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Moment of truth coming for Brexit with time running out, EU and Britain say


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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:


Those bullets were metaphorical.... I think you know that.

I can't be a judge of that, but I think so, the only ones having till now been, hmm, from the side, bringing in a menace of violence, were some extreme brexiteers, whether plain deluded, or working for the foreign agit-prop behind 'leave', actually, it seems the lobotomised extreme-right nitwit who caused the first death, RIP this brave humanist, in this sad brexit saga, could well have been manipulated by his sort's congenital enemy: Russia... The twists and turns, oh my!

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Here's the plan folks.......



the coalition (don't care who it is Ken Clarke would look good) takes control of Parliament- rams through legislation for 16 years old to vote (as they do in Scotland) and also allow EU residents in the Uk to vote in national elections / referenda THEN we call the election at a time of our choosing - mass campaign for voter registration - just like the 100 million the Tories spaffed up the wall with Get Ready for Brexit. Brexit Party savages Tories and the Remain Coalition is over the line. Even Cummings would respect such machiavellian tactics. You just gotta love Gina Miller I would die in a ditch for her ......



By any means necessary. 

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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2 hours ago, Jip99 said:



I would spray your bullets wider across the whole parliament.


Johnson is an easy target but, in reality, Theresa May has done far more damage

ThaiVisa, are your moderators' nostrils plugged, they don't recognise the smell of gun powder? This is not the first time in recent days brexit extremists come up here with, more, or less, veiled threats of violence. But when you are more concerned with a double dot above a vowel, or none, in a country's name (still expecting a clear answer from you about that one...), oh well, 'the Nation' is safe...

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21 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Of interest to this board?


No Robin Tilbrook is a fascist consorting nut job  wrapping himself in the Union Flag. Some lowly apparatchik will draft a template response.  As he cuts and pastes furiously from do not pass upward pile. Or as we used to say Treat Official. 


Or I would favour 


Dear Mr Nutjob 


the minister has asked me to thank you for your correspondence dated 15th April. The comments have been duly noted.


yours sincerely 


Couldn't Care Less lowly paid civil srevant

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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22 minutes ago, bangrak said:


I sent a scenario in using these characters and a terrifying clown without a make-up called Nigel, was told it was too scary for the young audience it was aimed at, pfff...

 One has to agree , bonkers has the straw hair style , to convince the village folk , vote brexit..

   Nigel , Nigel, where is he now , i worry him.  Ties for sale on Ebay , collectors items ...


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1 minute ago, elliss said:

 One has to agree , bonkers has the straw hair style , to convince the village folk , vote brexit..

   Nigel , Nigel, where is he now , i worry him.  Ties for sale on Ebay , collectors items ...


Na-ah, don't minimise or ridicule the 'enemy', as deep-black it can be, you might provide it with the means for a, twisted, undeserved, come-back, you rather go on squashing it with the evidence of its betrayal until it vanishes or at least doesn't move anymore.

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But, still, as per today, both the UK and the EU seem to have 'cold feet' about calling out, ...or at least have a deep-going, public, investigation about, the manipulations, 'possibly' with the, then criminal, intervention of a foreign State, in the leave campaign leading to the 2016 referendum, and into the Ukip and N-Irish party's financing and functioning.

The evidence is there, ready, available! Would the fear of possible popular manipulation towards creating political violence on the streets be strong enough to bury the truth(!) about the whole abuse under the silence of the cowards?

Why have the British authorities decided to brush the whole thing under the carpet, when and if not...?

When this would have been a Russian destabilising 'operation' indeed (which well informed sources consider much worse than the 'Russian gate' surrounding Trump's election), then it would surely need to be properly documented, investigated and prosecuted, to the bitter end, was it only with the hope to avoid it to repeat itself! 

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7 hours ago, Loiner said:


They all rejected May’s Deal, from both sides of the house and rightly so. Three times.

It wasn’t a deal, the Merkel/May Surrender Treaty was outright capitulation nicknamed BRINO. It certainly wasn’t the deal that anybody spoke about before the referendum, which was a trade deal that they won’t even discuss yet. The divorce deal that will not be agreed was only a Remainer and EU invention, after they lost the referendum.


It was the best deal we've seen to date, and it was agreed between the EU and the UK government.  It was built on honest hard working negotiation, not pompous bluster.


I had hoped that that Brexit would only bring us one step closer to war with our neighbours, but instead it seems we will also be on the brink of dissolution of the United Kingdom, rejection of the rule of law and government, and the removal of the monarchy.


Good job, Boris.  But he hasn't even delivered Brexit yet.


Good job, Boris!

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what i understand , the majority of britons voted to leave the eu, but what boris wants is  to leave the eu at any cost, meaning even without a deal, and this  would be a coup d'état, kind of, because nobody gave him a no-deal brexit mandate!

Edited by Pique Dard
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17 hours ago, soalbundy said:

you sound like an expat in Thailand, the country will go broke without us retirees. The Uk is a net contributor but a lot of money also flowed back, Cornwall and Wales will miss the EU money as will Scotland and some parts of Northern England.

