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Expats' relationships: 50% say it's true love but only one in 7 gets anywhere near to daily sex!


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10 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Had coffee with an acquaintance recently. He is still shaking his head after my Love said if I wanted to go to another girl for sex it would be OK because she is not jealous and wants me to be happy! 555 Of course, she has reason to think she takes good care of me, I am older and 2-3 times a week with her is quite sufficient.

you caught a good one to,

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3 hours ago, Number 6 said:

He dumped that hag a long time ago. Prolly close to collecting social security bout now.

A bit like yourself then??

I have gone through this thread a couple of times and it takes me back to school days.

You know the old     'went out with so and so last night and got my hand inside her bra' kind of thing.

Jesus, don't people have anything else in thei lives???

Or, is it just that some ( most) expats out here are still taking themselves seriouly??

I'd bet a pound to a pinch of brown stuff  that quite a few think a clitoris is a new model from Ford.

Edited by overherebc
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Ha Ha! I was having sex multiple times a day with my wife before we married , 2 years of that, since then it has dramatically tailed off. I want her, seriously, but she says not interested. So I get it now and again, but it's a one way thing. So now I have 2 mia Noi. One because I enjoy her company and have some sex ,  the other because we have loads of fun and loads of sex.  One is younger than my wife, the other older. I leave you to guess which is which!!!


My wife says it's ok for me to pay for sex, but it's not ok to have mia noi. What should I do?????????????



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8 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

Ha Ha! I was having sex multiple times a day with my wife before we married , 2 years of that, since then it has dramatically tailed off. I want her, seriously, but she says not interested. So I get it now and again, but it's a one way thing. So now I have 2 mia Noi. One because I enjoy her company and have some sex ,  the other because we have loads of fun and loads of sex.  One is younger than my wife, the other older. I leave you to guess which is which!!!


My wife says it's ok for me to pay for sex, but it's not ok to have mia noi. What should I do?????????????



Or you could just stop making the payments on the house.

What, you paid upfront? ....... bad luck!

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Just before I got married my intended said I have to make a confession, I used to be a hooker.

I said that's ok, everyone has a past.

She replied I know, but my name was Kevin and I played for Bolton.

Old ones are the best. ????

I'll get my coat.

Edited by overherebc
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On 9/24/2019 at 4:42 PM, ThaiFelix said:

I have one better than that,  It concerns the 1st timer to Thailand who suddenly realises he truly is a "hansum man" and explains he was so good last night that the girl didnt want to charge him or thought she should pay him for his services!! 


Such attacks on my intelligence really makes me see red!!

Agreed we have alll met one of those <deleted> ! When these bozos look in the mirror in Thailand they see a completely image to what they see in Australia ! 

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On 9/25/2019 at 9:21 PM, overherebc said:

A bit like yourself then??

I have gone through this thread a couple of times and it takes me back to school days.

You know the old     'went out with so and so last night and got my hand inside her bra' kind of thing.

Jesus, don't people have anything else in thei lives???

Or, is it just that some ( most) expats out here are still taking themselves seriouly??

I'd bet a pound to a pinch of brown stuff  that quite a few think a clitoris is a new model from Ford.

Well said love it ! Spot on !

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On 9/25/2019 at 4:05 PM, brokenbone said:

the only one i had sex with daily had to alternate holes

since she was just too sore the next day,

so no, i dont believe its possible for woman to have sex daily, they havnt really healed up until 3 days later ime, cept maybe if they do it with small asians

Another goose who needs 3 hands !

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Maybe I'm just being dumb.


But for most normal folks, when you both work, to be honest sex every day is the last thing on your mind when you get home everyday.

The reality is that most people their weekday consists of; come home, eat dinner, talk about their day, watch some TV and go to bed


Now maybe for the mongers who move from barstool to the local whorehouse every night, thats the expectation.


But that's not the norm, and not normal, so as if often with these things on TVF, it's total garbage

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