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Power Shot A620-need Ur Help Please!


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May be some of you are using the same camera: Canon Power Shot A620

Since a couple of days now my pics are looking very wiggly, using always AUTOMATIC setting.

Never ever had this problem before Like take a photo from my running dog. it was always clear and not wiggly.

What can/should I do? Did I accidently changed some settings? But in Automatic I can't change much, or???

Thanks for your help!


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Sorry "thaigerd" Kan only help you with the review of that camera.


I have an Olympus which mentioned years ago to take out all the batteries for at least one day.

Another way is to re-set to the "Factory Setting" or "Reset" should that be on your camera and then set your own settings later.

Third, contact your nearest Canon Dealer or e-mail the Canon people. Please read the link that I gave you and there is a forum Canon on the left hand side "Forums".

Hope this helps you along.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :o

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I have that camera too.

Some time ago I had problems with pictures being cut off or colour changes in parts of them, the changed parts being clearly defined in a straight line across the picture. I was told by Canon that it was because I had deleted some pictures from the SD Card using the “delete” function of the camera and then taken more before downloading into my computer. Apparently in some way the memory freed up when you delete from the Card while it’s in the camera is not entirely free of data, so any pictures taken and stored later can have problems.

I was told I should download everything into a computer then delete individual pictures from there.

This may be the cause of your problems but I am not sure.


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I have that camera too.

Some time ago I had problems with pictures being cut off or colour changes in parts of them, the changed parts being clearly defined in a straight line across the picture. I was told by Canon that it was because I had deleted some pictures from the SD Card using the “delete” function of the camera and then taken more before downloading into my computer. Apparently in some way the memory freed up when you delete from the Card while it’s in the camera is not entirely free of data, so any pictures taken and stored later can have problems.

I was told I should download everything into a computer then delete individual pictures from there.

This may be the cause of your problems but I am not sure.


That sounds like a sw bug that Canon should fix.

Delete, should delete!! No excuses. :o

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I have the Power Shot A540 (6.1 megapixel) and I don't care for it at all. Too many settings and trying to find them through the multiple menus is tiresome. I don't like instruction booklets that are as thick as a novel either.

Many of my pictures would turn out blurry too. There is too much lag time between when you click the shutter button and when the picture is taken, even when holding the button halfway down.

I prefer Kodak. I don't like the software that comes with the cameras, but the cameras themselves are easy to use and shoot nice pictures.

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