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British lawmakers prepare court action to enforce Brexit delay

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8 hours ago, Youlike said:

And how about all those great British restaurants in Europe?? Will they stay? Where else can i eat my green pea's?

Great British restaurants in ( continental ) Europe ? ? Where ? 

For me an impossible combination.

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8 hours ago, JAG said:

Well the EU is delighted - Westminster is doing it's bidding. I believe that it is called a transfer of sovereignty - wherever possible done without having to resort to actually asking the people.

I advise you to learn how the EU works as "transfer of sovereignty" is IMPOSSIBLE.


The EU top decision layer is the EU council, consisting of the leaders of government of the EU member states, so inclusive the British.

The EU Commission exists of a commissioner ( more seen as a kind of minister)  of each EU member state, so .. still… inclusive the British

The 3rd is the EU parliament, inclusive British members.

The rest are civil servants, inclusive quite some British   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Civil_Service . As soon as the UK leaves the EU, they could

As of 1 January 2018 there are staff from all member states, with the largest group being Belgian (15.7% – 5,060 out of 32,196). From the larger member states, 12.1% were Italian, 9.9% French, 7.5% Spanish, 6.7% German, 4.4% Polish and 2.8% British.[5]https://ec.europa.eu/info/about-european-commission/organisational-structure/commission-staff_en )

Different as the UK, the EU will honour their cont4racts and obligations, meaning: No Brit will see his job cancelled ONLY because of Brexit, but they can continue till their contract expires. When it is one for .. "till retirement", they will have a job at the EU till… their retirements.


The EU does not run away from its obligations as the British do.

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8 hours ago, dimitriv said:


Really ?  I heard a lot of lies, especially from Brexiteers.






For sure the Brexiteers will stand as one man behind the promise of their Glorious Leader:  no but's of if's, better break their neck than their words… die in the ditch before brakingtheir promise .. they will pay this 350 mln pounds even out of their own pockets..  ( ha ha ha ha ) 

  • Confused 2
8 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

What is factually incorrect about that?

It's a suggestion of what the money could be used for.

Is that difficult to comprehend?

52 weeks x 350 mln = 18,2 Bn pounds.

See the paper CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019 of the HoC Library: the net contribution of the UK is at max 7,9 Bn.

Where to get the other 10 Bn from ? The Brexiteers pay that form their own pockets ?

UK contr to EU, HoC Lib CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019, p 3 .jpg

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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Oh dear God no. Not this (bus) again!

A lie will follow you, till the lie is stopped and corrected.

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7 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Excellent news. Has anyone told the EU they're not allowed to say "no" to an extension request?

The EU did not hear anything new from the Glorious Leader nor his brains Cummings yet.

This parliament passed legislation that clearly permitted a referendum (Cameron: "said he wanted to renegotiate the UK's relationship with the EU and then give people the "simple choice" between staying in under those new terms, or leaving the EU". 
This parliament (including many that have no turned into Remainers) also agreed to European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. 
There was no "with or without a deal" clause, either in the referendum or in the act of parliament, and voters knew very well what they were voting for.
I think Boris would be ready to go to jail rather than ask the EU for something neither he nor the UK (outside of London and Scotland) doesn't want. 
The EU refuses to negotiate, Merkel and Makron have said no more extensions, remaining under the Tersa May deal would make the UK worse off than before.
Oliver Cromwell: 'In the name of God, go!' speech dismissing Rump Parliament - 1653
20 April 1653, London, England
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!
Can't play the Churchill card any more so its scrabbling around for Cromwell now for the dozy Hard Brexiteers who would be too lazy to have read about Cromwell's performance in Ireland. The pick and mix crowd.

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

4 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

That would be just 25% of ‘the people’ from 3 years ago - relevant now how ? right now parliament is doing a fantastic job for all sane British people - we’re on the same side. There is no conflict. 


With every day day that passes Bojo’s mandate for Brexit shrinks which is why I just can’t find a brexiteer calling for a second referendum no matter how hard I look. 


Strange eh ? 

How strange that whenever Stomper brings that up and is given the answer he completely ignores it, waits a while & starts all over again.


  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, Victornoir said:

 Yes, October 31 at the latest, as promised.
Or organize a second referendum, but out of pity, let's stop this indecision.
Uncertainty is bad for the EU and killer for the UK.

Only ONE solution: let the British "enjoy" their no deal Brexit for a year or so. Pity for the voters of "remain", but it will unify the country again

After that,

a) 95+% of the British ( or only the English, as the Scots + N-Irish "Left" before the Glorious UK) will "crawl on their knees" to "Brussels" to ask for a re-membership again, and all sabotage as from Thatcher onwards is over forever. ( as Charles de Gaulle said already in 1963: The British are Island dwellers, and will NEVER feel themselves continental Europeans )

b) The rest of the world has seen how dangerous it is to follow lying demagogues, and to vote with the "belley" instead of with the "brains". 


