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Iran says it will destroy any aggressor


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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Do you really think that Iran has no cruise missles or intercontinental missles and even in the event of a 12 hour window of Iranian destruction- they will launch on the Saudi Oil fields and make them inoperable for 6 months or more; they will launch on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as well as  the US Base in Quatar- damaging scores of US aircraft.  At the same time- they will  close down the Straits of Hormuz blocking oil shipments.  A huge amount of US military will need to deploy to the Middle East and invade Iran- The cost in lives will be huge and the monetary cost will be trillions.


The Iranians will still be able to conduct terrorist raids possibly in Europe and the USA directly taking the war right to the American heartland.


The World economy will go into recession and some countries will have to be supplied by the US strategic oil stockpile which will almost deplete it.


Iran isnot Iraq- they have much more sophisticed weapons now than when they fought Iraq.  There are no American Generals pushing for an attack on Iran as they know it won't be over in 12 hours- that would just be the beginning. 


Iran does not have missiles that could reach the USA itself. No need to over do the scaremongering. They are more of an adversary than Saddam's Iraq was, but they are not built to withstand, never mind win a war with the USA.


As far as I'm aware, there isn't much talk about boots-on-the-ground or an invasion. There aren't even enough troops and means deployed for that sort of thing.


Yes, Iran could potentially do some serious damage to USA assets in the region (mainly the Gulf), disrupt oil production and supply, and pull other countries into the fray.


But when it's all said and done, the OP's headline is a hollow threat. The USA will not be "destroyed", and it is more than likely that the more Iran will lash out, the less chances it's current regime will remain in place.


Doubt anyone involved doesn't know the score.

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I'm sorry but Iran needs to be dealt with. I am sure plans are already done for quick sticks of all key targets which I am sure between Israil and the USA have them all. As for terrorism we'll we already have that and maybe ending both financial and horboring of terrorists by Iran in itself is reason. Iran should have been the target in the first place and not Iraq (a blind man should have seen that). I did not support Iraq 2 but I would 100% support Iran 1. As for the rhetoric.... Lol wasn't Sadam saying the same things even as their main airport was being taken.... Let Israel off the leash and then support her. 

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

You dont need to be an armchair general to understand the USAs military capability, you merely need to be educated about it. Care to dispute what I said instead of just tossing an ad hominem?. For example: Do you know how many cruise missles are housed in a single Boomer? How about a B52? Do you think that their radar sites are hidden? Is their C&C infrastructure hardened? Do they have redundency?


The USA would control Iranian airspace in 24 hours. Care to dispute that?





An educated guess based on content and style - probably better than yourself.

Not aware of any realistic assessment conforming with your post's timeline.

I am disputing it, and you haven't supported your post with anything but hot air.

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15 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Do you really think that Iran has no cruise missles or intercontinental missles and even in the event of a 12 hour window of Iranian destruction- they will launch on the Saudi Oil fields and make them inoperable for 6 months or more; they will launch on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as well as  the US Base in Quatar- damaging scores of US aircraft

Do you really not think that the spy boys dont know where those missles are? They will be whacked in the first wave.


And who is going to give the order to launch when at 3am, IRG headquarters turns into a smoking hole.


Im sure the Israelis can take care of themselves.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


An educated guess based on content and style - probably better than yourself.

Not aware of any realistic assessment conforming with your post's timeline.

I am disputing it, and you haven't supported your post with anything but hot air.

In other words you know nothing about US military capabilities. Right on then. Ill leave you to debate the usual suspects and not distract you.

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30 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Also, if you don't need boots on the ground, why did the US put 150,000 soldiers into Iraq

whats that got to do with the present situation?


You dont need them to accomplish the goal.

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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

Do you really not think that the spy boys dont know where those missles are? They will be whacked in the first wave.


And who is going to give the order to launch when at 3am, IRG headquarters turns into a smoking hole.


Im sure the Israelis can take care of themselves.


I don't think intel is quite as perfect as you imagine it to be. Or that execution of attacks is always flawless.


It's enough to recall a couple of recent instances which put your feisty rhetoric in doubt.


- USA drone being shot down (not a first, even).

- The current attack on Saudi installations (incoming not detected, not engaged, never mind intercepted).


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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

In other words you know nothing about US military capabilities. Right on then. Ill leave you to debate the usual suspects and not distract you.


In other words, you haven't backed up anything you've posted with fact or reference. And yet, you somehow expect others to do so.

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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Becasue they dont know how to play nice. Like NK, they disrupt the order of things.

Sorry, but nonsensical reasoning. If that were the case Israel and USA need to be dealt with, they don't know how to play nice.

Edited by stevenl
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Just now, Morch said:



- USA drone being shot down (not a first, even).

- The current attack on Saudi installations (incoming not detected, not engaged, never mind intercepted).


Somehow the Iranians shooting down a drone or the Saudis failing to detect a drone attack dont really resonate on the issue of say 6 B52s in the gulf each delivering 20 AGM-86C conventional air-launched cruise missiles (CALCM) at carefully selected targets.


Saddam never knew what hit him in the first 24 hours and we are waaaaaay more heavily armed and accurate now.


But hey, I wont get into the Navy assets or other airforce assets, lets just agree to disagree.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Sorry, but nonsensical reasoning. If that were the case Israel and USA need to be dealt with, they don't know how to play nice.

