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Delay Brexit? I'd rather be dead in a ditch, says PM Johnson

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Now Boris bend over this leather bound German crafted desk incidentally paid for by you from UK extended contributions and prepare for a small <deleted> said Jean Claude ????

4 hours ago, z42 said:

As objectionable as Boris is I still feel that delays are futile as the EU won't negotiate reasonably.

A clean break is the only way as half measures will likely be far from beneficial to either side.

leave first deal later.

14 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Now Boris bend over this leather bound German crafted desk incidentally paid for by you from UK extended contributions and prepare for a small <deleted> said Jean Claude ????

And Boreis replied, "Promises, promises, but I think Dominic might get jealous."

1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why? It would be great is "they" abandon North Ireland.

Then the North can unite with the South and Little England can be free and independent. ???? 

I always find it ironic that the same people who recognise Scotland and Wales as being distinct countries on the same island also believe that Ireland cannot be two distinct countries on one island. 

1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why? It would be great is "they" abandon North Ireland.

Then the North can unite with the South and Little England can be free and independent. ???? 

Not so fast. Norther England objects to being ruled by those Southern Softies. We want out too.

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4 hours ago, baboon said:
5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

When all is said and done, I still prefer Boris to that Chlorinated chicken Corbyn

I don't.

JC certainly over the past few days has appeared more acceptable, I feel it is just an act and he is being coached by party image gurus instead of speaking his mind, of coarse if he was PM that will all change when power goes to his head just like Boris.


If Labour want to win then they need to ditch the closet (or not so closet) Marxist for a more moderate leader.


It is only by convention that the party leader is appointed as PM, in reality they could appoint any MP or member of the House of Lords, particularly if as likely to be the case in the event of there being a hung parliament, and therefore a coalition of many parties, it maybe needed to appoint someone respected by all and that may not be any of the party leaders.  

1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why? It would be great is "they" abandon North Ireland.

Then the North can unite with the South and Little England can be free and independent. ???? 

Funny how many of those that are opposed to Europe are also apposed to Scotland having its Independence.


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  • Confused 1
23 minutes ago, MarineEquine said:

I always find it ironic that the same people who recognise Scotland and Wales as being distinct countries on the same island also believe that Ireland cannot be two distinct countries on one island. 

I always had my doubts about re-unification in Ireland. This was not based on geography, but I believe that no country in the world would want to join with a country dominated by one of the most vile branches of the RC on the planet . The Magdelaine girls, the child theft, the paedophile priests, where do you stop. Now that the control of the RC church over the government and the minds of the people has waned, re-unification makes more sense.

(I am an atheist - I despise all the Abrahamic religions equally).

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, Basil B said:

With a few more to follow.


There again after the last 3 days maybe if he had not done so much damage to the country I would feel sorry for him, he must be waking up now and worrying about what will happen today... ????

Your deep feelings of sympathy and understanding for a sad struggling loser, do you great credit!

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

When all is said and done, I still prefer Boris to that Chlorinated chicken Corbyn


That's like choosing whether you want to be shot in the head or heart!

  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Excellent, JC is not actually a Marxist, but he is a waste of space, and an electoral liability. I fear that this weekend, McClusky, Milne, Murphy, and Laverty will be bending his ear to try and get him to vote for a GE on monday. These people are anti EU, and pro social chaos in the UK which in their idiotic ideology will lead to a true Socialist society. Fortunately I don't think LP MPs are that stupid, if JC comes out pro election, very many will vote against him, and the 2/3 target will not be met. 


Corbyn is not a Marxist, so he says. But he appointed one as his shadow Chancellor!


He refuses to stand for the National Anthem, despises the Royal Family, treats the military - serving, veterans, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice with utter contempt, despises Britain and its history; but supports terrorists like the IRA and Hamas, refuses to condemn "socialist dictators" like Maduro, does u-turns at the drop of a hat, and will say and do anything if he thinks it will get some extra votes. 


He really thinks his very left socialist ideology will work despite its proven failures. If he ever got in power I suspect there would be a hell of a job to get him out. His government would be interfering in all aspects of life - family, education, business, health, etc etc to much more detail than any previous as they sort to mold things "their way". 