To give you an example:

For decades the environmentalists were against any increase of the Dutch river dikes, as.. here was a special tree to protect, there the nest of a buzywonderbirds, another place the twisted-tail salamander... till in 1 feb. 1995 it really went wrong and a 250.000 people with as much as they "could carry" had to be evacuated out of the area between Rhine and Maas, sometimes in hours ( area around Ochten).  https://wikikids.nl/Evacuatie_van_het_Rivierenland



After that… never any comment anymore about enlarging and expanding the river dikes.


  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

It's the role of parliament to scrutinise the government; it's not parliament's role to be the government

And when Parliament is for the majority convinced the governement is going the wrong way, they have to interfear. Exactly as is done.

2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Preparatory work may already be underway! 

Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 13.09.03.png

Better not waste time, but organise a referendum: OR stay in the UK, join "leave", and .. what form of "leave" OR stay in the EU = finally free again from London colonialism.

What Boris and his brains  Dominic Cummings will do to stop: send in the army ? 

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

a) Yes a GE and then the people can decide. 

The Dollar, the Aus dollar and many other currencies are also down on the baht. Whats their excuse they have nothing to do with Brexit.

Why not a simple question to the British peieople:

a) seen all information what popped up the last 3 1/2 year: you still prefer "leave" above "remain"?

b) if leave: which form:

b1) the Boris/Cummings way: out, whatever the consequences, so no if's and but's, better die in the ditch as member of the EU ?

b2) the May deal

b3) the Canadian (CEPA) condition

b4) the Norway agreement

b5) the Swiss agreement

b6) an agreement we cannot specify yet, so goverment, come with a better proposal as till now.


Why people have to vote indirect = or Cons or Labour or LibDem or Green or... and then pray for the outcome of "Brexit".


Ah.. wait.. it's a) who is your fear = "remain"

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Just now, Pique Dard said:

boris must stop smoking pot, only then he will understand the reality

I wish it was only smoking pot. I am more afraid his brains are called "Dominic Cummings". 


Just a thought - was it a waste of time passing the bill to delay Brexit?  I ask because a newspaper is tonight reporting:


The EU will refuse another delay to Brexit in the current circumstances, according to the France's Foreign Minister.  Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Sunday that as things stand, a delay beyond the October 31 deadline would not be granted. 


Asked if a Brexit delay was possible, the French minister told Europe 1 radio not under the current conditions.  "We are not going to do [extend] this every three months," he added. "The British must tell us what they want." He described the current situation as "very worrying".


Only askin!!!!!

14 minutes ago, GuyFawkes said:

Just a thought - was it a waste of time passing the bill to delay Brexit?  I ask because a newspaper is tonight reporting:


The EU will refuse another delay to Brexit in the current circumstances, according to the France's Foreign Minister.  Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Sunday that as things stand, a delay beyond the October 31 deadline would not be granted. 


Asked if a Brexit delay was possible, the French minister told Europe 1 radio not under the current conditions.  "We are not going to do [extend] this every three months," he added. "The British must tell us what they want." He described the current situation as "very worrying".


Only askin!!!!!

They'll do what Germany (near recession due to brexit) tell them. Of course he has to do his little independence dance first.

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20 minutes ago, GuyFawkes said:

Just a thought - was it a waste of time passing the bill to delay Brexit?  I ask because a newspaper is tonight reporting:


The EU will refuse another delay to Brexit in the current circumstances, according to the France's Foreign Minister.  Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Sunday that as things stand, a delay beyond the October 31 deadline would not be granted. 


Asked if a Brexit delay was possible, the French minister told Europe 1 radio not under the current conditions.  "We are not going to do [extend] this every three months," he added. "The British must tell us what they want." He described the current situation as "very worrying".


Only askin!!!!!

First of all: the EU is NOT only France. There are 26 other EU members.

2) Can you imagine: the daddy of the family tells the local sports club he wants to cancel the family's membership, and..he will NOT honour the commitments he signed for, but insists… to use the club's pub, the shower and parking facilities. His wife is mordicus against, and the children cannot agree, to continue with whatever sports and where. This already for over 3 1/2 years since the letter to cancel the membership. What you think, that local sports club will do with such a members ?

sometimes.. somebody else takes the decissions.jpg

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Slip said:

and again, no link to the source, the same as last time it was posted.

That sounds suspiciously like an 'I'm still waiting for....' favoured by your alter-ego which is all the more amusing when set to the tune of 'I'm too sexy' by Right said Fred whenever we read it ????


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