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life in Thailand-still sweet?


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I've been knocked for commenting on several topics of doom and gloom, where I post positive comments about life here, on what have been initially negative posts. I have been encouraged to start a new post. so.... positive thoughts please. I have been here for 15 years, times were GREAT then, but even with exchange rates and having to think forward about travel plans re tm30, overall life is cool here, if I wasn't happy, I wouldn't complain, I would just up sticks and go back to where I came from. LIFE IS STILL SWEET in this country. I see people who complain but still want to be here, I hear people threaten to go elsewhere, not their home country though, but still remain here.
how is it for you? I love it here, and despise comments especially on forums, just airing grievances, without any weight.
pls keep it positive guys....#

You have to wonder about the whinging, they usually go off on racist tangents as well? Why in the hell are they here?? Oh wait...

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47 minutes ago, Chazar said:

Ill let  my 91 year  old compulsive moaning Mother know that despite her  good  health with no  issues  at  all.

OK so there are some folks who are only happy when they're moaning.

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I have no problem with the visa or the TM30, but only with the stupidity of people with university degrees (Thai) who cover a position in the bank and in other offices (including government offices), who are absolutely unable to do their work properly!

There are so many!

Edited by 30la
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If the TM30 could be amended/deleted/improved, immigration was consistently transparent and fair, and cancel the mandatory health insurance, plus the 800/400K for the visa.... this place would be comparable to heaven.

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9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems many people need something to complain about. Maybe the neighbors, the laws, the traffic, the food, whatever.

And when those people move to somewhere else they will still complain.

Because when they complain they basically want to say: I would be happy if this and that would be true.

But they are never happy. So if anything gets better and they could be happier they will sure find another reason why they are not happy.

I try to avoid those people.


Sure for all of us there are real challenges from time to time. We can complain, accept what can't be changed, or try to change what can be changed. It's our choice.

Maybe a little look at Buddhist teachings would help some?

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15 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

40 years in Thailand. Some ups and serious downs along the way but still happy here. Wonderful wife who is a great cook, super loyal,  and whom I dearly love. 

stop it, you're bringing tears to my eyes..............

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Lets stop  kidding ourselves how wonderful this place is. Australian dollar has lost  a third to the baht. I have friends who buy beer at the 7/7 store and sit  out the front and drink. Other friends who only go to the bar once  a week.

  Food is very much the same price but I have noticed portions have halved.Hotels are just catering for the tour Chinese  and do not really give a hoot if you like their breakfast or not.

 I come and go  as  i have a house in Australia and frankly I find it cheaper to live at home.  I have come  for some Dental treatment  and that use to be 25%  of Australian prices now about 50% cheaper.

Yes people on a pension still stay here because they cannot go back to their country which is a terrible situation to be in. Some have gone to Cambodia or Vietnam to live which is marginally better.

   Not much positive to say but that is the truth of the matter.More to the point does the Government of the day really want us Farangs living here?i think they  see more value in the Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese tour groups  coming and going . Spending money on  island tours,  duty free shopping etc.Now they big push to sell condos to these groups which create employment. 

 We all know  who is missing out  on this pie but I am sure you smart Farangs know what I mean?

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    My Thai partner and I have been here 9 years.  We landed in Thailand when he had visa problems in the US and had to leave.  The plan was to eventually get the visa problems sorted and move back to the US but it turns out we have a much better life here than we would in America.  So, here we happily stay.

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Good to see a positive post. ????. People will whine wherever they are. If it’s not TM 30s it’s the queues at the airport or the price of wine. You are in control of your life, either change it ( ie leave) or put up with it and stop spreading negativity.

Again good up beat post. 

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First came to Far East Japan 1966, then VN, then Thailand, Laos, Mayanmar, and Philippines and have lived here from that time until now appr 40 years, primarily in the Philippines 8 years and Thailand 25 years.  If I didn't like the life here I wouldn't have retired here in Thailand 15 years ago. 

I speak the language well enough to go anywhere and chat with just about Thai.  I love the food here in Thailand, love that there is no snow/ice, no really big storms (Typhoon), no really strong earthquakes, no volcano eruptions, and like hot weather as opposed to cold weather so Thailand suits me very well.


  During my life as an adult, I spent almost all my time in foreign countries and kept a log of the goods and bads of each, planning on where I would retire.  The Philippines would have been first choice as I was a avid scuba diver previously but they have all of the negatives too except no cold weather/snow. Also their food just didn't suit me that well as it seemed a combination of Spanish w/traditional Filipino.  I really like the filipino people and enjoyed golf there very much as it was really cheap. 


Thailand when I first came here 45 years ago was also very very cheap and undeveloped.  The people were great and went out of their way to welcome me wherever I went.  Traffic in Bangkok only was really bad but as there were fewer cars outside the city it was okay.  I retired in Bangkok 15 years ago, and then totally fed up with the traffic/pollution moved to Chiang Mai.  Now the traffic multiplies almost monthly with very aggressive drivers who lack driving skills and too many motorcycles running amok on the roads. 

Everything else good about Thailand still remains here in the north except for the traffic and the air pollution during the winter/spring months.  We found a great intl school (CMIS) preparing my child for US college.  Some of the previous students are currently enrolled in the best colleges in the US.  Therefore, I will remain here until my child finishes HS, then will move back to the US to help her integrate into the society there.

If I was there, I would be getting free HS but think CMIS is worth the 15KUSD a year with classrooms of 15 or less.  My child currently is studying 4 languages (all with different alphabets) and wants to begin a 5th language.  In the US this would be cost prohibitive even if I could find the teachers where we would be living.  Our lives are not into the rat race as it would be in the US although some things would be cheaper food wise except for Thai foods which would be more expensive than here. 

I still think this is a great place to raise my child.  Autos are approx 30-50 percent cheaper in the US while housing is higher.  Gasoline is cheaper than here too.  But overall, living there would be just as expensive/cheap as here depending on lifestyle.  Hope this wasn't too drawn out!


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