Nothing wrong with that - a lot cooler too - why can't they go out at say 1am and drink for a few hours if they want to.

The problem is the narrow mindedness of people who think that others have to go out at 8pm and drink themselves stupid. Guess what, those so inclined will do that no matter what the opening hours are.

A newly elected, stupid, Labor Government in Australia came up with a great idea - lets stop the youngsters (18 year olds) from getting drunk. We'll put up the price of the 'alcopops' which they duly did. End result instead of buying a regulated alcohol content product in small containers, people bought large bottles of full strength sprits and mixed their own and got  lot drunker, more cheaply and more quickly than they did previously. THEN they went out to the pubs and clubs.


Watch any documentary about pubs and violence in the UK.  Pubs close at the same time, filling the streets with drunks and violence ensues. Leave the pubs open and people will leave in much smaller groups, couples or single, and a lot of the <deleted> is avoided.

Unfortunately the Puritans here cannot see that.

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This is simply another hair brained scheme, by a low quality ministerial selection, who does not have a creative bone in his body. Ultimately, it is about the total inability to look within for the source of the problem. It is about continued deflection, and unwillingness to take responsibility for the catastrophe this hapless administration has caused, and the subsequent pain the Thai people are feeling. 


Why? It is about avoiding losing face. Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, and man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.


Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.


Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Whether or not it would lead to more crime remains uncertain. What is certain is that it will do nothing for tourism. The Chinese and Indians have little interest and you have pushed most of the Westerners away. They are not coming back. Word is already out there, that they are not welcome, and once spurned, now gone. For good. Too many alternatives. 


Thailand really thought they were the center of the universe. They really thought nobody could resist it's incredible charms. 


Pretty easy for most Westerners to  resist now. The Golden goose has left the building. Live with what you sow.


Ten years of indifference, lethargy, hostility, gross incompetence, open hatred of foreigners by the administration and immigration, has come at a very high cost. Live with it. 

Live with it. I do. From september to april. This year in Phra Kanong where I have hundreds of alleys to explore. And as the riff raff leave, soon I shall be King again, the happy farang. When are you leaving, or are you gone? or just living here in misery? Can I help? 


NB: The only places I hang my hat are open to 4 am anyway ????

Edited by Nyezhov
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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

A lot of truth to what you say, but they should start to try to mend fences even with their own population.  Will longer hours help bring disparaged, unwelcome faranges back?  No.   Much more is needed, but is a start.  Neighboring countries have all next bars, and they do just fine.  Thailand may want to ask itself why is everything so hard here.  Vietnam is where I like going now as do many others.  Much more positive feel.

A more positive feel- That is one of the things missing in Thailand.  Decades ago- when I first came to Thailand it was that positive feeling that kept it all going .  The Immigration Officers smiled and said  -Welcome to Thailand-  now one gets a scowl  or even worse a trip to the back room- no smiles even for those who have lived  here for years.


Then down to the Taxi queque with drivers trying to pry  added money- no meter-  fights about money at times.


By the time one  has flown 12 hours from London or 18 hours from Los Angeles  and gets to the hotel in Bangkok- they start to wonder  why no positive feel.  And dependent on how the trip goes from there- depends on whether there will be a return visit.


It is always the first impression of a place or a country that sets the stage for everything else.


Keeping bars open until 4 AM is a waste of time because if you can't get enough patrons to make the bars viable- until 2  AM who is going to pay staff for an extra few hours to  serve a few people who will straggle in most likely already drunk.


You want more tourists bring back the positive feel.  Do it and they will come////

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Whether or not it would lead to more crime remains uncertain. What is certain is that it will do nothing for tourism. The Chinese and Indians have little interest and you have pushed most of the Westerners away. They are not coming back. Word is already out there, that they are not welcome, and once spurned, now gone. For good. Too many alternatives. 


Thailand really thought they were the center of the universe. They really thought nobody could resist it's incredible charms. 


Pretty easy for most Westerners to  resist now. The Golden goose has left the building. Live with what you sow.


Ten years of indifference, lethargy, hostility, gross incompetence, open hatred of foreigners by the administration and immigration, has come at a very high cost. Live with it. 