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  • Sad 1
13 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Excellent, JC is not actually a Marxist, but he is a waste of space, and an electoral liability. I fear that this weekend, McClusky, Milne, Murphy, and Laverty will be bending his ear to try and get him to vote for a GE on monday. These people are anti EU, and pro social chaos in the UK which in their idiotic ideology will lead to a true Socialist society. Fortunately I don't think LP MPs are that stupid, if JC comes out pro election, very many will vote against him, and the 2/3 target will not be met. 

Boris could bypass the 2/3 rule,by presenting a simple bill that just overrides the fixed term parliament act, but that would need to get through parliament, the lords and requires royal accent.


The fixed term act though good in principle was hastily conceived and is not fit for purpose, there is only one thing Boris needs to do to get his GE passed on Monday, that is to get an extension to A50 so he can not do any messing about while Parliament is prorogued for a GE.

7 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Expect a blond, bloated pig to be found dead in a ditch any time soon.

As it happens Emily Thornbury was on Question Time last night.

7 hours ago, z42 said:

As objectionable as Boris is I still feel that delays are futile as the EU won't negotiate reasonably.

A clean break is the only way as half measures will likely be far from beneficial to either side.

The first positive step towards, possibly, eventually, (re-!)negotiating any part of the existing(!) deal (approved by the British Government...!), would (have) be(-en) for THE new BRITISH Government to come forward with some (worked out!) ALTERNATIVE(s?) to solve the Irish border issue in a set time, and so, when the other EU member States(!) would all agree with such, replace the maligned illimited 'backstop'!


Nota Bene: allow me to say that with time passing Mr Barnier and his EU Brexit negotiators' team more and more seem to have a very deep knowledge of the, erm, British 'psyche', ...when one sees all that's happened in UK politics in nearly 3 years since it invoked article 50, the infighting, the irresolution, tearing apart (old and stable) political parties, even families! And for what? For a matter the Bristish have to take a decision about AMONG THEMSELVES, only! So can one imagine how long it could take for the UK, with Ulster, to work out an agreement with all the EU member States, especially the Republic of Ireland, settling the Irish border issue? Going the same way, at such a 'pace', it could take ages, a couple of generations' time.

Congratulations for Mr Barnier and his team for their clearvoyance in creating, together with the British Government (I insist!), that 'backstop' 'temporary regulation'! With the kind of BoJo and his bozos, it could take a century to work out something!

5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Don't forget there is a substantial number of Brits who still believe and support him. Strange, almost unbelievable, but true.

Kind of a 'Stockholm syndrome' effect?

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14 minutes ago, vogie said:

Its not about you, most of the country support Boris as opposed to Corbyn.

I can understand you say it is not about 'Baboon', right you are, 'vogie', because it is all about you, we all know that very well, now would you please try on this very nice new coat we had made especially for you?

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Basil B said:

Boris could bypass the 2/3 rule,by presenting a simple bill that just overrides the fixed term parliament act, but that would need to get through parliament, the lords and requires royal accent.


The fixed term act though good in principle was hastily conceived and is not fit for purpose, there is only one thing Boris needs to do to get his GE passed on Monday, that is to get an extension to A50 so he can not do any messing about while Parliament is prorogued for a GE.

Liking your avatar - quite right. Once the mourning is over the sun will shine once again.  Boris is incapable of anything now except walking into a nightmare of his own making. The fury amongst many conservative MP's as to what he has done to some of their most loyal and long serving ranks will prevent him doing anything. He will probably be in the ditch before his own deadline - he who would be our very own idiot-Trump. 

1 minute ago, bangrak said:

I can understand you say it is not about 'Baboon', right you are, 'vogie', because it is all about you, we all know that very well, now would you please try on this very nice new coat we had made especially for you?

It's about the majority of the electorate that voted to leave, and I know its not about me, but as I am in the majority that voted to leave, it would be fair to say it is more about me than the poster you are trying to defend. And if you want to make stupid remarks about "new coats" that is entirely up to you, as senseless as they are.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why? It would be great is "they" abandon North Ireland.

Then the North can unite with the South and Little England can be free and independent. ???? 

Not sure the EU has much 'appetite' for Ulster to add another bottomless pit, ...like Greece the UK put all its weight (then...) in the balance to make a member... Scotland could be as much of a liability the EU could still cope with after it would have become independent, ...hoping it would still have some petroleum left!

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