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Sorry you are not getting more help on this.  UbonJoe is the expert in immigration issues and dont believe he has replied on your topic here yet.  


Sometimes these topics/discussions get sort of lost and don't show up in the sidebar, so people dont see them,  so you get no responses.

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On 9/22/2019 at 7:42 PM, SailingHome said:

So, can someone tell me how to stay here until the retirement visa in 1.5 years? Border rund, what?


can you make it worth her while?

have her hang around as wife for another 18 months, at which point you switch from marriage to retirement extension, and she collects her bonus.

no extension = no bonus.

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5 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

can you make it worth her while?

have her hang around as wife for another 18 months, at which point you switch from marriage to retirement extension, and she collects her bonus.

no extension = no bonus.

Agreed. Make an offer to the wife that her cooperation with getting you through to retirement will result in:

1) A monetary bonus

2) An effortless divorce

3) No complaints if she starts lining up her next victim partner before the divorce

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