I spoke to an American young guy and he prefers Bali rather then Pattaya. Your observation is true. I used to visit for holidays long time back but now I live here. My preference would be to go Maldives, Bali etc but the travel cost land us up at Pattaya or Hua Hin. 2 years back Hua Hin was my favourite due to cleanliness and safety.

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

A more positive feel- That is one of the things missing in Thailand.  Decades ago- when I first came to Thailand it was that positive feeling that kept it all going .  The Immigration Officers smiled and said  -Welcome to Thailand-  now one gets a scowl  or even worse a trip to the back room- no smiles even for those who have lived  here for years.


Then down to the Taxi queque with drivers trying to pry  added money- no meter-  fights about money at times.


By the time one  has flown 12 hours from London or 18 hours from Los Angeles  and gets to the hotel in Bangkok- they start to wonder  why no positive feel.  And dependent on how the trip goes from there- depends on whether there will be a return visit.


It is always the first impression of a place or a country that sets the stage for everything else.


Keeping bars open until 4 AM is a waste of time because if you can't get enough patrons to make the bars viable- until 2  AM who is going to pay staff for an extra few hours to  serve a few people who will straggle in most likely already drunk.


You want more tourists bring back the positive feel.  Do it and they will come////

That impression is expected at Singapore from immigration, customs, duty free, taxi and then hotel.

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Whether or not it would lead to more crime remains uncertain. What is certain is that it will do nothing for tourism. The Chinese and Indians have little interest and you have pushed most of the Westerners away. They are not coming back. Word is already out there, that they are not welcome, and once spurned, now gone. For good. Too many alternatives. 


Thailand really thought they were the center of the universe. They really thought nobody could resist it's incredible charms. 


Pretty easy for most Westerners to  resist now. The Golden goose has left the building. Live with what you sow.


Ten years of indifference, lethargy, hostility, gross incompetence, open hatred of foreigners by the administration and immigration, has come at a very high cost. Live with it. 

Actually saw a good number of young western tourist out and about here in CM, this is just the crowd they are looking for

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24 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Actually saw a good number of young western tourist out and about here in CM, this is just the crowd they are looking for

A pale shadow of what it used to be. And the high rollers are gone for good. Some backpackers, and younger tourists. A few remaining older ones, with money to spend. Woe is Thailand. 

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so all tourist books/operators will now state ''visit thailand all bars and pubs NOW stay open until 4 am"

sur this is going to make MORE TOURISTS to visit Thailand.....I DOUBT IT VERY MUCH...

Would not give me the incentive to come here on holiday......nor many others I  would say !!!!

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If they are serious about attracting more tourists then they must make Thailand more affordable to everyone and not only those that are interested in drinking themselves stupid and causing trouble.

They need to attract the families as well and the bar hours are not going to achieve that, so firstly they must look at the value of the baht then look at the Thai attitude towards foreigners. forget about changing the bar hours and look at the duel pricing at tourist places. They must decide if they want quality tourists like families or only those that are interested in drinking until they are <deleted> out of their brain and then get into fights.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Backing up their view they said that 43.36% of the Thai public out of 1,257 asked in a Nida Poll rejected the changes.

Meaning more than half the people supported the move.


The argument against this is weak.

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I liked it when the drinking establishments stayed open all hours.They penalized the good folks who like to listen to soft guitar music. I'm not talking about the traditional volume and bass on ten) <deleted>

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Whether or not it would lead to more crime remains uncertain. What is certain is that it will do nothing for tourism. The Chinese and Indians have little interest and you have pushed most of the Westerners away. They are not coming back. Word is already out there, that they are not welcome, and once spurned, now gone. For good. Too many alternatives. 


Thailand really thought they were the center of the universe. They really thought nobody could resist it's incredible charms. 


Pretty easy for most Westerners to  resist now. The Golden goose has left the building. Live with what you sow.


Ten years of indifference, lethargy, hostility, gross incompetence, open hatred of foreigners by the administration and immigration, has come at a very high cost. Live with it. 

Well said.

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I could not give a Rats ass. I live in the village where all are asleep by 2000 hrs, or there abouts,

Where the hell did they dig these Ministers up from, dumb clowns.


Mind you, I wish I had there clout.


Saying that I sometimes liked to kick on in my younger days, not that long ago, but things did get a bit hectic as the night wore on.


Hope old mate has a good holiday. I think I would if I had my snout in the trough.

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