No. Not a lot flows back and the use of the little that does come back is dictated by the EU.

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5 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

It was the best deal we've seen to date, and it was agreed between the EU and the UK government.  It was built on honest hard working negotiation, not pompous bluster.


I had hoped that that Brexit would only bring us one step closer to war with our neighbours, but instead it seems we will also be on the brink of dissolution of the United Kingdom, rejection of the rule of law and government, and the removal of the monarchy.


Good job, Boris.  But he hasn't even delivered Brexit yet.


Good job, Boris!

May dispatching O(i)lly Robbins to undermine her brexit secretary & subsequently rewarding him with a knighthood?

Yeah, Right :blink:

Edited by evadgib
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13 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

No Robin Tilbrook is a fascist consorting nut job  wrapping himself in the Union Flag. Some lowly apparatchik will draft a template response.  As he cuts and pastes furiously from do not pass upward pile. Or as we used to say Treat Official. 


Or I would favour 


Dear Mr Nutjob 


the minister has asked me to thank you for your correspondence dated 15th April. The comments have been duly noted.


yours sincerely 


Couldn't Care Less lowly paid civil srevant

Tilbrook is nothing more than an English eccentric & the flag is that of St George.


The author of the letter is a businessman, BP MEP and former owner of a EPL football team.


You seriously need to up your game while trolling.


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4 hours ago, vogie said:

After three and a half years both parliaments has had enough time to work out a deal, the reason the UK has not come up with a deal that actually equates to leaving is because our parliament has lied and they don't want to leave. The only half in half out deal was Mrs Mays surrender document, the reason the remainers didn't like it was because it meant coming out a little and the reason the the leavers didn't like it is because it Brexit in name only.

The no deal mandate is the default option of not reaching an agreement, and most of the electorate in the country are so sick of all the shenanigans that parliament have and still are conducting themselves, they just want out, a no deal doesn't bother most people, it is another red herring that remainers have invented to try and put the hounds off the scent.

Summed up by the Mogg in this old QT clip:


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20 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:


Britain as an offshore tax haven, a low wage, low tax, regulation free, workers rights free, NHS free,  paradise for spivs, Tories and others. The ordinary working man will end up like the guest workers in Doha or Abu Dhabi. It is beyond belief that many of them voted on the basis of sovereignty, taking back control, and Immigration. Ironically Boris's plans will make them feel like immigrants in what they call "Their own country".


What is it all about - money of course - the hedge fund managers are shorting sterling all the time, Boris's little gift to them. These are the people who will be in control, not ordinary folk. We was gubbed!

Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 20.43.27.png

You are very naughty getting that thing out of the cupboard again....ball.gif.e94bbaabd94abce4a1e37872783cfc84.gif

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16 hours ago, evadgib said:

Of interest to this board?


 A Brexit Party MEP arguing that the EU should overturn our Parliament's decision to request, and be granted, an extension to Article 50!


I thought their argument was about taking our sovereignty back from Brussels? Only when it suits them, it appears.

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1 hour ago, transam said:
21 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:


Britain as an offshore tax haven, a low wage, low tax, regulation free, workers rights free, NHS free,  paradise for spivs, Tories and others. The ordinary working man will end up like the guest workers in Doha or Abu Dhabi. It is beyond belief that many of them voted on the basis of sovereignty, taking back control, and Immigration. Ironically Boris's plans will make them feel like immigrants in what they call "Their own country".


What is it all about - money of course - the hedge fund managers are shorting sterling all the time, Boris's little gift to them. These are the people who will be in control, not ordinary folk. We was gubbed!

Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 20.43.27.png

You are very naughty getting that thing out of the cupboard again...

 Indeed, it's the last thing Johnson, Rees-Mogg and their mates want us, the people, to know about!


FYI, the EU anti tax avoidance package is real.


Is this the real reason why Farage and Rees-Mogg want a speedy Brexit?


The EU's forthcoming anti-tax avoidance rules could be a big boost for our public services but, as Chevan Ilangaratne and Dami Olatuyi explain, they will be binned if Farage and Rees-Mogg get their way.



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18 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 A Brexit Party MEP arguing that the EU should overturn our Parliament's decision to request, and be granted, an extension to Article 50!


I thought their argument was about taking our sovereignty back from Brussels? Only when it suits them, it appears.


Isn't their true objective the full Bobby Ewing?

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5 minutes ago, evadgib said:
23 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 A Brexit Party MEP arguing that the EU should overturn our Parliament's decision to request, and be granted, an extension to Article 50!


I thought their argument was about taking our sovereignty back from Brussels? Only when it suits them, it appears.


Isn't their true objective the full Bobby Ewing?

Edited 1 minute ago by evadgib


Dodging the issue, which is a Brexit Party MEP hypocritically arguing that the EU should overrule the UK Parliament! 


As we all know, if your hero and his mates hadn't put their personal ambitions above country we would have left last March and there would have been no need to ask for an extension.

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