Naw we know how to place nice just fine. the USA is the most powerful nation on earth and Israel is our ally. We are both nice countries, we let the rest of you exist and only stick our noses in when there is a problem.


Oh and too anticipate: We, meaning the USA decide what the problem is. We, meaning the USA, decide what is right and what is wrong. Y'all just have to enjoy life and deal with it.

Edited by Nyezhov
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8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw we know how to place nice just fine. the USA is the most powerful nation on earth and Israel is our ally. We are both nice countries, we let the rest of you exist and only stick our noses in when there is a problem.


Oh and too anticipate: We, meaning the USA decide what the problem is. We, meaning the USA, decide what is right and what is wrong. Y'all just have to enjoy life and deal with it.

Just replace "the USA" by "Trump" in your last paragraph, and it suddenly looks much less grandiloquent.....

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14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Somehow the Iranians shooting down a drone or the Saudis failing to detect a drone attack dont really resonate on the issue of say 6 B52s in the gulf each delivering 20 AGM-86C conventional air-launched cruise missiles (CALCM) at carefully selected targets.


Saddam never knew what hit him in the first 24 hours and we are waaaaaay more heavily armed and accurate now.


But hey, I wont get into the Navy assets or other airforce assets, lets just agree to disagree.


You assume, without support, that the intel is impeccable. You assume that the Iranians are not aware of USA capabilities, unit locations and operational possibilities. You assume targets are not passively and actively defended. You assume all missiles hit their targets, and manage to destroy them. You imagine that Navy assets will not be targeted, and that, in general, Iran will simply play dead before, during and after the initial attack.


As said, Iran is not Iraq. And they had plenty of time and reason to learn from Iraq's experience.


As for discounting the two examples given - the first one would imply that intelligence might not be as full-proof as asserted. The second one goes beyond that - in implying that USA made systems operated by both the USA and SA failed to detect and engage incoming targets.

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He miscalculates that threatening Trump will make Trump back down. Quite the opposite. Trump's narcissism, instability and insecurity means that he reacts disproportionately to any and all threats.  


Together with a US policy of strategic destruction of extremist Islam and any country that harbours it, I would not be surprised to see something big happen to Iran when the time is right. 

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25 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw we know how to place nice just fine. the USA is the most powerful nation on earth and Israel is our ally. We are both nice countries, we let the rest of you exist and only stick our noses in when there is a problem.


Oh and too anticipate: We, meaning the USA decide what the problem is. We, meaning the USA, decide what is right and what is wrong. Y'all just have to enjoy life and deal with it.

Tell that to the Taliban.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:

You assume, without support, that the intel is impeccable.

OK. Here. Listen. Everyone knows that Intel is not impeccable, but when you can tell eye colour from 50 miles up, its pretty good.


3 minutes ago, Morch said:

You assume that the Iranians are not aware of USA capabilities, unit locations and operational possibilities.

The Iranians have no way of knowing where US Naval assets are outside the Gulf. They have no way of knowing where the planes are outside the limits of their Air Defense Zones. They dont have the surveillance infrastructure. They have no idea from what direction the attack will come from, nor when it will hit until the explosives go bang. 


7 minutes ago, Morch said:

You assume all missiles hit their targets, and manage to destroy them

Duh. Thats why you fire several msssiles at each target. Redundency.


8 minutes ago, Morch said:

You imagine that Navy assets will not be targeted,

Oh Im sure they will target whomever is in the Gulf, but thats not where the attack is going to come from, is it. Im sure they will be so busy diving for cover that their retaliatory efforts will be delayed. In fact, I daresay that the best they can do is use their proxies to attack civilian targets, because thats how they fight. 


But like I said, lets just agree to disagree. The Iranians are hffin and puffin and arent going to destroy anyone. They should be thanking their God everyday that they havent woken up to smoking ruins and a <deleted> off populace banging on the gates demanding freedom.


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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Don't dispute it- however, before this happens Iran will cause death and destruction all over the Middle East andblock the Straits of hormuz  The US will eventually win but at a huge coste to people and affect the  economies of the World.

Im sure all the different scenarios have been gamed out, but guess which country has the most to gain, economy wise, from the disruption of oil markets in the Middle East.


Russia. Old Vlad can play peacemaker and make some moolah.


Now which country has the most to lose economy wise....hey how about that net importer...China.


Energy Independence is a great thing. Good thing that socialism destroyed Venezuela, their oil has already been factored out.

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All this, just after we got over the North Korean nuclear holocaust!

As far as who's fault this is, we can go back to the 80's and the USA's clandestine war with the Soviets. We did such a good job of camouflaging our involvement, that the people of Afghanistan didn't even know we did it. And then, we packed our bags and moved on. Therefore, when the Soviets left, the freedom fighters, the Mujahideen, got all the credit and became heroes. It was natural for fundamentalism to take over. Soviets, Americans, British, Aussies, ... we're all the same to them.

Now, Iran is, indeed, a special kind of crazy. However, if the fundamentalists hadn't gained such backing, I doubt Iran would have gained this much strength and backing. 

For an entertaining history lesson from the Afghan / Soviet war, watch "Charlie Wilson's War".

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